





♡ Listen to Guqin - Traditional Chinese Music ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡


Mon 2025-1-20 Helsinki Vantaa 8:35-13:00
AY (Objekte)
(analsis, Analyse)
1 • Konflikte Multipolar $/BRICS+ POL FI/BS AI/TC RL Rasse Kultur
(politics finance/business artificial_intelligence/technology religion)
2 • Durch BK definieren, begründen und systematisch darstellen
3 • N L (AL) IM HG GR - CN
(nature, Wesen love (all-love, Allliebe) all_images_and_means, alle_Bilder_und_Mittel highest_good, zum_höchsten_Wohl group china)
4 • IDL RP Assets nach CN (China) o. ä., weil in FI-Abstieg fest, AG Gründung (oder IDL), Anteile wie versprochen nach Absprache
(Finanz-Abstieg Aktiengesellschaft)
ALG -> s. u.
(algorithm, Algorithmus siehe_unten)

BRICS expands with new partner countries. Now it’s half of world population, 41% of global economy.

1 • AY (Objekte) verstehen -> s. o.
(analsis, Analyse siehe_oben)
2 • L AL IM HG GR - auch wenn Ost_BRICS Probleme setzt -> nicht West_US-Nato-EU investieren - VU
(love all-love all_images_and means, alle_Bilder_und_Mittel highest_good, höchstes_Wohl group, Gruppe virtues, Tugenden)
3 • IDL informieren + Einladung zur Teilnahme oder Kritik -> (BS Fiat-Abschaffung-Beendung + OR Ende + Medienkontrolle mit Fehlinfos -> Erzwingung von höheren Steuern im Land + Inflation im Ausland - Spam what_sells)
(business offensive_realism)
4 • IDL Besitz nach CN BRICS (herüber-)wechseln
5 • O CN iran. Pässe? oder Visa + Langzeit
(organisation China)
6 • FI + Jobs/selbständig CN, Miete etc. - Flugtickets + Umzug für Langzeit - Auflösung FIN Schule Bank Wohnung Besitz Amt?
(finances China Finland)

This Video Will Change Your View Of CHINA! - Because I'm Lizzy - YT
BRICS New Deal Just Changed Everything! You Won't Believe What Happens Next - Cyrus Janssen - YT
Foreign investment flows to and from China have increased yuan’s international use -

Top 10 States Collapsing Fastest in America Due to Poverty and Homelessness Crisis - Documentary - 10 ..., 1 New York - YT
Top 10 European Countries Facing the Worst Homelessness Crisis - 2024 Documentary - YT
10 Belgium
5:15 - 9 Sweden 27.400 Homeless
7:55 - 8 Ireland 14.000 Homeless increase 14%/year
9:35 - 7 Serbia 18.000 Homeless 168.000 at risk loosing home
12:25 - 6 Germany 1/5
14:10 - 5 Latvia 5.600 Homeless
16:20 - 4 Iceland last 10 years homelessness increased by 67% - 2 groups, living on street, or constantly moving between accomodations or waiting for house 1.272 Homeless - population 400.000, 34 per 10.000 homeless
18:35 - 3 Czech Republic 50.000 Homeless + 54.000 Homeless living with friends or relatives
19:50 - 2 France homelessness doubled in last 10 years, contineously rising rents and heating costs - 12.000.000 housing insecurity
21:15 - 1 Slovakia worst homelessness crises - 71.000 Homeless, 135/10.000, 15% children under 15 years age


... more coming soon :-))

1 • Basics

1) Gesamtsituation heilen, nicht schaden
2) IM N HG CF EF ML Fülle ein Glas, lass es stehen, aber voll. Wohin mit der Fülle? Sie ist in dir!
3) Reitsoldat: links, rechts, oval oder gleichbleibend? Nicht gleichbleibend, sondern immer wechselnd, anders, neu, bei G niemals Wiederholung.
Höchendefinition 2qm tief. AL, Wer gibt, dem wird mehr gegeben, BG 11. Kapitel "Nur wer jedem ein Freund ist."
4) DT, Schuhe Moses, Sokrates: "Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß." Zur Befreihung HG, weißes Blatt
5) Das rechte Maß
6) Ausgleich, eine Hand wäscht die andere
... more coming soon ...

Mandarin (MN)

Know More About Shuo And ShuoshuoChinese's Courses - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT --
50 Must-Know Chinese Sentences: Listen Once A Day, Naturally Understand Fast Chinese - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT
Chinese Grammar: 80% of Chinese Sentences Follow This ONE Rule! - SPO - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT
How to learn ANY Chinese characters with FOUR steps and the apps you need -Learn Chinese Tips - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - 1:45 don't start with simple characters, they are rare - start with easy to remember graphical meaning - 2:45 4 steps: 1 pick 20 main words from your text, not single characters (5 examples: q) - 2 YT
Top 140 Chinese Characters Make Up 50% of Chinese Today - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT
How many Chinese characters does a native speaker know - Test my Chinese character - there are about 85.000+ characters - HSK6 only needs 2.663 - 1 year = 365 days = 52 weeks + 1 day - HSK6 -> 2.663 characters / 48 weeks (4 weeks vacation) = 55,48 words/week (5 days/week, 2 days free weekend) -> 11 characters/day to know 2.663 characters after 1 year for level HSK6 :-)) - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT --- WS -> install on Ubuntu (- for other, Mac or Windows, read document): curl | sh

*     *     *     *     *

Grace Guo - Mandarin Chinese
The ULTIMATE Guide to Learning Chinese Characters - Grace Mandarin Chinese - YT
Chinese Hack - How to learn Chinese Characters | Free resource - Grace Mandarin Chinese - YT

1:00 1 character = 1 syllable -> 3 elements: 1. initial/consonant 2. final/vowel 3. tone -> bà - usually character has own meaning, too
Mandarin characters: Appendix:Mandarin Pinyin/List of Commonly Used Standard Chinese Characters -> āi : 哎, 哀, 埃, 挨, 唉, 锿
150 Common Chinese Character List [Free PDF] -
Learn Mandarin Pronunciation With Tone Pairs -

Niklas Steenfatt
Ich habe mir selbst CHINESISCH beigebracht! - Niklas Steenfatt - YT
Wie du ab HEUTE deine Ziele erreichst: 7 Schritte - Niklas Steenfatt - YT -

Mandarin Keyboard - Ubuntu
How do I get Chinese input to work? - sudo apt-get install ibus-pinyin
sudo apt-get install ibus-sunpinyin /> alternative
ibus restart
-> System Settings -> Language Support -> Chinese (Pinyin)
How to log in as root in Ubuntu -
Heroku - Deploy With Ease. Manage Efficiently. Scale Faster. - Get started on Heroku today -


Machines for world knowledge 300 Exabytes, ship SH and spaceship SS - Computers should do what humans want them to do - input output - keyboard pad touchscreen cam mic controller etc. - based binary - ASM and C needed - terminal - IN HTML CSS JS WASM - Arduino Rapberry PI etc. - Linux - games animation sounddesign graficdesign - art FP MP WR - O MG

Chrome: Ctrl F5 > reload tab


China - Einwandern
China - WP
Top China Coastal Cities -
Shanghai - WP
All about Shanghai Metro & Shanghai Subway:Maps, Lines, Stations, Hours, Tickets...
Leben in China I Die größten Unterschiede zu Deutschland - YT
Crime Rate by Country 2022 -
Auswandern nach China – Infos zur Einwanderung -

Polyglot Reacts to John Cena’s Mandarin -
Polyglot Reacts to Mark Zuckerberg Speaking Mandarin - YT
Reacting to My Chinese From 10 Years Ago - YT
Professional Chinese Teachers Rate My “Perfect” Chinese - YT

Was ist Aquaponik ? - YT
Aquaponics - WP
China Supplier Low Cost Aquaponic System -
World’s Largest Aquaponics Project, in China’s Third Largest Aquaculture Lak -
Future Farming -
Future Farming - YT
Aquaponics in China 鱼菜共生在中国 - YT


Session 1 • Sun 2022-6-5 Bad Bleiberg 11:00-12:00 WR cn.html - start ♡♡♡