♡ Listen to Pierre Boulez – Répons ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
General -
Payment gateway WP -
List of online payment service providers WP - Cryptocurrency WP -
List of cryptocurrencies (33 listed - as of 11 July 2017 over 900 and growing - Ethereum Zcash Bitcoin etc.) - WP
What is Cryptocurrency: Everything You Need To Know [Ultimate Guide] - An in-depth guide by BlockGeeks
Blockchain - IBM Think Academy: Blockchain, How it works - YT
Blockchain at Berkeley - YT -
Blockchain Fundamentals DeCal - YT
The Block Chain - The Basics - YT -
19 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt - YT
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies Online Course based on the Princeton course - YT -
Sign up now for the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies online course by ARVIND NARAYANAN
Andreas Antonopoulos - The Death of Money - YT
Everything You Should Know About The CryptoCurrency – Part 1 - techgrapple.com
Vitalik Buterin - The Cryptoeconomic way - BlockchainLabs.NZ - YT
Vitalik Buterin Prediction Nov ,2017 🚀Blockchains and Privacy through Strong Cryptography - YT
Your Ultimate Payment Gateway Comparison Guide - huffingtonpost.com
The Best Online Credit Card Payment Processing Services for Your Business - BY MATTHEW GUAY - zapier.com
How bitcoin will disrupt Hollywood | Michael Terpin | TEDxHollywood - YT
Listen to ♥ Billie Holiday: Lady In Satin, Complete Album 1958 HQ (+bonus tracks) ♥ ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
and Billie Holiday - The Best Of (By Classic Mood Experience) - Jazz Music ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Bitcoin - (BTC - open source, Bitcoin Core routed through Tor) - bitcoin.org - website created 2009 by "Satoshi Nakamoto" -
weusecoins.com -
Bitcoin - The Movie (How Bitcoin.DE works) - YT
How the NSA identified Satoshi Nakamoto - medium.com
How I built a bitcoin empire | Marco Streng | TEDxTrinityCollegeDublin ♡♡♡ - YT
Mein erster Bitcoin - bitcoinblog.de
How many Bitcoins are currently in circulation? - quora.com
Bitcoin Transactions Vs. Credit Card Transactions - investopedia.com
How Much Cheaper are Bitcoin Fees than Credit Card Fees? - investopedia.com
History of bitcoin WP - 1/09 $0 for 1 BTC (bitcoin) - 5/2010 $0.01 = 10,000 BTC for two pizzas in Jacksonville, Florida - 2/11 $1 equal to 1 BTC - 7/11 $31 - 4/13 $266 - 11/13 $1,242 - 3/17 $1,129 - 5/17 $3,200 - 8/17 $4,600 - 9/17 $5,000 - 11/17 $6,637
Ethereum (ETH) - ethereum.org -
WP -
TW 333K
Vitalik Buterin - about.me -
Vitalik Buterin explains Ethereum - YT -
When New Tech and Dated Policies Collide a Conversation with Vitalik Buterin - YT -
What is Casper? - cryptotraders.eu -
What is Ethereum? A Simple Explanation Anyone Can Understand - 6:30 Bitcoin based on C++, Ethereum on JS and Solidity, one of four languages (the others being Serpent, LLL and Mutan (deprecated)) designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) - YT -
DEVCON1: Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol - Vitalik Buterin - YT -
Devcon2: Ethereum in 25 Minutes - YT
Vitalik Buterin - TW 219K
Vitalik Buterin - The Boy Genius Behind Ethereum - YT
Vitalik Buterin Interview - The Story of Ethereum - YT
Ethereum? Where to start - GitHub -
White Paper - GitHub
Welcome to the Ethereum Wiki
How to Install the Ethereum Wallet - YT
Ethereum Vs Bitcoin: What’s The Main Difference? - huffingtonpost.com
Ethereum vs Zcash which one is more profitable to mine?
ethereum or zcash for long term?
Ethereum mining rigs setup on Linux for the layman
Solidity - Solidity language of Ethereum - WP
Building a Blockchain in Under 15 Minutes - Programmer explains - YT
Ethereum Price Chart Euro (ETH/EUR)
Ethereum Charts
Ethereum or Zcash for long term? - bitcointalk.org
Ripple XRP - ripple.com -
WP -
TW 717K
Bitcoin Cash BCH - bitcoincash.org -
WP - Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a direct result of a Bitcoin fork that occurred on August 1, 2017. It is an alternative version of Bitcoin that makes use of new features and rules, and has a different development roadmap. -
TW? 87K
Cardano ADA - cardanohub.org -
WP -
TW 92K
Cardano - Simply Explained -
cardanoroadmap.com - 5
Stellar (Lumen) XLM - stellar.org - created by Jed McCaleb (creator of eDonkey), Joyce Kim and Moxie Marlinspike ( moxie.org - "In general, I hope to contribute to a world where we value skills and relationships over careers and money, where we know better than to trust cops or politicians, and where we're passionate about building and creating things in a self-motivated and self-directed way."), creator of Signal app -
Stellar (payment network) - WP - first a Ripple fork, then new consensus algorithm based on entirely new code - TW 178K
Litecoin LTC - litecoin.com -
WP -
TW 365K
eos.io - TW 91K -
Where to Buy EOS Coin? - steemit.com
What is EOS cryptocurrency? - quora.com
- NEO -
bitcoinwiki.org - China -
TW 249K
NEO vs GAS? -
What is the “Gas” in Ethereum? - cryptocompare.com
Bitcoin $19,000! Luc buys CryptoKitties? - about Bitcoin rising and Neo - quickfinges luc - YT -
cryptokitties.co - 16:00 like Pokemon
NEO Founder: Bitcoin May Be A Bubble, But So What? - con.com
nem.io - Can be used for nearly everything -
TW 166K -
WP - proof-of-importance (POI) - The NEM blockchain software is used in a commercial blockchain called Mijin - 10
Iota IOT - iota.org -
WP - buy only at Bitfinex -
TW 96K
Where to buy IOTA? - forum.iota.org
Why IoT matters more than digital currency for humans - Nov 2017 - reddit.com
Dash DASH - dash.com -
WP -
TW - 258K
Monero XMR - getmonero.org -
WP -
TW 244K
Tronix TRX - tron.network -
WP -
TW 218K
VeChain VEN 15
Bitcoin Gold BTG - bitcoingold.org -
List of Bitcoin forks - WP -
TW 62K
ICON ICX - icon.foundation -
wiki -
TW 47K
Qtum QTUM - qtum.org -
WP -
TW 124K
bitcoinwiki.org - Qtum combining the technologies of Bitcoin and Ethereum
The Qtum Project Creates a Mixture of Bitcoin and Ethereum - bitcoin.com
Ethereum Classic ETC - ethereumclassic.github.io -
WP - The Ethereum platform has been forked into two versions: "Ethereum Classic" (ETC) and "Ethereum" (ETH). Prior to the fork, the token had been called Ethereum. After the fork, the new tokens kept the name Ethereum (ETH), and the old tokens were renamed Ethereum Classic (ETC). -
TW 161K
Lisk LSK - lisk.io - TW 188K - 20
Nano NANO - nano.org - former RaiBlocks
Populous PPT
OmiseGo OMG TW 212K
Steem - steem.io - Steemit WP -
Steem Price Chart US Dollar (STEEM/USD) - coingecko.com -
steemit.com/@terasof -
Steem – die Kryptowährung, die nicht durch Mining, sondern durch Content entsteht - bitcoinblog.de
Steem (STEEM) STEEM/EUR MARKET CAPITALIZATION €194,262,692.35 - €0.80 - coingecko.com
>>> Go to Luc ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ - 25
Zcash (ZEC - spell: zee-cash - Zcash Company, PO Box 140751, Edgewater, CO 80214 - Team - 1 ZEC = € 246.79 cryptocompare.com) - z.cash -
zcashcommunity.com -
WP - like Bitcoin, Zcash has a fixed total supply of 21 million units -
TW 59K -
(Zooko on TW 81K)
How to Buy Zcash Worldwide with Bitcoin, Paypal, Credit Card etc - 9 September 2017 - coinscage.com
Edward Snowden: Zcash Is 'Most Interesting Bitcoin Alternative' -
Why ZCash Will Overtake Bitcoin!!!!! - YT
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn: ZCash - YT -
ZCash + Ethereum = ❤ - YT
Zero Knowledge Proofs - YT
Stratis STRAT - stratisplatform.com - TW 122K
Bytecoin BCN
Binance Coin BNB
BitShares BTS - bitshares.org - TW 67K - 30
Siacoin SC - sia.tech - TW 88K
Verge XVG - vergecurrency.com - TW 240K
0x ZRX - 0xproject.com - TW 80K - 33
Ardor ARDR - ardorplatform.org - TW 61K - 35
Walton WTC - waltonchain.org - TW 38K
Augur REP - augur.net - TW 99K
Maker MKR - makerdao.com - TW 4K
Waves WAVES - wavesplatform.com - TW 96K
Dogecoin DOGE - dogecoin.com - TW 201K - 40
Veritaseum VERI - veritaseum.com - TW 22K
Hshare HSR - h.cash -
What is Hshare & Hcash? Complete Beginners’ Guide - coincentral.com
KuCoin Shares KCS - kucoin.com - TW 122K
Komodo KMD - komodoplatform.com - TW 78K
Electroneum ETN - electroneum.com - TW 92K - 45
NXT - 83 ... (2017-12-19) -
nxtplatform.org -
TW 80K -
WP - uses proof-of-stake to reach consensus for transactions — as such there is a static money supply and, unlike bitcoin, no mining
Vertcoin VTC - vertcoin.org -
What is Vertcoin - YT
Conference With Vertcoin (VTC) Lead Developer! - YT
Vertcoin (VTC): A Better Bitcoin? The Next Litecoin? - Cryptocurrency Review - YT
Vertcoin - Undervalued - Atomic Swaps about to give it a leap
Vertcoin Price Chart US Dollar (VTC/USD)
What is an Atomic Swap? - Lightning Network - WP - lightning.community - 116 ...
LBRY Credits LBC - 177 (2018-3-5) -
lbry.io -
TW 32K -
YT 1.3K -
WP - A Tel Aviv based company, developing blockchain-enabled Attention Economy solutions, that allow direct monetization of original content, posted anywhere on the net, altering the future of content publishing and distribution
Synereo AMP - 183? ... (2018-3-3) -
synereo.com -
TW 24K -
YT 1.3K -
WP - A Tel Aviv based company, developing blockchain-enabled Attention Economy solutions, that allow direct monetization of original content, posted anywhere on the net, altering the future of content publishing and distribution
Dashcoin DSH - dashcoin.info - Minergate
Difference between Dashcoin and Dash - minergate.com
Eurocoin - eurocoin-euc.com - buy it at Cryptopia -
What is Eurocoin?
Eurocoin Charts - coinmarketcap.com - 227 ... - about 1.200 (3.000) new coins, growing :-)
ArtByte ABY - changed name from AppleByte - artbyte.me - Minergate
TW 13.7K
ArtByte - the cryptocurrency for the arts! - bitcointalk.org
Bitconnect BCC - bitconnect.co -
Wallets -
Using Jaxx Wallet - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash and More - YT
Bitpie - bitpie.com - Bitpie wallet
Zcash Wallet by JAXX First Graphical Interface Wallet MOBILE/DESKTOP - YT
Warning! Stop Using The Jaxx Wallet Now! Your Coins Can Be Stolen! - YT
For more go > Wallets
Mining - genesis-mining.com -
TW 26.9K
ZCash Wallet for Mining? - reddit.com - Zcash4mac/win
Noob Question - What is the best ZCASH wallet for mining?
For more information go > Mining
Guide to Cryptocurrency Wallets: Opening a Bitcoin Wallet - masterthecrypto.com
Jaxx - Jaxx -
TW 28.8K -
Jaxx Wallet cryptocompare.com
More coming soon :-)
Listen to Shostakovich: Symphony No. 11, 'The Year 1905' (Proms 2013) 37:07 mysterious phrase 1:00:29 second mysterious phrase quoting symphony no. 10 ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Watch Victor Borge act 1 - Victor Borge act 2 - Victor Borge, Then & Now... ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
In General
Cryptocurrency exchange - WP
Comparison_of_exchanges - bitcoin.it
What is the best cryptocurrency trading platform? - quora.com
Cryptocurrency Exchanges / Markets List - cryptocoincharts.info
24 Hour Volume Rankings (Exchange) - coinmarketcap.com - 1. Bitfinex China $ 6.49 billion/24h - 2. GDAX (Coinbase) US $ 3.82 billion - 3. Bithumb Korea $ 3.64 billion - 4. Bittrex US $ 3.49 billion - 5. Binance China $ 3.07 billion - 6. Poloniex US 2.28 billion - 7. Bitstamp Luxembourg $ 1.85 billion - 8. OKEx $ 1.65 billion - 9. Huobi $ 1.21 billion - 10. Kraken US $ 996 million - 11. HitBTC UK $ 906 million - ... 13. Gemini US $ 763 million - ... 19. CEX.IO UK 229 million (launch of Dash and Zcash) - ... 37. Cryptopia $ 66 million (lets you sell anything, to anyone, anywhere in the world in exchange for cryptocurrency) - ... 95. Bitstamp (Ripple Gateway) 6 million - ... 109. C-CEX 2 million - ... 130. Stellar Decentralized Exchange $ 360.180 million - ... 168. NIX-E $ 27 - ... :-) $$$
Bitcoin.de Germany - bitcoin.de - TW 4K
Bitfinex China Hong Kong - bitfinex.com - #1 24h Volume ... BTC = $689 million -
WP - Tether is an unregulated cryptocurrency pegged to the US dollar. Tether is closely associated with Bitfinex. - In March 2017, British Virgin Islands-based Bitfinex confirmed the exchange’s plans to relocate its business to Zug, Switzerland. -
TW 301K
Telephone Scam Warning December 13, 2017
Beginning 18 April 2017 BitFinex stopped accepting FIAT deposits, and even though the exchange interface still shows USD trading pairs, they are actually USDT trading pairs.[30] The exchange stopped accepting US customers as of 11 August 2017. - Last sentence > WP
New account registrations are currently suspended due to DDoS attacks. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please come back and try again later.
Bitfinex is disconnecting from Coinigy from time to time :-( -
Bitfinix trading Issue through Coinigy Platform - coinigy.freshdesk.com
Bitfinex Reopens Registrations - January 12, 2018 - bitfinex.com
Earn your stake in Ethfinex with the Nectar Token - February 13, 2018 - bitfinex.com - ethfinex.com - TW 21K -
NEC Nectar Token
Kraken US San Francisco, California - kraken.com - #2 24h Volume ... BTC = $321 million -
WP - the world's largest bitcoin exchange in euro volume and liquidity - Since February 2017, Kraken has been offering reduced levels of support and later, degraded website and API performance - Throughout 2017, the Kraken exchange has suffered from DDoS attacks and performance issues, to the point where the site has become mostly unusable.[citation needed] Trading volumes have declined as a result.[citation needed] In November 2017, Kraken CEO Jesse Powell apologized for the site issues, but praised its security, citing its impeccable record. -
TW 531K
CEO Jesse Powell - jesse.forthewin.com -
TW 6K -
YT -
Kraken Challenge - Jesse Powell 4. Oct 2016 - YT
Kraken API Tutorial - connect to Coinigy - YT
Balance Update Failed
API General Usage - kraken.com
Kraken balances have failed to update.
EAPI:Invalid signature
Kraken: EAPI:Invalid nonce on KrakenAccountDemo Example - create new API at Settings > API - worked :-) - github.com
I can't log into my account! - karken.com -
Master Key
Kraken's support is not what it should be - we still can't access it completely :-(
Tue 2018-1-16 Leipzig 2:05 Could enter finally again without 2FA - hmmm - I had enabled it ... - set again 2FA (OTP - One-Time Password) - TOTP or HOTP - WHICH ONE IS BETTER?
The main difference between HOTP and TOTP is that the HOTP passwords can be valid for an unknown amount of time, while the TOTP passwords keep on changing and are only valid for a short window in time. Because of this difference generally speaking the TOTP is considered as a more secure One-Time Password solution. - SHA1 SHA2=SHA256 SHA512 - Secure Hashing Algotithm - chosen SHA1
How do I set up two-factor authentication? - support.kraken.com - If you are using TOTP with the Google Authenticator app please choose SHA1 as the OTP Algorithm.
What is the "master key" shown on the two-factor authentication page? support.kraken.com
GDAX Coinbase US San Francisco, California - gdax.com - #3 24h Volume ... BTC = $273 million -
WP -
TW 103K
Visa and Fidor Bank per SEPA accepted :-) Make a small SEPA deposit to activate account connection - wait for approval 1-2 days - API connected :-) Balances updated :-) Tue 2017-12-26 Leipzig 16:55 - 0.015 BTC deposit 17:09 - viewed received 17:16 0.015 BTC = 201.26 € on coinbase.com - Shows: Have to transfer to gdax.com? - for 0.015 it shows: insufficient amount?? Now it shows 0.015 BTC pending at gdax.com :-) But it shows it 2 times! :-( 19:32 showing in Coinigy 0.015 BTC :-)) ♡ 20:08 all 3 orders executed: sell 0.00029546 BTC for 4 €, buy 0.06993 ETH for BTC, buy 0.0658 LTC for
Coinone Korea - coinone.co.kr - #4 24h Volume ... BTC = $239 million - TW 11K
Bitstamp Luxembourg - #5 24h Volume ... BTC = $177 million - USD EUR - BTC ETH XRP LTC - bitstamp.net -
WP - In April 2016, the Luxembourgish government granted a license to Bitstamp to be fully regulated in the EU as a payment institution, allowing it to do business in all 28 EU member states.
In January 2015, Bitstamp suspended its service after a hack during which less than 19,000 bitcoins were stolen, reopening nearly a week later. -
bnktothefuture.com -
TW 254K
Like Kraken and HitBTC - not fully accessible :-(
HitBTC unknown location - hitbtc.com - #6 24h Volume ... BTC = $171 million -
TW 122K -
HitBTC API Tutorial - YT
Same as with Kraken - bad support - can't access it completely :-(
Bithumb Korea Seoul - bithumb.com - #7 24h Volume ... BTC = $155 million - TW 14K
Quoine Singapore - quoine.com - #8 24h Volume ... BTC = $132 million -
TW 12K
Quoine Exchange Sued Over Multimillion-Dollar Bitcoin Trade Reversal - coindesk.com
Bittrex US Seattle, Washington, King County - bittrex.com - #9 24h Volume ... BTC = $115 million -
TW 673K
Bittrex vs. Poloniex: Which Exchange is Better? - steemit.com
Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies – Legit Profitable Investment Tips?
The Cryptocurrency Trading Bible hackernoon.com -
Cryptocurrency Transaction Fees Spike As Dash Remains Cheap
Our #1 at the time :-))
bitFlyer Japan Tokyo - bitflyer.jp - Europe - #10 24h Volume ... BTC = $89 million - TW 78K
Gemini US - #11 24h Volume ... BTC = $88 million - The selected country (Germany) is currently outside our area of operation. -
WP -
TW 47K
Winklevoss twins - WP
As the Winklevoss Twins Hit a Billion, Bitcoin's Weaknesses Become Even More Evident - forbes.com
The Winklevoss Twins Eat, Sleep, and Breathe Bitcoin - YT
BTC-e / WEX Russia? - wex.nz - btc-e.com - #12 24h Volume ... BTC = $65 million - WP - TW 8K
Poloniex US - poloniex.com - #13 24h Volume ... BTC = $45 million -
Poloniex Exchange - everipedia.org -
TW 147K -
How to Start trading on Poloniex with 5 $ - YT
Poloniex Trading Tutorial - How To Get Started And Make Your First Trade - YT
Coinigy wouldn't show Poloniex' balances - 0.001 BTC seemed to be too little - now it is showing 0.009 after deposing :-)
MUST READ : New exchanges are coming! - reddit.com
Circle - POLONIEX JOINS CIRCLE - February 26, 2018 - poloniex.com -
Circle Acquires Poloniex - February 26, 2018 - blog.circle.com - circle.com - Send money like a text. No fees. No borders. No one else is doing this. 👏 - TW 28K - Tips on Getting Started with Circle - Download our app! - Circle Pay for iOS or Android - support.circle.com
Binance - binance.com - #14 24h Volume ... BTC = $40 million -
TW 509K
What is Binance Coin (BNB)? - From Zero to World’s Biggest Crypto Exchange in Just 6 Months - coincentral.com
Binance Trading: An Update on What Happened + Moving Forward - 14.3.2018 - suddenly and without notice Binance disabled whitelist - blog.coinigy.com
itBit US New York - itbit.com US New York - #15 24h Volume ... BTC = $34 million - TW 7K
Livecoin Central America Belize - livecoin.net - #16 24h Volume ... BTC = $26 million - TW 15K
Korbit Korea - korbit.co.kr - #17 24h Volume ... BTC = $22 million - TW 2K
Liqui Ukraine - liqui.io - #18 24h Volume 10,678 BTC = 37 million -
TW 20K
Very easy accessible at the moment :-)
EXMO UK Polegate, East Sussex - exmo.com - #19 24h Volume ... BTC = $17 million - TW 78K
EXX China Hong Kong - exx.com - #20 24h Volume ... BTC = $16 million - TW 0.3K
CEX.IO UK - cex.io - #21 24h Volume ... BTC = $36 million -
WP -
TW 22K
Register account - deposit CryptoCapital > verify - Corporate account for IDL eG - activate API key - connect to Coinigy
CEX.IO Bitcoin & Crypto Exchange Is Added to Coinigy - once you have activated your API key, you will not be able to see the secret key
API Setup guide - cex.io
Problems with API key - reddit.com - Coinigy warning: Balance Update Failed - CEX.IO balances have failed to update. API key is not activated - Don't forget to check email and confirm API activation
How do I add a CEX.io exchange account? - cryptfolio.com
CEX.IO Bitcoin & Crypto Exchange Is Added to Coinigy - blog.cex.io
CEX.IO information - CEX.IO Volume chart in BTC and USD - Trading pairs on CEX.IO
Bitcoin Trading - cex.io
Vaultoro UK Wales, Cardiff - vaultoro.com - #22 24h Volume ... BTC = $15 million - TW 6K
... #23-#24 see below
Cryptopia New Zealand - cryptopia.co.nz -
#25 24h Volume ... BTC = $16 million -
TW 149K -
Took a long time to get help from the support - but now everything seems to be fine :-)
Cryptopia review – December 2017 - finder.com
... #26-#70 see below
Coinigy US - coinigy.com - Coinigy is an API controlling platform to work with all other exchanges on one platform ♡♡♡ - It is not an exchange on it's own, but highly recommended by traders :-) -
bitcoinwiki.org -
TW 8.8K -
Coinigy – Best Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Insights? - bitcoinexchangeguide.com
Beginner's Guide to Coinigy's Layout - coinigy.com
The Best Tool for Cryptocurrency Traders - YT
How To Use The Best Cryptocurrency Trading Platform - YT
Is there an alternative to Coinigy? - reddit.com - cryptwat.ch or cryptrader.com -
Coinigy.com - Trading on Coinigy (Tutorial) - YT
Supported Bitcoin Exchanges - coinigy.com - Charting Balances Trading: Bitfinex Bitstamp Bittrex C-Cex CEX.IO Cryptopia GDAX Kraken Liqui Poloniex Vaultoro VBTC - and others without Trading or Balances
JP at (CCI) Teaches Short Trading/Stop loss/Stop Limit (Cryptocurrency) - YT
Highly recommended ♡♡♡ :-)))
Apps & Plugins - Seamless integration with all of your favorite software - coinigy.com
The State of Cryptocurrency Exchanges (and How It Affects Coinigy) - blog.coinigy.com
Coinbase GDAX - coinbase.com - #3 24h Volume ... BTC = $... million - not available for Germany ... ? See also GDAX above - same company
#23 Tidex - #24 LocalBitcoins - #26 YoBit - #27 Bitcoin Indonesia - #28 Gate.io - #29 LakeBTC - ... - #31 Kucoin - #32 BTC Markets - ... - #40 OKCoin - #41 ACX - ... - #59 C-Cex 24h Volume ... BTC = $344 ... #69 Bisq - #70 Stocks Exchange - 24h Volume 0 BTC = $0 (last entry at cryptocoincharts.info - last update 2018-4-5 Leipzig 23:54)
eToro - etoro.com -
WP -
YT 20K -
TW 74.2K
What Is Ethereum? Here’s What You Should Know Before Trading Ether
CryptoTraders - A NEW eToro™ Breed - YT
Copay - copay.io - installed on Mac
Zcash on Bitpie - z.cash
CryptoFund - cryptofund.org
Blockchain - blockchain.info
Börse für Anfänger - Erfolgreicher Handel mit Kryptowährungen ♡♡♡ - YT
bestchange.com ♡♡♡
Coming soon :-)
Listen to Peter Kruder, Richard Dorfmeister, Tosca & Peace Orchestra Downtempo mix (FULL ALBUM) ♡♡♡
Digital currency exchange WP
Buy Ethereum (ETH, Ether) - also Bitcoin Litecoin Bitcoin_Cash NEM Zcash Dash - exadex.org
How you can trade Ethereum and win on every trade!!! Wow EOS rocketing 178% today - Quickfingers Luc 2 July 2017 - YT
Wie und wo man Bitcoins & alle Kryptowährungen kaufen kann - Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung 💶 - YT
1. bestbitcoinexchange.io Anbieter wählen
2. Entscheidung bitcoin.de - Anmeldung - Ziel: € in BTC tauschen, auf Jaxx überweisen um es in Ethereum/Ether umzutauschen
3. Fidor Bank Konto anlegen ( TW 8K), damit die Transaktionen von und auf bitcoin.de innerhalb von Sekunden möglich sind :-)) - Dazu ist der Express-Handel durch bitcoin.de und Fidor Bank zu nutzen: Fidor Connect einrichten und somit bitcoin.de direkt mit Fidor Bank verbinden zum Express-Handel - Hierzu noch Höhe und Dauer der Reservierung bei der Fidor Bank angeben; falls zu wenig Geld auf dem Konto wird es gleich abgelehnt - Zur größten Sicherheit Google Authenticator installieren: auf smartphone App download, auf bitcoin.de einrichten - TW 7.8K - in bitcoin.de eintragen - oder anderes Bankkonto nutzen
Fidor Bank Störungen der letzten 24 Stunden - 12.12.2017
4. Auf bitcoin.de das Fidor Konto eintragen und bestätigen
5. Auf Fidor ... € überweisen
6. Auf bitcoin.de Bitcoin kaufen - am besten mit Express-Handel: purchase bitcoins on bitcoin.de via the function "buy now" - Tipp: zur Kontrolle zeigt Jaxx nach Eingabe von Bitcoin die entsprechenden Euro an und umgekehrt
7. Bitcoin von bitcoin.de auf Jaxx überweisen -
Bitcoins von bitcoin.de in Client/Wallet übertragen? - Auf bitcoin.de Bitcoin Address von Jaxx eintragen, z.B.: 1P7i9nznfrkaP4uEssqx1BFPKxyPFiSnr3 - abschicken - fertig :-)
8. Mit Jaxx durch ShapeShift Bitcoin BTC in Ethereum/Ether ETH etc. umtauschen - having happy times with cryptocurrencies ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ - trade, donate, buy, sell ...
How to move Bitcoin from Coinbase to a wallet
Buy Ethereum (ETH, Ether)
How to Buy Ethereum / Ether Classic
ETH/EUR - fx-rate.net
What are transaction fees, and what fees does Jaxx apply?
Erfahrungen mit Bitcoin-Marktplatz bitcoin.de und Alternativen
Einfache und sichere Möglichkeit Bitcoins in Deutschland zu kaufen? - Alternativen zu bitcoin.de
Erste Bitcoins auf Feronibas bitcoin.de und Überweisung von bitcoin.de auf Jaxx 😍💰
Thu 2017-10-12 Leipzig 17:05 Uhr von FO Jaxx an AN Jaxx 0,001 BTC = derzeit 4,40 € (changed to 4,42 € photo time :-) - Mining Fee: 0,00030962 BTC = derzeit 1,37 € - FO sent 17:08:50 - AN received 0,001 BTC 17:09:30 🦋💎👌
Bitcoin transaction fees are crazy high right now - Here's what you can do about it - 28 Aug 2017
Fri 2017-10-13 Leipzig 1:33 FO Jaxx 0,11528980 ZEC = 22,28 €, Mining Fee -0,00030962 BTC = 1,43 € - 0,06906965 ETH = 17,77 €, Mining Fee -0,00030962 BTC = 1,43 € - 0.00407114 BTC = 18,56 €
2017-10-23 Leipzig 22:52 - 0.0316369 BTC €158.98 at bitcoin.de
2017-10-24 Leipzig 1:18 - 0.001 BTC to Poloniex ♡ - recieved 1:21 (US time 2017-10-23 23:21)
Tue 2017-11-7 0.06451613 incl. fee - 0.064 €6,348.15 BTC/EUR €409.56 Express trade JaWa K78T8M 11:42 AM Leipzig --- 12:06 PM 0.064 BTC - fee 0.00051609 BTC Anne 100€ ♡ + Verena 300€ ♡ > Bittrex 0.104 BTC
Be aware of Scamcoins - also called scammed coins or shit coins - coins that are 100% pieces of shit that don't do anything and never will - don't buy!
Guide on Identifying Scam Coins
- By Aziz Zainuddin, Founder of Master the Crypto -
LinkedIn -
Complete guide to cryptocurrency analysis - free PDF by masterthecrypto.com
The 5 Worst Bitcoin Scams - digitaltrends.com
How to Deposit and withdraw funds from Bittrex - YT -
How To Transfer Bitcoin to Your Bittrex Account - YT
Bittrex --> Coinigy? Do I need Bittrex in order to use Coinigy?
• bittrex.com > Wallets --- press "+" for adding Bitcoin - press "New address" - copy address (looks like 13GvHrsKLfuwPVBvbJW7hJPyd42xHfLR2b) - paste address into your wallet etc. (bitcoin.de)
• bitcoin.de > Deposits/Disbursements (Ein/Auszahlung) > Disbursement (Auszahlung) - Amount (Betrag): 0.04 BTC - Receiving address (Empfängeradresse) ... (13GvHrsKLfuwPVBvbJW7hJPyd42xHfLR2b) - Network fee (Netzwerk-Gebühr) ... (0,00053617 BTC for example) will be shown automatically - Current password ... - One-Time-Password (OTC = Google Authenticator 6 digits) - Comment (will not be transferred)
• Press "Request disbursement" (Überweisung anfordern) - The processing of disbursements usually takes place within a few minutes, in exceptional cases within a few hours. Therefore, the online wallet of Bitcoin.de is not suitable for time-critical transfers. For payment processes in the Internet, please rather use an online wallet or your own Bitcoin wallet on your PC or smartphone. - Mindestmenge einer Auszahlung (BTC) 0.0049 BTC
• In about 15 minutes it should show under "PENDING DEPOSIT" your sent amount (0.04 BTC)
Sent 2017-11-4 Leipzig 0:18 - Bittrex received - Coinigy added Bittrex Account and showed 0.04 BTC at 0:54 ♡♡♡
What platform to trade on? Coinigy! - steemit.com
Webinar Wednesday - Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis Using Coinigy.com - Coinigy Bitcoin - YT
Coinigy Best Cryptocurrency Trading Platform!!! (Review) - YT
Coinigy review / first look ! And guess who is back? - YT
How to buy and sell CryptoCurrencies using Coinigy - YT
How to add Bittrex to Coinigy:
How do I find my API key on Bittrex.com?
bittrex.com > SETTINGS > left side: Two-Factor Authentication - enable it
Enter Authentication Code 6 digits
Now it shows Key and Sectet :-)
Copy paste to Coinigy ♡
coinigy.com > ACCOUNTS
Coinigy.com - Connecting Your Poloniex Account (Tutorial) - YT - Disable 2 Factor Authentication -
coinmarketcap.com - 1256
Cryptocurrencies' market cap hits record $200 billion as bitcoin soars - top 25 firms on the S&P 500 .SPX stock index
Cryptocurrency Are A Bubble: What's Next?
Would you like to join the QuickFingersTraders Slack Channel? Here is the invite - steemit.com - watch Quickfingers Luc's posts from July 2017
Trading Steps QuickFingers Luc Summary
Compare - Here's a comparison of bitcoin and all of the world's money - businessinsider.de
List of countries by GDP (nominal) WP
Watch the market prices of cryptocurrencies at ShapeShift ♡♡♡
How bitcoin, Ethereum, and the other major cryptocurrencies compare to one another - businessinsider.de
CryptoCompare - cryptocompare.com
Patreon - create your account with your name at the ending: patreon.com/Terasof - enter your bank account for > Payment Methods and > Payout Preferences - fill in > Settings - Name email etc. -
Square - squareup.com - WP - TW 92.1K - YT
PayPal TW 483K
• Open PayPal account - enter Bank card connection and test it - have your email address as account name and your passwort
• > Tools > Request Money - Request someone per mail or phone number for money, enter the amount, write a comment
• Create your PayPal.Me Link on that page by pressing "Grab Your Link" > on the next page press "Create your PayPal.Me link" - enter your desired name paypal.me/... - our link is paypal.me/Terasof - press "Grab This Link" - Send your link with the desired amount added at the end: PayPal.Me/Terasof/25 means please send me € 25 (or your entered currency)
CoinLoan - CoinLoan - Loans Secured by CryptoAssets - YT
Example how to donate in cryptocurrencies - coingecko.com
Fidor Bank
IDL eG - Feroniba Ramin Hassani
IBAN: DE17700222000074089895
IDL eG - Feroniba Ramin Hassani
Listen to Shostakovich: Symphony No. 10 / Dudamel · Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Bill Evans - Portrait in Jazz (1960 Album) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Making a Living Day Trading Cryptocurrency - chainoperator.com 10:00 1% profit per day, more managable, short and make profit, more money in the long run: $ 1.000 investment: 1000 x 1.01 365 = $ 37,783.43 in one year - 1000 x 1.01 365 x 2 = $ 1,427,587.90 after two years - 11:45 time needed: between 1-2 hours every day - while learning investing much more time, but now just flip through some charts, set some alerts and walk away from the computer - strategy in following videos in entire course at John Omar on YouTube - course.chainoperator.com - YT
My Biggest Crypto Trading Week Ever! - John Omar - TW 1.2 - YT
Please stick to 1hr charts if your new to trading cryptos Quickfingers Luc 2017-7-13 - YT
Recent Trades, BTC wheres the bottom??? 2017-12-23 - Quickfingers Luc - CryptoBaseScanner app - YT
Do you really understand probabilities? Knowing your Probabilities is your golden ticket to trading. quickfingersluc steemit.com
What's my 3 step process to sucessful trades? - Quickfinges Luc - My trades are winners over 90% - I don't want anything from you 0:40 don't trade with other peoples money if they ask you for it - List of questions prepared for thies video at
steemit.com - 3:30 Coinigy bid/buy/bottom/green or sell/ask/top/red - 5:00 percentages or probability - 6:30 different charts, regular and unprdictable - 6:45 can lose money on investing, not on trading if you don't mess up - Ethereum is very safe - 7:15 red days happen rarely - read the volume if it drops too deep - lost $ 920 because judge decided that shares are worthless, causes panic that doesn't bounce 10:45 last year 3 red days, year before maybe a dozen days - 11:20 3 steps:
1. Look for an argument - a lot of people disagreeing on a price - many will sell at a point and many buy
2. (12:55) Read story of chart - looking for probabilities of success - takes Luc about 30 seconds to read it - then you can trade that chart for months making money every day or every 2 or 3 days - 14:00 list of pairs with a lot of volume
3. (14:30) Set alerts - alert tab tipe in - 15:30 Ethereum b#probably one of the best charts to be buying - because strong, lots of people involved, volume - 16:00 Dao hacked - apps running out of Ethereum fail, people hate therefore Ethereum or Dao etc., but at the same time there are supporters, this is a great base for an argument - this is gonna be a chart that you can't lose money on that - 16:00 different time settings to read it better, hour, 15 minutes etc. 17:15 resistance at the top 17:30 support at the bottom of chart - little and big arguments - big ones are the safest, but can play with small ones too - got to be quick, move within 1 hour or 2 - 18:00 surprise crack - about 50% panic, but price bounces back to retest the support, because sellers will run out of stuff to sell, buyers step in, no sellers left - watch volume - example Kraken ETH/XBT (= ETH/BTC), April-September - (24:00 buing saws for 30x less) - see breakouts and win - high or low probability - switch to 1 hour or 15 min chart - 26:00 every panic rebounces to the previous base or support, because you found a chart with a really good audience arguing - 26:15 ...
27:00 Ethereum make money all day long - ... 31:00 Read story of the chart - ETH drops always pay -
- YT
Where do I take profits when investing? -
Quickfingers Luc - 9:45 out of investments - 30% off from existing investment - YT
What is The Best Trading Strategy To Earn A Living
The World's Trusted Currency Authority - xe.com
Bill Evans & Shelly Manne - Empathy (1962 Album) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ - 23:45 ♡
1 • 24/7 GR (group) with TS (Terasof) and FO (Feroniba) - only possibility to go effectively on boosting BTC coins like BURST ETC DASH ZEC etc.
2 æ
Level 2 in connection with level 1 can double the assets
• Recommendation: We use Coinigy to combine all exchanges in only one platform and to store a history all trades, deposits and withdrawals at one place :-) And much more >
• Give up guessing and hoping, emotions of fear or ecstasy - and learn some strategies - you will gain only about 20% or less with guessing, or may even lose some money, but you will gain over 70% or even over 100% with the right strategies :-)
• Buy when the course is down - at the bottom line - sell when it is up - at the top line
• When we invest in falling coins always our volume will decrease - don't be afraid to have much less value for a while, it will increase again when the value bounces back and you sell at the right moment :-)
• Set alerts to always know when you have to take care of your coins - to buy or to sell them in the right moment - when you start your session first read all the probably missed alerts, or if the alert window closed again - in Coinigy > Alert History - All Markets - 5
• Learn drawing your lines - see the curves like sinus curves going up and down in regular intervals
• Study the big curves and also all the small curves inside - learn to invest in both curves
• Place your orders at the current Bid spot or Ask spot if you want to sell it immediately or if you don't want to miss the deal - or try to bid and ask - cancel the order if you can't sell or buy your desired currencies and try another bid or sell level, higher or lower
• Keep always enough currency to buy or sell the pair at the peaks in the particular exchange - write the amounts down which you will need then, or study your Order History, see how much you bought and sell for the equivalent amount - top and bottom - to withdraw coins from an other exchange may cost too much in comparison to the profit you gain with small coins of that pair
• Sometimes, when you run out of the needed currency to trade, you may sell one currency only for that purpose - don't make it a habit, you will lose too much - 10
• If you have gained bigger amounts of coins, think about keeping them safe on a hardware wallet - trezor.io or other -
Which is the Best Bitcoin Wallet? The Ultimate Guide - buybitcoinworldwide.com
• Most of all currencies can only be traded with BTC, ETH, or USDT, sometimes also with BCH, ETC or DASH and some more - so we will mostly have to exchange with these and will have after a while greater amounts of them
• Always think in coins and how to trade them to always get more coins - never think in $, £ or € etc. and how to increase them
• If you see the course increasing but you have sold out, buy it and sell at the peak - if you see it at the bottom and still falling decide to sell or to wait using all tools - if the tools show that it will probably increase soon buy more - if not think about selling and losing less than waiting too long and losing more
• Always keep enough BTC ETH USDT for each pair to sell again - study the history of each pair and remember how much you have invested - from time to time you may increase your amount slowly - 15
• Devide your coins into different levels - best to trade - medium - worst - short period - long period
• If you are a beginner you may do better only short time trades - not long time - because you have to keep your coins for a long time on your exchange and you can't trade with them immediately, or you lose coins if you sell them under price
• The ideal would be if we could trade and circulate between all currencies always making a profit - but this is not always possible - sometimes we run out of currency because we decide to invest more in a rising currency etc. - in that case we should aways calculate which trade would help to get the desired currency we ran out of making the smallest loss
• Always check BTC/ETH BTC/USDT ETH/USDT and some more leading currencies like BCH XRP LTC DASH etc. first before trading all others
• If you buy offer a better price than the current bid price - so that you can be the top offer for that moment - if you don't you may lose the moment and you may have to pay more than you wanted - so better bid more and get what you want immediately, instead of probably getting no deal - cancel the order if the bid price rises and top it - again and again, till you succeed now :-) Instead of waiting, hoping, and probably not getting the good trading price of the moment - 20
• If you sell out a coin, keep a small amount, like 0.01 of that coin etc. - so that the coin remains listed in your exchange, and that you remember it again and again reading your balances
• Sell your coin if you think it will fall and not bounce back, after analyzing with all your tools - you will have a small loss - and if you think it rises again, buy again
• If you got USDT always buy some of your cheep currencies at the moment - they rise and fall, but USDT doesn't - it always stays at 1 $ per coin
• There are always long time and short time lines at the same time - decide when to keep an amount in a long time line to sell it with more profit ater a longer period
• Coinigy will not always list your orders, especially if you cancel them (on Bittrex) but they are already executed but not yet registered as such in Coinigy - watch your exchange, there it is listed - 25
• If you get confused sometimes what to do, take a rest, do something else - and then come back :-)
• Have one main exchange you prefer most and execute all your trades there - I use Poloniex at the moment, before that I used Bittrex - reasons: Coinigy sometimes doesn't list cancelled orders on Bittrex, no night mode, forces to login via mail and asks for pic identification, auto logout too fast - have other exchanges for special coins you can't buy at your favorite exchange or for trading EUR USD GBP etc. and transfer to your fiat bank account - and you may keep some amount of BTC and ETH on each exchange to be able to immediately make a trade - and don't forget always to trade ETC/BTC - and always set your alerts ♡♡♡ :-)
• Always visualize the following: BTC is the center of all cryptocurrencies (CPs) - Ethereum is rising and will probably take over the place of BTC - keep your assets in the rising one of ETH/BTC or exchange it into the other - my personal opinion: This pair does it all - you don't need all the others :-)) Think about that - it is very safe, look at the charts - and extremely profitalbe - and you can enter whenever you want and start trading - or leave again - and it doesn't matter in which currency you put your money overy night :-) It always bounces back - the balance between ETH/BTC seems to last forever :-))) After you got comfortable trading ETH/BTC try the next gigant - XRP :-)) etc. - from top to bottom according to their market capitalization
• Crypto trading is like racing, surfing etc. - fun ♡♡♡ :-)) Permanently setting alerts - watching the RSI (Relative Strength Index) and Moving Averages - getting more and more relaxed to invest 0.09 BTC (= 100 €) and so on :-)
• Learn to trade with USDT as if it is USD, EUR, GBP etc., and get the feeling and realization that trading all coins is exactly the same thing :-) Buy a small amount and sell it again making profit, just to learn it - after trading with USDT always change the USDT again into a cheap coin - because USD will always remain $ 1, but all ather coins are mainly growing :-) - 30
• If there is no market and the price is rising or falling ... you can't do anything - nobody buys or sells :-(( Try another exchange :-) People may sleep already at your exchange etc., who knows
• If you buy and can't sell at a higher point, buy the same amount at a lower level and gain the lost percentages again - in this way you lost nothing - and don't wait until the market reaches fotunately your older buy-spot again :-)
• Learn stop limit from High Altitude Investing - What is a stop limit order and why do people use them? - YT
• The chart moves up and down like a sine curve - learn to distinguish between the smallest curve per minute and the bigger curve which integrates the smaller curve - there are moments these curves interchange, one turns into the other - if the smaller doesn't make sense anymore move on with the bigger curve and the other way around
• After you learned to trade ETH/BTC learn slower charts - ... - 35
• Before being extremely successful and effective we have to go through different stages and moods, learn tolerance and patience etc., discipline and structured planned action
• Always draw and watch your lines - visualize all future possibilites and react upon tendencies if you recognize them - prepare yourself for action - CP trading is a battle 🏇 take up your arms ⚔ 🛡
• The most important discipline to do the least work and gain the safest daily profit: Trade only 1 day candles - watch up to 1 hour candles or even 1 minute to decide when the direction changes and buy or sell - check moving averages (traffic light)
• Always focus on BTC or ETH etc. Value and how to increase it - not USD EUR GBP YEN CNY etc.
• Visualize the exact mathematical percentages for your trades and fees - Poloniex takes 0.25% (sometimes 0.15) per trade, so sell and buy will take 0.5%, means if we trade above 1% buy and sell we gain 0.5% profit, this is fine - so don't trade under 1% rise
• If I become rich I won't become an egoist - I will always remain an idealist and philantropist
• I will never fall into gambling with cryptocurrencies
• Try only to invest all your assets into ETH/BTC by trading, buy and sell - only if there is less than 1% rise, wait or trade with another currency for a while
• Be able to lose and gain again 10-20% or even more - you always get it back - every day - or latest the day after :-)
• Always take all assets back into USDT over night or whenever you can't be aware if the tendency is falling - if it is growing all the time you may invest - be careful
• Keeping USDT means growing BTC if BTC is falling :-)
• The focus must be always io increase BTC and USDT simultaneously aswell
• The best adjustment is 5 minutes per candle - also try 3, 1, 10 etc. - 1 minute or 3 minutes often tempts to trade to early and lose - 10 minutes may be to gross (rough ...)
• The more profit we gain, the more tolerance is possible
• If we invest all assets, we must tolerate loss and try again and again :-)) Keep yourself in a good mood - don't allow anger and sorrow or depression
• Trade ETH/BTC if both are rising - Trade USDT/BTC (or USDT/ETH) if both are falling
• Love CP ♡♡♡
• If you had a good rising or falling curve you may better sell or buy at a good turning point from while to while, even if you have to enter again and lose some small percentages :-) Because otherwise you may lose much more if you miss a quick rise or fall :-( This is a very personal opinion - not a formula
• The curve is not bouncing back - you get paralyzed, panic-fueled, depressed, angry, furious, sad ... - what to do? Breathe, smile, tolerate, lean back for a moment, think of uplifting (edifying) things, listen to your favorite music, take a cup of tea ... - switch between minute view and hour, 2 hours, 6, 12 or 24 hours etc. - check the moving averages (traffic light) - let the big picture sink in - mainly try to decide loooking at the 12 or 24 hour view and their moving averages - and then concentrate and decide, think of all your strategies and experiences, use all your tools, learn each time how to improve
• Always try to tolerate 1-5% or more - but there is unfortunately no clear formula at this point :-(( Check your gains and losses of the last trades at this point from time to time and decide for yourself what fits your character or tolerance
• Be aware of your exact fees for each trade
• Small rising curves may be traded - falling cuves better not
• Don't decide switching between the main day rise or fall less than the 1 h view - not 30m, 15, 10, 5, 3, 1
• If you can't really decide, compare your situation with similar situations in former curves
• Deciding if the big day curve is mainly rising or falling is very intense - after that it is easy :-) For a while - and if there is no time to watch it may become dangerous
• Always love trading ♡ Never hate, offend, injure, damage or destroy others or your computer, the exchange etc. for your mistakes - be kind with others or things which fail - your profit is soooo huge that you can forgive everyone and everything ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
• If you can't take care of the curves because you go to bed etc. I would recommend to keep only USDT - that is safe -to which level your curves may rise or fall - later you enter again and make your percentages - that is fine :-) Otherwise you may have lost your assets - but in this way you only don't make profit :-) You sleep - your assets sleep, too :-))
• Always increase BTC - buy a rising currency as a pair of currency/BTC and sell it for BTC when it falls etc. - try always to find and buy the fastest rising in your exchange or you may even change the exchange if the coin is missing there - if BTC/USDT falls and there is no other rising currency against BTC sell BTC/USDT and search for the first rising currency - only buy again the rising BTC if it is the fastest rising again - if not buy always the fastest rising as a Pair with currency/BTC
• Rise or fall with the best curves which give the best percentages
• Always keep BTC if you are practicing level 3-1 - only by the coin which rises the BTC most in the shortest time and with the lowest risk - you may rise also any coin - look for high volume of traders and capital :-)
• Try a new coin investing a small amount - if it works out for you invest more and more - in the end you may put all your assets on this coin :-) Move forward step by step
• Divide yourself into 2 personalities - one who likes to bid, the other not - one who likes to sell, the other not - one who is parsimonious, one who is not - becomes furious/not - nervous/not - convinced/not - eager/not - concentrated/not - ... - and make both talk with each other - force them to become friends, whatever happens, they must solve it remaining best friends
• If a fast rise or fall, feel the same - if you are on the right or wrong side, also feel the same - switch as soon as possible to the right side - if your difference is small be fast, if not be faster :-) - bid higher, ask lower -
• How about haveing some BTC on your account - how is it to go to sleep - if you have even more BTC
• What differenciates trading from gambling: probability - knowing the coins - knowing the market
Listen to Bill Evans & Shelly Manne - Empathy (1962 Album) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
1 • 1d - or 12h - 6h - 4h - 3h - you may use any currency or switch between them - only check 24/7 if the big curve rises or falls - set alerts or have someone to inform you at the right moment - be prepared to swich several times in a short time interval until the main direction is clearly defined - and be prepared that it still may change again and again during the day, what it normally doesn't do more than one or two times per day - when deciding where to change direction, as quick as possible switch from 1m to 15m, 30, 1h - Safest for beginners, may gain up to 10% or more per day - doubles per week
2 •
• Traffic light - Coinigy open 3x Moving Average Exponential: Format Inputs 6 42 108 - Style green yellow red - line max. bold
• Draw 2 lines, one for all top peaks and one for all bottom peaks - approximately - combine the more main peaks you can at their exact position
• Show RSI and compare it with your lines - understand that the higher and lower movements of your curve are not what it seems to be and are to be understood as finally coming down to the RSI
• Save pairs with all lines and RSI etc. on Coinigy
• Learn how to react on the panic - mainly first tolerate it and control your omotions etc. :-) More coming soon here - an exact description how to react :-)
More coming soon :-)
Key Hidden Levels - tradingview.com
• Run out of currency
• Coinigy not showing buy and sell arrows
• ...
Listen to Bill Evans - Portrait in Jazz (1960 Album) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Signal App an Cryptocurrencies IDL 2017-12-19 Leipzig 8:26 - History:
• 2017-10-12 mit 300 € angefangen - langsam Schritt für Schritt
• Paar Tage später sind es schon 400 € - Anne gibt 100 €, Verena 300 €, damit es schneller voran geht und sie am Profit zu 50% teilhaben - Summe also jetzt 800 € incl. Profit
• Anne kriegt 150 € zurück (100 + 25 investiert + Profit 25 €) - Verena übernimmt Annes 100 € (also jetzt 400 $ Gesamt von Verena - mit Feroniba zusammen 700 € investiert)
• Wegen einem Überweisungs-Fehler bei bitcoin.de fehlt etwas Geld - Verena gibt nochmal 100 € zur Korrektur - die bleiben dann auch drin
• Feroniba hat meistens mit Studium, Leuten und Pehthesilea Schichten und Gästen zu tun, also kaum Zeit zum Traden (Handeln Währung gegen Währung)
• 2017-12-7 Coinigy 1 zeigt alle Exchanges (mit wenigen Ausnahmen) zusammen an: 1.382 €
• Verena investiert nochmal 1.000 € - Investitions-Summe alle zusammen total 1.800 €
• 2017-12-7 Coinigy 2 1382 €
• 2017-12-8 Coinigy 3 1430 €
• 2017-12-8 Coinigy 4 1.360 € - da ein neues Exchange eröffnet wurde und das Geld darauf noch nicht angezeigt wird
• 2017-12-8 Coinigy 5 1.411 €
• 2017-12-12 Coinigy 6 1.423 € - weitere neue Exchanges werden wieder noch nicht angezeigt
• 2017-12-12 Coinigy 7 2.891 € - Verenas letzte 1.000 € sind nun nach paar Tagen endlich angekommen und in Bitcoin umgewandelt hier dabei :-)
• 2017-12-13 Coinigy 8 2.723 € - wieder Konten nicht alle drauf
• 2017-12-13 Coinigy 9 2.798 € - wieder Konten nicht alle drauf
• 2017-12-14 Coinigy 9.1 2.834 € - erste echte Dollar und Euro sind drauf! :-)) Lässt sich ab jetzt immer sofort alles umwechseln :-)))
• 2017-12-15 Coinigy 10 2.798 € - Wieder Konten nicht alle angezeigt
• 2017-12-16 Coinigy 11 2.966 €
• 2017-12-18 Coinigy 12 3.115 €
• 2017-12-18 Coinigy 12.1 3.176 € - .1 bedeutet im Schlaf verdient , über Nacht also :-)
• 2017-12-19 Coinigy 13 3.344 € - jetzt kommt Feroniba langsam auch mal dazu in Ruhe am Stück zu traden (handeln) - es fehlen immer noch Angaben von einigen Exchanges hier :-()) Good night :-)
• Die folgenden Tage waren mehr zum Strategie lernen, für Besorgungen und Gäste - aber immer auch Trading wann mal etwas Luft war ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
• 2017-12-21 Coinigy 14 3.455 € - ab hier wird die Strategie geändert: Es wird ausschließlich auf BTC-Werte-Erhöhung geachtet und garnicht mehr auf €-Werte :-) ♡♡♡ Das heißt die €-Werte fallen zugunsten der BTC-Werte die sich aber am Ende immer mehr auszahlen! :-)
• 2017-12-30 Coinigy 15 0.23561 BTC = 2.727 € - 0.0023561 BTC sind dann 1%, wir rechnen täglich mit 2% Steigerung, also mit 0.0047222 BTC Zuwachs für diesen Tag - das soll also der nächste Tag zusätzlich im Durchschnitt bringen, also 0.23561 € + 0.0047222 = 0.2403322 - das sollte morgen stimmen, hmm, schaun wir mal - es wurden außerdem bereits 350 € (- schon 50 € mehr als Feronibas 300 € Einsatz -) entnommen, und mehrere 100€ wurden von einem Exchange zum anderen gesendet, so dass alle flexibler und gleichmäßig traden können, wie wenn man nicht nur einen, sondern gleich mehrere Blumentöpfe oder Kinder zu versorgen hat etc. :-) - daher unter anderem die Senkung der €-Summe, aber auch durch gezielte Investitionen in neue Coins und vor allem in die neuen Strategien: Wenige Münzem zu gestiegenem Wert werden getradet gegen mehrere Münzen zu gefallenem Wert - der Gesamt-Wert fällt erstmal weiter, und es fehlen nun auch scheinbar stets von den schneller an Wert ansteigenden Coins - ... - dafür steigen die gefallenen Coins aber in Kürze an Wert, jeweils ca. in nur paar Tagen, während die gestiegenen wieder fallen - immer schön regelmäßig wie eine Sinus-Kurve - oder wie das Treten der Pedale eines Fahrrads - die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung bringt dazu noch das Traden von vorher max. 20% Steigerung/Monat Steigerung auf nun 70 bis 100% Steigerung/Monat und mehr!!! :-))) Wooowww!!! ♡♡♡ $ € £ ♡♡♡
Hier hilft besonders die Vorstellung von 1 Coin gegen 4: Man nimmt eine zu doppeltem Wert angestiegene Coin und tauscht sie gegen eine zur Hälfte gefallenen Coin - und erhält somit 4 statt einer Coin - das führt dann nach 35 Tagen bei nur 2% Steigerung pro Tag zur Verdopplung! (Rechenbeispiel demnächst hier: 100 € x 2% x 2% ... (35 Schritte, also x 2%35 wenn ich mich nicht verrechnet hab :-) = 199.99 € !!! Wooowww!!! ♡♡♡ € ♡♡♡
• Coinigy 15.1 von 17:20 bringt über Nacht die Steigerung auf 0.23700828 BTC - Coinigy 15.2 ebenso ohne Traden um 23:30 die Steigerung zu 0.2392791 BTC
• 2017-12-31 Coinigy 15.3 zeigt um 13:52 schließlich nach wenigen Trades dann 0.24247748 BTC - das wären dann für morgen zur Probe 2: 1% hiervon sind 0.0024247748 BTC (einfach immer nur das Komma um 2 Stellen nach rechts verschieben, fertig :-), also dazu addiert wären dann für morgen insgesamt freche 0.2449022548 BTC zu erwarten - es würden aber auch weniger reichen wenn wir auf den bereits schon erwirtschafteten Mehrwert zu den erwarteten 2% ganz oder zum Teil verzichten würden - nun von gestern hier die Probe 1: 2% Steigerung von gesternt wären 0.2403322 BTC gewesen - Juhuu! Es hat geklappt, wir sind um 0.0021426 BTC drüber! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!! ♡♡♡
• 2018-1-1 Coinigy 16 0.25303614 BTC = 2,937 € - und nun hier die Probe 2 von gestern: erwartet wurden, wenn wir frech sind, 0.2449022548 BTC - Jaaa!!! Wir sind wieder drüber: um 0.0081338852 BTC :-)) Wenn wir wollen oder es mal brauchen können wir den Überschuss ja immer mal zum Ausgleich benutzen falls mal ein Tag ausfällt oder nicht so gut läuft :-)
Bitte ab jetzt immer mental und emotional darauf achten: Es geht gar nie mehr um spontane und tägliche €-Steigerung, sondern um Coin-Anzahl-Steigerung! - und die stellt sich besser umgerechnet für alle Coins in BTC dar :-) Und diese wiederum dreht sich ständig mit allen Coins im Kreis - die einen werden langsam wieder mehr wert, während die anderen langsam immer weniger wert werden, und dann immer wieder anders herum, ständig, Tag für Tag, und Jahr für Jahr - im Kreis :-) Der Kreis ist das Symbol der Vollendung oder das Symbol für Gott - wer immer daran glaubt :-) Ich schon, gemeinsam mit Sokrates, Platon, Aristoteles, Georg Cantor, J.S. Bach, Shakespeare, Goethe, Edison etc. etc. etc. ♡♡♡
Bereits entnommen sind: zu ca. 100 € BTC, ETH und Zcash auf Feronibas Jaxx als Test :-)
50 € + 75 € = 125 € Rückzahlung für Leihgaben und für das gestohlene Handy an AN in Crypto-Währungen auf ihr Bittrex Exchange :-) (Die zusätzlich ausgezahlten 150 € -- 100 € + 25 € Profit + weitere 25 €) von vorher wurde ja von Verena übernommen, sind also in den Crypto-Währungen-Konten geblieben)
Kraken deposits: 0.013 BTC (0.009 + 0.004 BTC) - estimated 170 €
Binance deposits: 0.048 ETH - estimated 28.34 €
CEX.IO deposits: 0.58 ETH - estimated 34.24 €
Cryptopia deposits: 9808.86926316 EUC - 0.00000002 BTC - total estimated value 0.00990698 BTC = about 129.59 €
bitcoin.de deposits: 0.00108351 BTC - 0.0316369 BTG - total 23.26 €
• Tue 2018-1-2 Leipzig 11:45 LR Coinigy and Quickfingers Luc What's my 3 step process to sucessful trades? - YT
• Mon 2018-1-8 Leipzig 0:40 CEX.IO verified ♡♡♡ Mail from 2018-1-7 15:00
• 23:08 300 € in BTC an Christof - nach coingecko.com 2018-1-7 1:00 14,154.67 EUR/BTC --- 300 : 14,154.67 = 0.021194418520531 BTC = 300 € --- + 0.001 BTC fee for Bittrex = 0.022194418520531 BTC deposit to Cryptopia - Bittrex kürzt auf 0.02119441 BTC --- 0:19 Deposit arrived: 0.02119441 BTC ♡
• Wed 2018-1-10 Leipzig 21:44 - sent 21:54 2. Zahlung an Christof 0.007646078326426 BTC = 100 € - 1 BTC = 13,078.60 € nach dem Vortags-Durchschnitt (2018-1-9)
• Sun 2018-1-14 Leipzig 10:56 - Coinigy 0.26773047 BTC = 3,006 € - Jaxx 0.11528980 ZEC = 64.68 € - 0.06906965 ETH = 76.21 € - 0.00276378 BTC = 31.11 € - good night \-)
• Mon/Tue 2018-1-15/16 Leipzig 4:00 Kraken verified ♡♡♡ First trades done :-)
• Tue 2018-1-17 Leipzig 1:11 Poloniex 0.1393 BTC - 0.0980 ETH = 0.1393 BTC - all other exchanges 0.0159 BTC - ... ETH = 0.0623 BTC - all remaining other currencies = about 0.016 BTC - total all exchanges all currencies
• Sat 2018-1-20 Leipzig 17:41 Poloniex 1,966.12 USD / 0.15560900 BTC - Coinigy Estimated Value: 0.23627829 BTC / 2,989.02109503 USD / 2,457.25869161 EUR
• Sun 2018-1-28 Leipzig 16:19 Coinigy - Withdraw all exchanges to Poloniex, Estimated Value: 2,094.26 USD / 0.18377867 BTC - Bittrex 0.00107656 BTC / 12.48 USD (fee 0.001 BTC) - Liqui $ 0.01 / 0.0000 BTC (fee 0.002 BTC) - Kraken XBT: ฿0.00458; need 0.005 for withdrawal - CEX.IO 0.00000001 BTC 0.00010000 ETH (fee 0.001 BTC)
• Thu 2018-2-1 Leipzig 9:10 Coinigy 0.2568721 BTC - 2,079.93975028 EUR - Poloniex $1,971.96 USD = 0.19505431 BTC - HitBTC 0.05625761 BTC = 0.498 ETH
• Mon 2018-2-5 Leipzig 17:04 VE 1.000 € - Coinigy Estimated Value: 0.42434454 BTC ♡♡♡ 0:41 Coinigy 0.45524598 BTC / 2,498.84581836 EUR - Poloniex $2,661.92 USD / 0.38722368 BTC
• Fri 2018-2-9 Leipzig 0:08 Coinigy 0.34122442 BTC - 2,284.95510917 EUR
• Sat 20182-10 Leipzig 17:30 Germán Bicudo 300 € for Poloniex in USDT = 367.36 USDT or $ today - Homework: verify GDAX Coinbase - verify CEX.IO - Liqui and Cryptopia - 17:30 Poloniex wants to come back in 1h - didn't happen, Poloniex was not verified - continued 2018-2-14 - 379.39 EUR = 466.51 USD = 1 ZEC from the average from yesterday (2018-2-13) - makes 0.78916155 ZEC = 300 EUR = 373.66 USD today - lent to Germán 2018-2-14 12:13 withdraw from FO Poloniex to Germán Poloniex deposit 12:25, will pay it back from CP TD or cash until 2018-3-20 or with gardening lessons or serices for IDL Productions
• Sun 2018-2-11 Leipzig 21:21 Kraken deposit 3.60152 ZEC = 1.332 EUR ♡♡♡ deposit back to Poloniex - Coinigy 0.25104736 BTC / 2,083.12799774 USD
• Mon 2018-2-12 Leipzig 15:42 Start rising for 100% in 4-7 days with ZEC - Coinigy 0.2403193 BTC = 2,069.21815577 USD = 1,692 EUR ♡♡♡
• Tue 2018-2-13 Leipzig 15:30 300 EUR back from Sarah on Fidor - bitcoin.de - Poloniex ♡ Coinigy 2,461.91652388 USD = 2,001.98147194 EUR = 5.4284289 ZEC = 0.27991774 BTC ♡♡♡ --- 20:50 2,374 USD = 1,925 EUR EUR = 5.26427289 ZEC = 0.27524293 BTC --- HitBTC 0.84 ZEC = 386 USDT
• Wed 2018-2-14 Leipzig start CP 4:00 today 300 EUR = 374 USD = 0.78916155 ZEC withdraw from Poloniex and sent to Germán Poloniex - CP 23:45 end HitBTC 403 USDT trade 0.76 ZEC - Poloniex 1,521 USDT - total 1,528 USD - Coinigy 0.2097156 BTC = 1,985.31500348 USD = 1,597.22777543 EUR
• Wed 2018-2-21 Leipzig 12:16 Coinigy 0.24590154 BTC 2,653.88063142 USD 2,156.70051417 EUR = 70.55839579 ETC - Poloniex $2,219.92 USD / 0.20191587 BTC - HitBTC 0.03565815 BTC
• Fri 2018-2-23 Leipzig Start 8:44 ♡ Coinigy 0.22552863 BTC = 2,237.32201364 USD = 2,237.32201364 USD - Poloniex
• Mon 2018-2-26 Leipzig 23:50 Coinigy 0.20725445 BTC = 2,156 USD = 1,752 EUR - Poloniex $1,748.54 USD / 0.16835040 BTC - HitBTC 0.03457558 BTC = 362 USD
• Mon 2018-3-12 Leipzig Vaultoro verified ♡ All assets now on Kraken as AM recommended because Poloniex is not keeping it's promises about the fees and takes more - and AM said Circle will also not correct this and Kraken is doing well :-) 527 € from VE on Fidor - 22:11 waiting for the lowest point of BTC arriving soon, around 22:50 as measured via the last curve :-) 0.06988 BTC = 536.35 EUR deposit arriving :-) Tue 2018-3-13 Leipzig 1:00 Coinigy before 0.1798814 BTC = 1,648 USD = 1,335.24054856 EUR --- Coinigy after deposit 0.24978235 BTC = 2,271.00613228 USD = 1,838.7935938 EUR --- Kraken ฿0.24548 BTC + 1.88 USD --- Starting level 2 small curves BTC/USDT Kraken ♡♡♡ Wow!!! AM saved us ♡♡♡
• Fri 2018-3-16 Leipzig 0:18 Verena transfered her assets 0.03199 (bought for 300 EUR) to Feroniba Kraken deposit - Coinigy now 0.27384074 BTC = 2,279.88836823 USD = 1,853.48391724 EUR ♡
• Thu 2018-4-5 Leipzig - finally Bitstamp verified :-)
• Sat 2018-4-28 Leipzig 0:55 Kraken 59.979 EOS = 1014 USDT ♡
• Wed 2018-5-1 Leipzig - Google demanded to install 2FA for Authenticator and deleted all accounts!!! And Coinigy deleted as a consequence all APIs!!! Horrible!!! Started to disable all 2FAs per complicated mail requests - first success after days and many many hours 2FA and API reinstall: Coinigy, Kraken, CEX.IO, bitcoin.de - waiting for Liqui, Cryptopia, Bitstamp, Bittrex - still have to order for GDAX, Binance, Vaultoro, Bitfinex, HitBTC, Poloniex, eToro :-(( No time for all that!!! Lost about 60% of trade increase because of that!
He is the main cause, or better to say the only real cause why Feroniba started to trust in cryptocurrency trading and started trading ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ And he is also always the main reason why Feroniba becomes inspired again after he got stuck in whatever goes wrong with crypto :-)
Recent Trades, BTC wheres the bottom??? - YT - Unconfirmed transactions blockchain.info - 3:00 Wuat is the real Bitcoin - Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold etc., forks - 5:00 zoom out, find the bottom, see the big picture - the big bounces - 11:00 buy and sell at thebounces bottom and top :-) Analyze the curves before - 12:45 look at volume -
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed - Quickfinger's Luc - YT
More coming soon ♡♡♡
Find Crypto Terasof Chat here :-)
Coinbase Bug Allowed Users To Steal Unlimited ETH, Wallet Paid $10K Bounty For Discovery - cointelegraph.com
Report: South Korea Could Ease Its ICO Ban - coindesk.com
Here Are the Top 6 Sex-Themed Cryptocurrencies - themerkle.com
Why the Crypto Market is so down? - kenobi steemit.com
Official: Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchange Hacked, $530 Million NEM Missing - cnn.com
A brief history of Bitcoin hacks and frauds - arstechnica.com/
The 11 Biggest Cryptocurrency Hacks In History - benzinga.com
Bitcoin: Know the risks before you buy - aljazeera.com - TW4.75M - in US taxable property, not currency - Belarus, by contrast, acknowledges bitcoin as a legal currency in the country and offers cryptocurrency companies a tax break
Concerns mount as Venezuela closes in on petro, an oil-backed cryptocurrency -
cnbc.com -
WP - CNBC (Consumer News and Business Channel) is an American basic cable, internet and satellite business news television channel that is owned by NBCUniversal News Group, a division of NBCUniversal, owned by Comcast. Headquartered in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,[1] the network primarily carries business day coverage of U.S. and international financial markets -
TW 2.89M - CNBC is the recognized world leader in business news and provides real-time financial market coverage and business information to approximately 385 million homes worldwide, including more than 95 million households in the United States and Canada
Where’s the Money Gone? - hacked.com - M-cap = total number of shares x the current value
What are Whales and How do they Affect Cryptocurrencies? - btcmanager.com
Finland authorities to auction 2,000 seized bitcoins - coinfox.info
Bill Gates: cryptocurrencies have 'caused deaths in a fairly direct way' - theguardian.com
The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See - YT
Will humans be extinct by 2026? - arctic-news.blogspot.de
How To Create A Cryptocurrency in 6 Minutes -
Let’s Create Our Own Cryptocurrency - cranclin.com - Cranky Coin - Bulletin board system WP - C: The Complete Reference, 4th Edition by Herbert Schildt Amazon - PDF
A cryptocurrency implementation in less than 1500 lines of code - hackernoon.com -
A cryptocurrency implementation in less than 1500 lines of code - GitHub -
Cryptocurrency - Github
The Princeton Bitcoin textbook is now freely available - freedom-to-tinker.com
An Idiot’s Guide to Building an Ethereum Mining Rig - making a case took about an hour and cost a little under $50 - when added to the total price of the hardware for the rig, my bill came to a little over $2000 - outcome $8,000 per year after electricity costs
Bitcoin Mining
Deutschland schürft wieder Kryptowährungen, und die guten Grafikkarten sind allerorten ausverkauft - Mining-System ca. 800€ - Nach Abzahlung des Geräts ist der Gewinn ca. 4€/Tag - bitcoinblog.de
Ist Cloud Mining profitabel? Vorteile/Nachteile und Berechnung - Coin Trend - YT
Listen to KRUDER & DORFMEISTER - The K&D Sessions Disc 2 ( Full Album ) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Sat 2017-10-14 Leipzig 20:00- + Thu 2017-10-26 3:40-
• Learn about cryptocurrencies from Putting the World's Money into Perspective -
WP etc.
• Create accounts and link them: Paypal - Fidor - bitcoin.de - Jaxx - Poloniex - Coinigy - Steemit etc.
• Install 2 Factor Authentication on your mobile phone and authenticate your accounts - Google Authenticator
• Stick - learn to put coins for your safety on the stick
• Learn how to trade from Luc -
How I turned $300 into $50,000 in one year trading Crypto currency = 300 x 166.66 ♡♡♡ - Luc's new YT-Channel, mentioned on
Introduction video: my new Trading Video Series for Steemit -
Penny stock WP -
The Happy Steem Trader now on Coinigy Channel 10:00 core position always Bitcoin -
what's my 3 step process to sucessful trades?
• Create a Steemit account - steemit.com/@quickfingersluc - steemit.com - start happy steeming ♡
Top 5 Coins to Watch in November | Binance, Substratum, & more! - Bitcoin Gold, Vertcoin, neblio, Ark, Substratum - YT
Binance - binance.com
Tue 2017-10-10 Leipzig 20:18-21:45
Cryptocurrencies sind der neueste Investitionstip 👑💰💎🌿
An Idiot’s Guide to Building an Ethereum Mining Rig
Einmalig $ 2.000 Investition, $ 6.000 Profit pro Jahr, ab dem 2. Jahr sogar $ 8.000 - Verhältnis 1:3 - also für 5.000 € pro Monat (60.000 pro Jahr) Profit zum Ausgeben, das ist viel!, muss man einmalig 20.000 € investieren - siehe diesen Link oben.
Here's a comparison of bitcoin and all of the world's money
Cryptocurrencies haben einen Welt-Anteil von $ 100 Milliaren (billion) gegen den gesamten Weltbesitz von 84 Billionen (trillion) - 1.000 Milliarden (billion) sind eine Billion (trillion) - also sind cryptocurrencies mittlerweile schon zu ca. einem Tausendstel (0.1 %) des gesamten Weltbesitzes angewachsen! Es lohnt sich - es wächst und wächst!
Die Schritte sind einfach:
1. Jaxx jaxx.io auf Computer und Smartphone/Tablet installieren
2. Bitcoin etc. (cryptocurrency) kaufen (von bitcoin.de oder von Feroniba etc. :-) - dazu ein Bankkonto anschließen: Transaktionen gehen in Sekundenschnelle durch Fidor Bank, oder andere Bank angeben
3. Bitcoin etc. mit Bitcoin Address auf Jaxx schicken - fertig
4. Nun jedem der will Bitcoin etc. auf sein Jaxx schicken wie eine SMS - sofort - ohne Kontrolle - sicher - in der Regel oder fast kostenlos - dafür Gegenleistung nehmen (Euro auf euer PayPal - z.B. durch paypal.me/Terasof o.a.)
5. Auf Jaxx durch Integration von ShapeShift shapeshift.io cryptocurrencies tauschen: Bitcoin Ether Zcash etc. und damit immer mehr davon besitzen - Gewinn kann, wenn man es richtig macht, bis zu 1:20 erzielt werden :-) Oder man macht es wie Luc ♡ 1:166,66
Oder einfach Mining wie oben beschrieben: 1:3
Happy mining - happy exchange 💰💎🌿😌🌍
Alles ist auf terasof.com/cp.html (auf dieser Website) genauer beschrieben mit vielen Links etc. - oder einfach Feroniba fragen 🙂
Die große Empfehlung von FO ist derzeit Ethereum ethereum.org - Ether oder ETH ist die cryptocurrency ❤💎🌹🥁😍💰💍🦅⛄🦋 Sonst Zcash ZEC z.cash oder Bitcoin BTC bitcoin.org 🔮🌍👁🌤👑🌷👍❄
Use Tor browser and Tails
Download Signal for Android iOS Windows Mac Linux Google Chrome :-) -
Signal Introduces Standalone Desktop App for Windows, Mac, Linux
Visit IDL for more details
How to choose a Linux distro: Stop Thinking! - YT
Why I can't stand to use Apple/Mac anything... - YT
List of Linux distributions WP
Companies that sell computers with GNU/Linux preinstalled - gnu.org
Richard Stallman Explains Everything 2017 - 3:20 Thinkpad x 60 S IBM > Lenovo since 2005 - WP - 5:30 not Inteo Processor - 14:00 use Tor - block JavaScript - 14:35 Coca Cola 19:50 Skype 23:50 Democracies need whistleblowers and Hero Snowden - YT
stallman.org - What's bad about: Airbnb | Amazon | Amtrak | Ancestry | Apple | Ebooks | Eventbrite | Evernote | Facebook | Google | Intel | LinkedIn | Lyft | Meetup | Microsoft | Netflix | Pay Toilets | Skype | Spotify | Twitter | Uber
Fifteen new devices from Technoethical now FSF-certified to respect your freedom - 7 July 2017 - tehnoetic.com - gnu.org
How to Integrate Stripe Payments in Web Application? -
Checkout Stripe - hackernoon.com
How To Put A Simple Stripe "Pay With Card" Button On Your Website
Step 1 - "Pay with Card" button from stripe.com - sign up or sign in - click at the bottom -> Developers Documentation -> find the blue "Pay with Card" button, under which you find "Embedding Checkout in your site" - copy code beneath and pate to your website - 3 keys: test key, live publisher key, secret key - never put secret key in code, will give error message - must grab more code to be able to charge customer
Step 2 - go to -> charge the card - we use Ruby code - copy and paste to website - learn Web Expression 4 from Microsoft :-(
The easiest way to add Stripe payments in your app, website or elsewhere - dev.to - Stripe Connect
Setup Stripe - WooCommerce Guided Tour - YT
cashnotify.com - Monitor your Stripe accounts from your Mac's menu bar - Noodlio Pay
Strato SSL einrichten für https://... strato.de/blog/ssl-zertifikat
Wed 2017-12-13 Leipzig 2:00
• G - AG M PD OP AL L MY MD PE N SD principles PR HS D LD IV LI
• CP
• PG - CPU SSD Assembly C HTML CSS JS GNU/Linux Signal Tor Tail Arduino Raspberry_Pi
• Math - PH
• Kids - education - 14 ministries and all manifestations
• Autarkic - AUM Café
Hardware - machines etc.
• Multimedia - cultural program - MU - CC jam CM AE MP PI PL etc.
• FP - PL WR
• SH - Torgau farm
Projects - Ladenschichten - Cryptocurrencies - Reinigung - Haushalt - Garten - Einkauf - Kochen - Aufbau Alles Und Mehr Frühstücks-Café - Autarker Selbstanbau - Abendfüllendes Programm Konzerte etc. - Werbung - Schiffbau Aufbau-Module und Architekt - Torgau Schiffbau-Halle und autarker Bauernhof - Security - Spirit - Ship - Program u.a.
• More coming soon :-)
The Herd Is Coming - Billionaire Mike Novogratz (Ethereal Summit San Francisco 2017) - YT
A Crypto Fund King (Mike Novogratz) Says Bitcoin Will Be the Biggest Bubble Ever - bloomberg.com -
TW 30.2 K -
WP - He (Mike Novogratz) revealed in 2017 that 20% of his net worth was in Bitcoin and Ethereum
A Top Hedge Fund Manager (Mike Novogratz) Says Bitcoin Could 'Easily' Hit $40,000 by the End of 2018 - fortune.com
Galaxy mining vs. genesis mining - steemit.com
Mt._Gox - Mt. Gox announced that approximately 850,000 bitcoins belonging to customers and the company were missing and likely stolen, an amount valued at more than $450 million at the time. - WP
Which is the best programming language to learn in 2017? - quora.com
Night Mode for Google Chrome ♡
Invert Mode for Mac: control + option + command + 8
Formulas & Functions in Apple Numbers 2017 - Basic & Advanced Complete Class + extras, in 4K! - NABTECH - 2 Nov 2017 - YT
Open > Blank
= opens formula - selected cells are added in starting cell in
• Session 1 • Thu 2017-12-21 Leipzig 0:50- start Numbers for Mac
• Numbers LR
• Flexible bids LR
• Probability LR
• HitBTC Verification mail sent - waiting - Coinigy Trading button not availabe
• Binance verified - still Coinigy Trading button not available - 0.048 ETH
• Kraken not allowing login - says wrong username etc. - solved ♡ 2017-12-22 Leipzig 23:15 - now waiting for verification Tier 3 (and 4)
• Bitfinex often not updating balances and not connecting for Trading and only showing zero balances there - waiting for verification approval
• CEX.IO Coinigy not showing balances
• Cryptopia 2FA lost - nail answer
• Bitstamp verification - Coinigy not updationg balance
• Donate coins - coingecko.com
• Coinigy deposit withdrawal?
• Session 1 • Tue 2017-10-17 Leipzig 1:30- create cp.html ♡♡♡
• ...
• Mon 2017-11-20 Leipzig 15:00- Start chapter Trade ♡♡♡
AN 2017-12-19 Leipzig 21:50 - 0.235033978044956 LTC für 75 € Handy zu gestrigem LTC-Kurs abzügl. 0.01