♡ Listen to Guqin - Traditional Chinese Music ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Mon 2025-1-20 Helsinki Vantaa 8:35-13:00
AY (Objekte)
(analsis, Analyse)
1 • Konflikte Multipolar $/BRICS+ POL FI/BS AI/TC RL Rasse Kultur
(politics finance/business artificial_intelligence/technology religion)
2 • Durch BK definieren, begründen und systematisch darstellen
3 • N L (AL) IM HG GR - CN
(nature, Wesen love (all-love, Allliebe) all_images_and_means, alle_Bilder_und_Mittel highest_good, zum_höchsten_Wohl group china)
4 • IDL RP Assets nach CN (China) o. ä., weil in FI-Abstieg fest, AG Gründung (oder IDL), Anteile wie versprochen nach Absprache
(Finanz-Abstieg Aktiengesellschaft)
ALG -> s. u.
(algorithm, Algorithmus siehe_unten)
This Video Will Change Your View Of CHINA! - Because I'm Lizzy - YT
BRICS New Deal Just Changed Everything! You Won't Believe What Happens Next - Cyrus Janssen - YT
Foreign investment flows to and from China have increased yuan’s international use -
... more coming soon :-))
1) Gesamtsituation heilen, nicht schaden
2) IM N HG CF EF ML Fülle ein Glas, lass es stehen, aber voll. Wohin mit der Fülle? Sie ist in dir!
3) Reitsoldat: links, rechts, oval oder gleichbleibend? Nicht gleichbleibend, sondern immer wechselnd, anders, neu, bei G niemals Wiederholung.
Höchendefinition 2qm tief. AL, Wer gibt, dem wird mehr gegeben, BG 11. Kapitel "Nur wer jedem ein Freund ist."
4) DT, Schuhe Moses, Sokrates: "Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß." Zur Befreihung HG, weißes Blatt
5) Das rechte Maß
6) Ausgleich, eine Hand wäscht die andere
... more coming soon ...
• Know More About Shuo And ShuoshuoChinese's Courses - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT --
• 50 Must-Know Chinese Sentences: Listen Once A Day, Naturally Understand Fast Chinese - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT
• Chinese Grammar: 80% of Chinese Sentences Follow This ONE Rule! - SPO - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT
• How to learn ANY Chinese characters with FOUR steps and the apps you need -Learn Chinese Tips - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - 1:45 don't start with simple characters, they are rare - start with easy to remember graphical meaning - 2:45 4 steps: 1 pick 20 main words from your text, not single characters (5 examples: q) - 2
• Top 140 Chinese Characters Make Up 50% of Chinese Today - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT
• How many Chinese characters does a native speaker know - Test my Chinese character - there are about 85.000+ characters - HSK6 only needs 2.663 - 1 year = 365 days = 52 weeks + 1 day - HSK6 -> 2.663 characters / 48 weeks (4 weeks vacation) = 55,48 words/week (5 days/week, 2 days free weekend) -> 11 characters/day to know 2.663 characters after 1 year for level HSK6 :-)) - ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 - YT --- WS -> install on Ubuntu (- for other, Mac or Windows, read document):
curl | sh
Grace Guo - Mandarin Chinese
• The ULTIMATE Guide to Learning Chinese Characters - Grace Mandarin Chinese - YT
• Chinese Hack - How to learn Chinese Characters | Free resource - Grace Mandarin Chinese - YT
1:00 1 character = 1 syllable -> 3 elements: 1. initial/consonant 2. final/vowel 3. tone -> bà - usually character has own meaning, too
Mandarin characters: Appendix:Mandarin Pinyin/List of Commonly Used Standard Chinese Characters -> āi : 哎, 哀, 埃, 挨, 唉, 锿
• 150 Common Chinese Character List [Free PDF] -
• Learn Mandarin Pronunciation With Tone Pairs -
Niklas Steenfatt
• Ich habe mir selbst CHINESISCH beigebracht! - Niklas Steenfatt - YT
• Wie du ab HEUTE deine Ziele erreichst: 7 Schritte - Niklas Steenfatt - YT -
Mandarin Keyboard - Ubuntu
How do I get Chinese input to work? -
sudo apt-get install ibus-pinyin
-> System Settings -> Language Support -> Chinese (Pinyin)
sudo apt-get install ibus-sunpinyin /> alternative
ibus restart
How to log in as root in Ubuntu -
Heroku - Deploy With Ease. Manage Efficiently. Scale Faster. - Get started on Heroku today -
Machines for world knowledge 300 Exabytes, ship SH and spaceship SS - Computers should do what humans want them to do - input output - keyboard pad touchscreen cam mic controller etc. - based binary - ASM and C needed - terminal - IN HTML CSS JS WASM - Arduino Rapberry PI etc. - Linux - games animation sounddesign graficdesign - art FP MP WR - O MG
Chrome: Ctrl F5 > reload tab
China - Einwandern
China - WP
Top China Coastal Cities -
Shanghai - WP
All about Shanghai Metro & Shanghai Subway:Maps, Lines, Stations, Hours, Tickets...
Leben in China I Die größten Unterschiede zu Deutschland - YT
Crime Rate by Country 2022 -
Auswandern nach China – Infos zur Einwanderung -
Polyglot Reacts to John Cena’s Mandarin -
Polyglot Reacts to Mark Zuckerberg Speaking Mandarin - YT
Reacting to My Chinese From 10 Years Ago - YT
Professional Chinese Teachers Rate My “Perfect” Chinese - YT
Was ist Aquaponik ? - YT
Aquaponics - WP
China Supplier Low Cost Aquaponic System -
World’s Largest Aquaponics Project, in China’s Third Largest Aquaculture Lak -
Future Farming -
Future Farming - YT
Aquaponics in China 鱼菜共生在中国 - YT
Session 1 • Sun 2022-6-5 Bad Bleiberg 11:00-12:00 WR cn.html - start ♡♡♡