
Yacht Island - Tropical Island Paradise

Lagoon 52 F

Terasof House Leipzig

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Presentation - SummaryWorld-Crises and Solutions
Modules & Links
ShipsCatamaran & Trimaran • Construction, CY • Floating and Eco-Cities
Autarkic Living • Technique & Science
Space • Anti-Gravity • ETs
Spirit • Psychology • Conspiracy
Global Warming • Ocean • Sea Level Rise • Ocean Currents • Glaciers
8 Main World-Conflicts • Conclusion - Making DecisionsFinding SolutionsShip - TS Concept • More IDs
Woodworking • Shipbuilding • 64 Ship Modules
AM Q & AIDL eG O etc. • More Links

* * * * * * *

Listen to ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ Bill Evans - Undercurrent (Not Now Music) [Full Album] ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
♡♡♡ Bill Evans - Alone (1968 Album) ♡♡♡
and especially to ♡♡♡ Bill Evans Trio - Porgy (I Loves You, Porgy) ♡♡♡
and Keith Jarrett - I Loves You Porgy



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Presentation - Summary

Version 1 - 2017-4-6 - English translation coming soon

• Project logline: Aufgrund der globalen 8 Haupt-Konflikte präsentieren wir Analysen, Schlussfolgerungen und praktische Lösungen, Schritt für Schritt in Gruppenarbeit/-formation

Combining all different types in an ideal community for a long time: disabled mad psychopath suicidal crWPiminal invalid/sick needy/beggar worker/helper boss/leader tramp mystic politics/anarchist race culture religious/sect other_group mental emotional enlightened ... - we have to be able to live together without harm in inspiring harmony - daily analysis and improvement

• First a brief presentation of the 8 most prior themes - always remember and act - 24/7 program, TS since 20.11.1995 - join or leave whenever you like, be focussed during the teamwork
• Vorab Meinung einholen, erst Teilnehmer zählen - pro kontra Enthaltung - nach jeder Abhandlung eines Punktes erneut - am Ende aller Punkte ebenfalls - Analyse und Fazit
• 8 Punkte kurz als Behauptung und Fragen dazu vorformulieren:

World-Crises and Solutions

Nun folgen die derzeit wichtigsten 8 Weltkrisen-Schwachpunkte und Lösungen dazu - bitte auf Komplexität der Thematik und ihre erschütternde Wirkung einstellen - langsam, meditativ, visualisieren, wiederholen:
1. Global warming erzeugt Überflutung an versch. Orten, je nach unterschiedlicher Geoid-Erdanziehung früher oder später, langsamer oder schneller - ca. 20 cm pro Jahr oder erheblich mehr (WP 0.3 – 2.5 m bis 2100) - alle 10 Jahre mehr als 2 m
2. CH4 (Methan-Gas) und CO2 (Kohlendioxid) erwärmen und erzeugen Mikroben - Ursache nicht menschliche Fehlhandlungen, nicht rückgängig zu machen - globale Explosion 10.000-facher Welt-Atom-Arsenal-Menge
3. In Folge kommen die Meeresströmungen mehr und mehr zum Stillstand - Wassertiere/Fische erfrieren oder verhungern, viele Orte werden erheblich kälter
4. In weiterer Folge schmelzen die Gletscher schneller und schneller - Flüsse und Seen trocknen aus - Grundwasser versiedet schnell - die Gebiete werden in kurzer Zeit zur Wüste
5. Wirtschaft tyrannische Lorenz-Kurven-Entwicklung führt zu kurzfristiger Welt-Inflation und Kollaps, globaler Armut und Hilflosigkeit, Obdachlosigkeit, Krankheit, Hunger, Tod
6. Politik steht unter wirtschaftlicher Kontrolle - Oligarchie - Lorenz-Kurve
7. Daraus resultiert die rücksichtslose Ausbeute der Umwelt, Tiere und Menschen
8. Überbevölkerung derzeit 7,5 Milliarden - bereits viel zu hoch für die anstehenden Konflikte (konfliktlose Grenze 13 Milliarden, derzeit alle 12 Jahre + 1 Milliarde) - Milliarden Flüchtlinge suchen in Kürze Asyl und werden abgelehnt - Überlebenskämpfe 1:1 - tyrannischste Gruppen übernehmen alles Festland
1. Liebevoller Umgang mit jedem - Ausnahmen so mild wie möglich behandeln (Kriminalität regulieren etc. - kein/e Folter, Tod, Verbannung etc.) - Ablösung der oligarchischen Weltpolitik nötig und nur so möglich - TS besteht und wirkt ausschließlich auf dieser Grundlage
2. Autarke/s Leben und Energie auf Schiffen - Trimarane/Catamarane etc. - möglichst alle menschlichen Errungenschaften integrieren - höchste Effektivität, Reduktion aufs Wesentlichste - Gruppen bilden, der Einzelne geht unter, ist zu schwach - psychologische Perfektion, Schulung und Pflege
3. Wenn technisch möglich Erweiterung mit Anti-Gravitation Flugschiffen etc. - Integration von ET-Kontakten (500 vereidigte Zeugen aus Politik etc.)

Mehr Details hierzu unter Modules & Links und 7 Main World-Conflicts - dann weiter unter Making Decisions und Ship - TS Concept

Modules & Links


Shipbuilding books
Schiffbau WP - Shipbuilding WP - Naval architecture WP
One man's eight-year effort to a build wooden ship by hand YT
Woodwind: From Dream to Reality... Part I YT - Woodwind: From Dream to Reality... Part II YT
List of longest wooden ships WP - List of largest cruise ships WP
List of largest passenger ships WP - List of ocean liners WP
Onboard the World’s Largest Passenger Ship (25 Photos) - - {HD} Kreuzfahrten für Superreiche Das größte Schiff der Welt DOKU HD DEUTSCH 2017 - 2017 YT - 44:00 5x Titanic
Inside the Cruise Ship During Storm - Compilation YT
Sailing La Vagabonde YT - Sailing Around the World (Sailing La Vagabonde) - Ep. 1 Intro & Sailing Turkey YT - Sailing La Vagabonde on the NEWS!!! 10.4.2017 YT - ♡♡♡ Sailing on a Hangover, Life’s Good Ep. 82 ♡♡♡ YT - - - TW 11.3K (23.3.2017) - pdf - YouTube Couple Land MILLION DOLLAR YACHT Deal! (Full Version) - Our Favourite Sailing Destinations in New Zealand! Ep. 77
Cruiser Pretty Woman 75.800 € - L12.19m B4.05m T1.2m 1978 Daf Diesel 161kW=220PS
Pfeil 42 69.900 € - L13.28m B4.00m T1.2m 1987 Diesel mit Innenborder 225kW=306PS
Astondoa Bazan 105.000 € - L25.35m B4.90m T...m 1964 Diesel mit Innenborder 367kW=500PS
The top 10 luxury yacht builders
Wem gehört die teuerste Yacht der Welt?
Lürssen - Quattroelle YT
Scenic Eclipse | Introducing the World's First Discovery Yacht YT -
Construction on Titanic replica to start in China YT
What would you do, in case of a Pirate Attack at Sea? (Sailing La Vagabonde) Ep. 39 YT

Catamaran WP - Catamaran vs. Monohull: We Changed, Should You? The options are to either sail the world on a boat that, if it springs a leak, will sink like a stone or a vessel that cannot self-right in the event of a capsize but will not sink no matter what.
Catamarans vs Monohull - Pros & Cons of each cruising sailing - 2:20 93% monohulls - catamarans since 15-16 years 6:40 catamarans upside-down on top of ocean, monohulls on bottom - YT
Jessica and Ryan Adventures YT - - Catamarans - The Complete Guide for Cruising Sailors pdf
Trimaran WP - Dragonfly Models - Neel 65 - The Case for the Cruising Trimaran by Jim Brown - 2015 Neel 65 for sale US$ 2,381,208 2015 - 5 guest cabins + crew cabin - Neel Triamarans Neel 65 € 1,880,000 France - Lagoon Catamaran WP - Lagoon 52 F Presentation Documents - Length over all 15,84 m / 52' - Beam 8,74 m / 28'8'' - Draft 1,55 m / 5'1'' - Mast clearance 27,97 m / 91'9'' - LAGOON 52 F EUR 700,000 - 4 Cabins - YT - - 2017 LAGOON 52 FT "HULL 112" - Lagoon Seventy 7 - Length over all 23,28 m - Beam 11 m - Draft 1,90 m - Mast clearance 33,60 m - from 2.850.000 €
Fountaine Pajot Sail Catamaran Range 2016 YT -
Blue Coast 160' Sailing Trimaran Yacht
crash test boat capsize YT

6+ Best Boat Design Software Download Reviews
The Nature of Boats: Insights and Esoterica for the Nautically Obsessed - 1st edition 1995 by Dave Gerr - 418 pages

Floating and Eco-Cities

Die Stadt der Zukunft: Ecopolis Dokumentation Deutsch 2017 21:30 Sonnenenergie für die Welt - 25:45 500x verstärktes Sonnenlicht, bis 1000º C - 26:30 E-Werk Australien mit Sonnenlicht, 45.000 Haushalte Versorgung, jährlich 400.000 Tonnen Treibhausgase eingespart, ca. 10 Cent pro kW/h wie herkömmlicher Strompreis - für Sonnen-unintensivere Orte in Zukunft durch Satelliten beliefert - 33:00 In Kraftwerken 90% CO2 abschalten durch Chemie, dann wieder zurück unter die Erde in altes Erdgasreservoir
101 Things I Learned in Architecture School by Matthew Frederick
Could you be an architect? Part 1 YT

Autarkic Living

Don't drink another drop of water until you see this!! YT - Better Mankind FB - Best Water Filter 2016: ... ultrastream ... from Alkaway - YT - The Healthiest Breakfast You Could Have Without Eating YT - more coming soon ...
Leben ohne Zucker - YT
Fisch ist das giftigste Lebensmittel – Die große Gesundheitslüge, ORF Weltjournal vom 26 11 2014 2:30 Chemikalien sprühen - 3:45 95% Welse aus Asien Vietnam 6:30 Schlachtung 7:00 Phosphatbad 1.5 Milliarden Fische/Jahr 8:00 schmutziges Wasser + Chemikalien + Antibiotika 9:20 Norwegen Fischzucht 4 Milliarden € - 15 m Ablagerungen von Exkrementen + Futterresten + Chemikalien - Genetische Mutationen 13:00 Ablagerungen im Fleisch machen Fisch zu giftigstem Nahrungsmittel auf der Welt - 13:55 Schadstofftabelle - Vergiftungsexperimente mit Ratten - Gift stammt aus Futter - 18:00 Aale aus Ostsee verarbeitet zu Fischfutter, radioaktiv oder mit Schwermetallen verseucht - schwedische Verkäufer müssen Kunden warnen 20:15 Fabrik Abwasser ins Meer, 9 Staaten schütten Abwasser in Ostsee, 1/3 des Meeres schon tot - Lachs Hering Aal deutlich ungesünder als andere - 22:00 Dänemark Futter-Herstellung 22:30 multiplikation der Gifte - 23:40 Ethoxyquin war erst Pestizid, dann genutzt dass Früchte und Gemüse nicht schnell bräunt, lange schon verboten 24:15 Genf 10-20fache Werte über erlaubten - Ethoxyquin verhindert ranzig Werden des Fischfettes - 26:10 Efsa noch nicht Wirkung auf Mensch untersucht, Stoff gelangt ins Gehirn, Krebs-erregend - 30:30 Druck auf Wissenschaftlerin um Studie zu verfälschen, "hat" gekündigt, wurde dazu genötigt 31:00 Anklage dass Forschung nur pro Fischindustrie veröffentlicht wird, ebenfallst genötigt zu kündigen 32:00 Ministerin ist Ursache des Missbrauchs, selbst an Zucht beteiligt, besitzt 8% von Lachsproduktions-firma 34:40 Frankreich Fisch-Abfall-Verwertung 36:40 für Kosmetik 39:00 Kontrolle der Zutaten-Angabe, in USA 1/3 der Angaben falsch 41:45 Krebspatienten-Beratung, Verseuchung erklärt - Fisch ist nicht mehr gesund wie früher - YT
Unfassbar! So SCHÄDLICH ist Zucker WIRKLICH! - Doku 2017 HD (NEU) 2:15 255 Wolkenkratzer Zucker/Jahr, 35 kg/Jahr/Person 7:00 Studie USA gefälscht von Zucker auf Fett als Ursache von Herzerkrankung etc. 10:10 John Yudkin widersprach, Zucker Ursache von Diabetes II und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen - fettarme Werbung enthielt viel Zucker, Menschen werden extrem fett, heute noch falsche Werbung: Deutschland 2.5 Milliarden € Umsatz für Zucker 14:30 deutsche Werbung einseitig, Ursache für Diabetes 20:15 Fructose 1,9 fache sterblichkeit, 26,4% weniger Nachkommenschaft 23:00 Zuckerregulierung EU fällt Ende 2017, schädliche Übermenge an Fruktose wird ermöglicht 26:30 Kokosblütenzucker gesünder 27:30 Zucker-Angaben zur Täuschung - 31:00 inneres Fett - YT


Welche Temperatur hat das Weltall? -270º C - Sonne 1 Mio. ºC - Mars Sonnenseite 470º C, Nachtseite -180º C - Weltall Dichte = 1 Wasserstoff-Atom pro Kubikmeter -
Was wir über den Urknall wissen - - - Beginn vor ca. 13,8 Milliarden Jahren - nach 400.000 Jahren erste Atom-Bildungen, Universum wurde durchsichtig - Gasmassen formen Galaxien, erste Sonnen kurzlebig, bildeten schwerere Elemente, die durch Supernova-Explosionen wieder ins Weltall geblasen wurden, aus welchen sich Stoffe bildeten die wiederum jüngere Sterne wie unsere Sonne und Planeten wie unsere Erde bildeten
Risiko Polsprung - Das Magnetfeld der Erde wird immer schwächer 3sat
- 22:00 Mars verlor Wasser und Magnetfeld 41:30 Polsprung in sehr kurzer Zeit
Antigravity is Real and Being Hidden from the Public [FULL VIDEO] - 6:10 string theory 11 or 12 dimensions of data - magnetism stronger (1 and 39 zeroes) than gravity, but maybe not - 12:00 gravitons, complicated, only a few people in the world can understand that - 15:00 anti-gravity devices - 16:40 UFO - Tesla - Thomas Townsend Brown - 26:00 balance looses weight due to electricity - hovering object - government hides results - 40:00 Castle - 45:30 hovering objects - 51:40 spaceship 55:00 self built spaceship - 56:00 this discovery means freedom of energy for everyone - - 57:00 9/11 where did the buildings go to? 1:02:15 websites used - YT
Disclosure Project - John Maynard YT - Steven M. Greer, born June 28.6.1955, American retired medical doctor and ufologist - book Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge pdf © First Electronic Edition 2013, ZTT Consulting - Atacama skeleton (WP) - TW 52.2K - founder of Disclosure Project and Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI - One Universe One People - founded 1990) - 3,000 UFO sightings, 4,000 landing traces - WP - - (Enthüllung) - over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret
SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer - Original Full-Length Documentary Film (FREE!) - 35:45 Tesla and Edison 36:20 influenced Lester Hendershot and T. Henry Moray 38:30 1954 discovered antigravity went black - water fuel car, sued, poisoned, Greer tried to buy patent, unknown buyer got it 41:00 Rockefeller wants Greer to go public - 44:10 CIA director R. James Woolsey had no access to papers - former director William Colby drowned 1996 - 45:50 Greer 36 years old, 4 kids and wife in North Carolina - 46:30 UFOs 1997 Phoenix Lights - 49:45 Alien skeleton Atacama humanoid 53:40 worlds largest UFO investigation ca. 3.000 members worldwide 54:40 UFO drawings - collegues diagnosed with cancer 56:30 every time could be the last - because of realisation not afraid - conciousness - effecting 0 and 1 random - false scientific reports - Greer wants to give up - new supporter appears, witness list grews to over 200 - 1:57:50 UFO shoots rocket - governmental manipulation 1:10:15 Greer attacks Washington government again with witnesses - 9/11 - 1:13:30 1 trillion $ military project grew to 2-3 tr $ because of UFOs - creating enemies and wars, also weapons against aliens, creation of mass illusions against aliens, Reagan speech - 1999 2.3 trillion $, 2000 1.1 tr. $ missing in Pentagon, money can be stolen without government to recognize it - 1:19:15 Alien analysis, 10 ribs instead of 12 (human), 6-8 years old - 1:23:00 media control - 1:27:00 Alien DNA analysis - 1:28:30 Looking for Aliens type 1, 2, 3, not like humans type 0 getting energy from oil etc. - 1:32:00 1.150 teams of CE-5 ambassadors in 52 countries 1:33.00 peaceful contact - 1:33:45 zero-point field energy demo, loosing weight - 16 years skunkworks director Ben Rich: We now have the technology to take ET home - black disk zipping off in outer space - Ben revealed: 1 stellar travel 2 air in the equations 3 how does ESP work, all points in time and space are connected - 1:39:00 hovering ball - kept secret because of petrol owners - Greer builds safe area to build new energy - 1:41:00 analysis DNA, human like, was eating, breathing etc. age 6-8 - 1:48:00 4.000 landed UFOs, 3.500 pilot cases documents from US government, 100.000s of documents from 14 countries - since 2001 24 countries opend UFO files, Australia, UK, Vatican, Germany, Russia, Canada, India, South America - if people come together, leaders have to follow, we can create an amazing world - YT - 'Sirius' Theatrical Trailer YT - Sirius Disclosure YT Channel - - clean energy solutions -
Dr. Steven Greer : The Biggest HOAX in Human History - Ben Rich (WP - Extraterrestrial UFOs are real Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works CEO admits on his deathbed - U.S. military travels to stars - revealed before his death 1995 - Anything we can imagine we already know to do - YT) - 9:30 everything connected to everything - 1:15 UFO propulsion (Antriebskraft) works like ESP (Extrasensory perception or sixth sense), all points in time and space are connected - 2 UFO types: manmade and made by ETs - YT
Dr. Steven Greer : Hillary Clinton Knows the Truth about UFOs 3:00 mastered gravity Octoper 1954 - since then 700 trillion $ wasted for energy etc., because this makes the owners the rulers, which are not the presidents etc. - need group of people, put together best available evidence, and witnesses for hidden documents - 7:15 Greer suggested meeting 1995, 20 years ago, Laurance Rockefeller (WP) supported it, didn't want to lead because too dangerous for him from family side etc. - 9:00 Project Starlight - CSETI: Project Starlight, later became The Disclosure Project - documents and witnesses signatures in Greer's first book to end secrecy 10:00 meeting with Clinton's, Hillary said she knows it all is true but they won't tell her a thing 11:15 1995-98 contacted congress members, managed first witnesses revelations in congress 2001 - YT
Dr. Steven Greer : We Know How to Make UFOs - at ca. 60-70 military witnesses - 1:00 UFOs first on radar, then disappearing etc. - 5:30 at two places at the same time, Einstein calles it spooky - cosmos is concious - 6:30 electrons react to thoughts of viewer - Dr. Robert G. Jahn at Princeton, everything is concious, random genarator shifts from 0 to 1 with thoughts of participants, people who were connected through love could move it exponentially together 9:40 saliva reacts in distance on emotions of spender, conclusion: mind always omnipresent 11:15 meditation to contact universal mind - 12:45 skunk works scientist: 1 there are no private conversations on earth (Edward Snowden), 2 anything you can imagine we have already done, 3 we already have technologies to travel to stars (since October 1954), showed manmade antigravity black disk moving to stars - 14:00 way it is done: counter-electromagnetic field causes lift - 1929 increased volume of cristals and then lifted - met over 500 people who know about all these things - since 1954 no need of cars, rockets, ships etc. - destroying world because of this secrecy - 17:45 Wernher von Braun and Hitler antigravity - YT
Dr. Steven Greer - "Aliens, Other Beings & Why They Are Here" YT
Dr. Steven Greer : ETs Saved my Life - meeting God in two persons, getting healed - 8:00 same UFO as he was 8 years old appeared again - emotional description, near death 10:20 dematerialized to spaceship, via techniques making contact via conciousness, center of all in it's deepest state, main reason why Greer is doing all these projects etc. 13:00 called him to spread what was up to then only in private circle: universal peace love instead of making wars - YT
Dr. Steven Greer - MOST AMAZING UFO FOOTAGE EVER! (NellisAirForceBase) Unraveling the Deception - 7:00 make free energy possible for the world 8:00 presidents have no control over ET secrecy illegally - YT
Dr. Steven Greer : How ETs Manufacture UFOs YT
Dr Steven Greer 2017 Planet X Nibiru Update This Month Pole Shift Alien DISCLOSURE 1:55:30 either it is a free society or it isn't -> on important things it isn't, people need to rise up, not violently, and change that
BEST OF DISCLOSURE with Dr. Steven Greer (TIME) -35:00 catalogued 57 different ET species YT - Our Goals:
I. Investigate UFO sightings and collect the data in the MUFON Database for use by researchers worldwide.
II. Promote research on UFOs to discover the true nature of the phenomenon, with an eye towards scientific breakthroughs, and improving life on our planet.
III. Educate the public on the UFO phenomenon and its potential impact on society.
Disclosure Project - Don Phillips witness #8 - 4:45 UFOs ca. 3.862-6.115 km/h (2.400-3.800 miles/h), then stopped, reversed in acute angle (spitzem Winkel), watched 5 min, then they assembled above Area 51, AEC, atomic energy comission - there later tested prototype from Skunk Works - UFOs started rotating and disappeared - kept secret - discussed about 1 hour - YT - Disclosure Project - Robert Salas witness #9 UFOs lassen zig Waffen verschwinden - YT - Disclosure Project - John Maynard witness #12 - YT
Home scientist creates Free Energy and Anti-Gravity - AMAZING Story! YT - - John Hutchison - WAITING ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER - Hutchison's blog - hutchison effect moving objects, mineral powering a motor, hovering objects, cannon ball - YT
Boyd Bushman On Antigravity !!! 17:45 5 major forces: 1 the strong force (atomic bindings - gluons) 2 electromagnetism (light - photons) 3 the weak force W & Z bosons) 4 gravity (gravitons) 5 magnetism (magnetic force) - we don't know 6-8 18:30 huge rock between moon and earth, will come down on earth (Africa or Alaska) and have big impact, many megatonnes 19:30 moving and hovering objects 21:00 Roswell UFO (New Mexico 1947 - UFO - Roswell Saucer Crash & Aliens YT) shot down from colleague - - 21:55 Nicola Tesla died 1943 in New York hotel, worked on laser weapon to defend agains atom bomb airplanes - Roswell UFO fell down, colleague sow inside the UFO and 1 alien was walking outside - more about the remaining forces and how nature wants to tell us how to solve global problem - Einstein about light speed limitation, thought is faster - pure negative, single, without positive, becoming one with it means we can be anywhere in universe without time because no resistance - other universe is neutrino-universe - we see 5%, not dark matter, beyond that 70% dark energy - ♡ YT
Lockheed Martin senior scientist tells all, before he dies. Incredible! - 13:20 Alien photo, telepathic answers - YT - Look at this before you share that silly ‘UFO Death Bed Confession’ video - Walmart doll
Must See!!!UFO Levitation Technology!! YT
ufo ALIEN interview AREA51 majestic12 alien EBE-2 pt3 YT - Alien Interview | Secrets of Universe Revealed | Project Blue Book YT - Top secret interview with real alien part 2 Fri 26.7.1996 phonecall, offers interview with alien to Tom Coleman from Rocket Pictures (founded by Coleman in 1992) - said alien held in Nevada - 1947 Roswell, 1949 EBE1 - from Zeta Reticuli star system, 39.16 ly (1 light year = about 9.5 trillion kilometres) - died 18.6.1952 - aliens don't fear death, understand it as transition - 4:30 polititians declare UFOs as hoax, top secret operation majestic-12 1947 - 6:40 Dec 1994 declared death of EBEs acceptable, kept in security - 7:30 1988 EBE2 communicates via telepathy, learned English very quick - YT - This Is A Real Interview With An Actual Gray Alien 24:00 Victor wants to remain masked and voice electronically changed - tape illegally copied from Area 51 - since 1989 sessions with EBE 3-5 hours - 27:45 likes more to discuss spiritual concepts - interview: human body vehicle to serve spirit with max. efficiency - vessel can be replaced, spirit or soul can have many vessels - technology is a process to express soul - 29:40 Victor is not suicidal (against some sects who were), if he dies people will know who he is - 32:00 full interview uncut in real time: video without sound - 35:15 Victor wants to prove reality of alien, not compromise it - alien is uncomfortable, medical doctors come to help - 39:30 testing the video: 100% solid picture - YT
Grey Alien Filmed By KGB - YT

Exopolitik YT Channel - UFOs und die Medien: Ein Mainstream-Journalist packt aus YT
Time Travel, LEAKING THE TRUTH, Interview With A Time Traveler.. - 13:00 Aliens describe ideal life - YT
Aliens - Antigravity Advanced Technology 2017 10:20 Area 51 - YT - Technology from Extraterrestrials 4:15 Don Phillips created blackbird - 6:50 saw UFOs 8:35 disappeared 10:00 fixed on radar 13:30 worked for Kelly Johnson - ... - YT - The World's Highest Ranking Alien Believer 2:45 The day after Roswell by Col. Philip J. Corso (Ret.) with William J. Birnes 3:20 face to face meetings with ETs - 5:30 different ET types - YT
Roswell Revisited -- Colonel Phillip J. Corso YT planetarium for computer
Sind Aliens besser als wir?Harald Lesch - YT
Leschs Kosmos: UFOs im Blick - YT


Teal Swan on avoiding Abuse and Loving Yourself YT - - - P.1/5 The Ugly Truth About Teal Swan & the Spiritual Movement YT
Angelina Jolie Breaks Silence About her Breakup -Body Language analysis YT
S Farrah Story YT
The 10 Highest IQs in History #10 Stephen Hawking IQ 160 - #9 Einstein 160-190 - #7 da Vinci 189-190 - #2 Terence Tao 225-230 - #1 William James Sidis 250-300 - Aliens up to IQ 450 - Dr. Steven Greer : ETs may have IQs of 450 4:40 IQ 450 - YT
I Give A Homeless Man $200 For Sharing His Story On Camera - 11:55 7 out of 10 people are only 1 pay cheque away from becoming homeless - Better Mankind YT
This man travelled through time...... and he has proof!!! 1:30 film meeting himself age 70 ♡ Like Goethe describes in his "Dichtung und Wahrheit" he met himself decades later, both riding a horse crossing their ways, and he could understand the message that the reason he was travelling to clear something about relationship will be solved, and so it happend - YT
What is God Like?: Crash Course Philosophy #12 YT
... more coming soon ...


Psychology WP - more coming soon ...


David Icke - We Live In A Multidimensional Holographic Universe - MUST WATCH (2017) - David Icke 29.4.1952 is an English writer and public speaker - WP - more coming soon ...

Global Warming

6th Mass Extinction on Earth
Earth's sixth mass extinction event under way, scientists warn - 10 July 2017
Sixth mass extinction: The era of 'biological annihilation' - 11 July 2017
Schultz Awareness Lectures: with Guy McPherson 17 Oct 2017 - 31:10 President of Finland to Trump in White House 28 August 2017: ... if we lose the Arctic we lose the globe - YT
Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Volumes 1979-2017 - YT

The Reality of Climate Change (pre release) YT

GISTEMP Seasonal Cycle since 1880
Global Sea Level Rise Map - Sea Level Rise in Northern Europe (New HD) New YT - SEA LEVEL RISE VIEWER - What is Sea Level? YT
1 • The Maldives Global Warming - "Goodbye Paradise" Feb 4, 2017 - 5:00 sea-level already 1m higher - sand decreased - than some years before! YT
Mohamed Nasheed on Letterman Mar 29, 2012 YT
Das große Schmelzen - Forscher besorgt über die Situation am Südpol 3sat
Globale Erwärmung - 2016 war das wärmste Jahr seit Beginn der Messungen im Jahr 1880. Es war ca. 1,1 °C wärmer als in vorindustrieller Zeit und mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit das wärmste Jahr in den vergangenen 115.000 Jahren. 16 der 17 wärmsten jemals gemessenen Jahre traten im 21. Jahrhundert auf - WP
Was passiert bei 1,5 Grad mehr? Was bei 2, 3 und 4 Grad? - Welt
3419 tote Flüchtlinge und 270.000 Tonnen Plastikmüll schwimmen im Meer - Pinnews

EARTH - 100 years later (Documentary) by ABC (American Brodcasting Company Mar 16, 2015 - This is video is created in accordance with US laws - 9:00 2030 8 billion people on earth, runing out of water - 2040 9 bill. - 10:15 they lie down and die or do whatever it takes - 11:20 2050 Las Vegas no water, city dies - 13:20 storms, migrations - 13:40 2060 - 2070 3ft sealevel rise, big cities and countries gone - methane rising from Antarctica - 17:20 sulphurdioxide spread into the atmosphere - 19:20 virus - 2084 population 4 billion - one day power, phones, internet all off - 20:40 mob psychology takes over, no police, no president - 21:30 2.8 billion rapidly decreasing 2105, like dark age torture etc. - YT
(HD) Earth Under Water in Next 20 Years - Full Documentary 3:00 sealevel rise 70,1m - continents shrinking shown, London Berlin Paris flooded - reality or myth? - 5:20 sealevel was higher in ancient times, corals - 6:40 last ice age 70.000 years ago - 7:45 the wormer it gets through CO2 the faster sealevel rises - 8:20 rise 6ft=2m - Florida Miami - New Orleans wall - 18:30 Bangladesh 156 million population - 21:30 sea-level increased, map shown - professor Richard Mortlock: reconstruct sea-level for last 20.000 years - 20m/500years or 4-5m/100years - today rise may be faster! 15-20ft/100years - Miami, New Orleans, then St. Francisco Bay 7.5 million people 29:00 saving with dam - 30:30 Mediterranian sea Spain-Africa saving with dam - 35:30 15 million years ago no ice, sea-level 230ft=70.1m higher - 40:00 stresses through migrations are unimaginable - 41:30 New York, rescue through floating on water - 44:00 world has to work together - YT
List of urban areas by population WP
Grenada grapples with climate change - 100.000 population - 4:15 lost acres to sea - YT, DiCaprio - 25:00 politicians ignore science, math, physics 41:00 Kiribati 48:00 Indonesia 80% forest damaged - 54:00 switch diet, no beef - better no meat - 56:00 everything in future has to be different, all lights etc., power sources, cars etc. - Tesla Gigafactory Reno, Nevada - battery is solution, no cables around the place - 100 factories like this one saves the whole world - 59:00 carbon tax - N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics - make people believe, than polititians will fall in line quickly - 1:04:00 nowhere to live, no way to live - prediction of effects by degrees above 0º - 4º equator will collapse - greenland is melting completely now, instead of being a cooler it becomes a self-heater just by color change instead of ice - Paris meeting could help as a small window - solar and wind like Denmark, 100% is free energy forever - Sweden forst fossil-free country - 195 countries in Paris, agree not higher than 2º - 1:12:00 Obama about Paris - 1:16:00 Nasa atmosphere - 20 sattelites look on earth -1:18:30 worlds temperature measured and shown - gulf stream will stop - many places get much dryer - facts: earth warming, ice melting, sea-level rising - if fuel is stopped, planet will heat for a while more - ice can increase again - 1:22:00 pope message - act immediately, most of all: pray for human race - 1:26:00 can't predict what happens next, but control what we do next - UN speech - 1:29:00 consume differently, what you buy, eat, get power - vote best leaders to fight climate change, ending fossil fuel, invest in renewables -
Planet Will Burn Before Corporate Media Covers Climate Change as Existential Threat 9:00 info supressed because wealthy people think they will be ok - YT
Neoliberalism, Climate Change, Migration: George Monbiot in conversation with Verso YT
♡♡♡ CLIMATE CHANGE - Worse Than Everybody Thinks Documentary 2017♡♡♡ YT
Must Watch: Climatologist Breaks the Silence on Global Warming Groupthink

2 • Canadian Island Disappearing Due to Sea Level Rise (from CBC News) - Lennox Island - 1:10 300 football fields lost to the sea - YT - Climate change: Florida faces rising sea levels YT -
3 • This Virginia Island Is Literally Sinking Into The Sea (HBO) 2:45 YT -
4 • Ghana's disappearing villages | DW English YT -
Sea Level Rise - pofessor of physics of the oceans, Potsdam University - YT
5 • Entwicklungsminister Müller warnt vor 100 Millionen Flüchtlingen aus Afrika - Wenn die Erderwärmung nicht begrenzt werde, drohe eine riesige Fluchtbewegung aus Afrika. Davor warnt Entwicklungsminister Gerd Müller. Er spricht von bis zu 100 Millionen Menschen. - Spiegel Online
6 • Unreported World: Bangladesh - The Drowning Country - YT - Bangladesh Is Drowning Because of Climate Change - YT
7 • Inskip Point - Beach Disappears in Australia - YT
8 • Pacifica, Ca Cliff Erosion - What It Looks Like Now (May 2016) - YT - Pacifica Coastal Erosion 1-14-17 - YT - Disturbing Event! Beaches And Cliffs Are Continuously Eroding Due to Severe Weather - YT
The Disappearing Island: The Problem of Coastal Erosion on the Isle of Man - YT
Disturbing Effects of CLIMATE CHANGE and GLOBAL WARMING! Huge Icebergs Breaking Away, Many More YT
No 'Pause' in Global Warming: Oceans Heating Up and Sea Levels Rising at Alarming Pace - YT
Leading Ocean Researcher Says We Could See An Iceless Arctic in 2017 - YT
Planet Will Burn Before Corporate Media Covers Climate Change as Existential Threat - YT
9 •  A Warning from the Center of the World: Pacific Nation Kiribati Is Disappearing as Sea Level Rises - YT

Abrupt Climate Change Part 1 2017 - 15:40 not trying to change society, but individual lives - 28:30 friendship is working together towards the common good 28:45 Q & A collectively and individually - YT - Abrupt Climate Change Pt2 2017 YT
Abrupt Dire Climate Change - Faster then Expected * Presentation by Prof. Guy McPherson * In MO 2017 5:00 Buddhist philosophy - 12:00 climate scientists lie because they have something to protect 12:50 About McPherson - YT
Guy McPherson - Human Extinction within 10 years - American Professor of natural resources and evolution - 4:30 10 years - YT
Abrupt Climate Change * The Hard Truth * Scientists * Guy McPherson Eric Rignot (NASA) & more - YT
Climate Change and Human Extinction - A Personal Perspective ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ - YT ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ Documentary | "Somewhere in New Mexico Before the End of Time" 18:50 we shouldn't just walk away from empire, we should bring it down - 19:48 growth table 22:50 baloon squeezed from different directions - 22:15 professor quitting and following McPherson 24:00 soften the crash landing 24:30 birder - 26:50 american dream manipulates everything in our lives and has become a nightmare - 33:25 people have stress to survive, no time to care about quality - withdraw from employees and become self sufficient - 34:30 need living planet, not industrial economy, can't have both - 34:50 extinction of humanity - criticism of McPherson by listener - 37:30 extremes of global warming 40:30 1-6º - 5º ocean dead, acidified 43:10 climate change irreversible (Feb 2009), 396 CO2 for next 1000 years increasing per year ca. 6% - 44:40 only economic collaps can stop, 9 from 10 journals will not print these data 46:30 Mt. Shasta community - no going back possible if once left imperialism, food poisoned 51:30 3e: economy envinronment energy 53:00 politicians, industrial bosses 55:55 greatest resources allocation of all times, combines living arrangement with no future 57: seminar at Google, ridiculous, no questions, 17 same comments: we got technology - 57:30 don't know difference between technology and energy at highest political level - 59:30 Mile Wallace interview Huxley, quotes Orwell 1984 - 1:05:00 community, own only what you use, 13 members, 6 months trial, a lot of responsibility, a lot to give up 1:09:45 Mud hut - McPherson community 2008 example - 1:21 climate changing rapidly - ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ - YT
We are all on the Titanic called: Civilization * Climate Change * Guy McPherson 5:00 2030 no human - caused by methane - YT
Professor re; human extinction in 2030; "Politicians live in denial" - 7:00 Tipping point - YT
Most Important Presentation You ever See on Global Warming / Climate Change * Guy McPherson CA 2016 9:10 PETM 10:30 cities not providing water air food etc. 12:00 civilization heat engine, solar wind energy doesn't change this fact 14:00 half of worlds wealth in hands of 80 people, then 40, today 8 15:00 moving material from country to city as cause 19:30 10 years to avoid green gas since 1989 - 23:00 video biology professor extinction already started, can't be stopped - 26:00 20m sea level, migration causes 28:00 shortage of water, food - desease, acres burn, hurricane Kathrina etc. 32:00 greenhouse gas + sulfid 3º C rise 37:00 clmate growth irreversible - 38:00 2 causes of extinction: massive methane unstoppable, plumes (Schadstofffahnen) up to 150 km across 39:00 Paul Beckwith (Nov 2014 - "Complete loss of Arctic sea ice & snow cover year-round. Country-sized glaciers from Greenland & Antarctica crashing into the oceans causing massive tsunamis & raising sea-levels by at least 10 feet / 3.48 m by 2050 & 25 feet / 7.6 m by 2070. Reversal of wind & water flows at the North Pole Ocean. Huge storms. More often. Lasting longer. Crop (Ernte) failures & global mayhem" posted on January 30, 2017 - TW 11.1K) more than 5º C rise in 10-20 years 40:00 water vapor 43:00 happening in weeks 45:00 no arctic ice 2016 +/- 3 years - 49:00 astrobiology: extinction is the cosmic default for most life (20.1.2016) - we missed the ark 19:50 hopefree, fearfree, 4 letter words, projections to the future, not proposing inaction - 52:40 homosapiens means wise ape - do what you love - Socrates spent 70 years asking everyone about 6 things about excellence: what is courage (Tapferkeit, Mut), good, moderation (Mäßigung), justice (Gerechtigkeit), piety (Frömmigkeit), virtue (Tugend) 55:00 act like your dog, human be-ings, not human do-ings, 3 words: be here now - 57:00 Being alone with Global Warming - YT - - TW 3.2K - Guy McPherson in Syracuse.22 Dec 2016.Part 2 43:20 - Dimitri Orlov TW 250 - YT
Guy McPherson - Presentation in Wellington New Zealand - 1:07:50

Permian History Methane Gas Explosion From Ocean Wiped Out 95% Of Life 1:30 10.000 times of the actual nuclear bombs on earth - 2:30 1996 gas produced 100 m high water eruption, killed people up to 16 miles away, 1700 local villagers died - 4:45 demo of city-destruction by methane, first water, then explosion of gas - global desaster 5:30 50m burned CO2 on whole earth surface - YT
Lake Nyos disaster - 21.8.1986 - killed 1.746 people + 3.500 livestock within 25 km - WP
The Permafrost Mystery: scientists explore giant Yamal Sinkhole - YT
Arctic Death Spiral - A Short Film - 4:45 complete melting of arctic ice summer 2015 - 5:45 if all melts we are all dead - doesn't matter if we stop CO2 polution, it will rise automatically - 7:00 methane release - 1º C bad, 2º very bad - 3º biblical, Amazonas turns to desert, 4º beyound that, 5º "is anyone else here?", 6º silence - 11:00 inability to sustain 8-10 billion people - YT -
2 Public Figures: Oliver Stone and Bob Geldof who say: "Human Extinction" - YT - Oliver Stone WP - SNOWDEN - Official Trailer - 1:15 NSA tracking every cellphone on the planet - YT
SCIENTISTS PREDICT THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HUMAN BY 2030 - CLIMATE DISRUPTION19:00 CO2 polution already 30% in ocean, rising 23:00 Antarctica studies - ocean food becomes weaker and vulnerable 25:30 fisherman predicts without change no future 26:30 corals dying, every 1 out of 4 ocean animals live from coral existence 27:00 craols will need 10 million+ years to rebuild, we have only 10 years left 28:00 earth built 4.5 bill. years ago, 3.5 bill ago life in ocean, 2.5 bill dinasaurs, 200.000 years ago homosapiens 29:00 mass extinction of animals and plants 36:00 understand exponentional function - YT
♡♡♡ Human Extinction By 2030 -There's No Tomorrow! - Energy sources limitations - 26:00 combination of all informations - 2050 double food production needed - without oil 9 bill. people die - Happy Ending: economy doubles - globalization through oil - 28:00 possible solutions: William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882 England, economist) increasing coal consumption - believing new technologies bring solutions is false, it doesn't bring energy - minerals used in computers and accessoires are limited - autarkic lifestyle - produced by Dermot O'Connor Vimeo - - at - YT ♡♡♡
Fun with burning methane on a lake First experiment YT - A RIVER ON FIRE! Gas explodes from Australian river near fracking site.
Climate Change: Hansen Paper: Multimeter Sea Level Rise by 2075? 3:00 much higher than described 4:00 destroying most major cities, all on the coast, rising several meters over 50-100 years, massive refugee influc, ungouvernable, multimeter sea level rise within 60 years - Dr. James Hansen and an international group of 18 premier climate scientists - YT
James Hansen: “We might lose all coastal cities” - 2:20 slowing ocean circulation, may cause shutdown completely with dramatic effects - will lose all costal cities, more than half of large cities in world - changes on Greenland and Antarctica are beginning to happen faster and faster - YT
Making sense of the new sea level rise study Former study of hundreds of years now only decades - 3:15 Antarctica collaps -
Interview mit Arnold Schwarzenegger zu Klimaschutz und Trump - YT
Indian Hills 2015 Gas Eruptions YT
More links at our IDL page


Ocean WP - Ocean surface topography WP - Earth WP - equatorial radius 6,371.0 km, circumference 40,075.017 km - polar radius 6,356.8 km (ca. -14 km), circumference 40,007.86 km (ca. -67 km) - 148,940,000 km2 land - 361,132,000 km2 water - deepest Mariana Trench 10,994 meters = ca. 11 km
Ocean Surface Topography - Sea surface and the Geoid - Fundamentals of Mapping (Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping) - Sea level (Mean sea level) WP - Geoid is the shape of the oceans surface - according to Gauss (1777-1855), who first described it, it is the "mathematical figure of Earth" - WP - geoid animation - Geodetic datum WP - Ocean current WP - Sea level rise WP - Gravity of Earth WP
NASA Mission Update: GRACE YT - GRACE Sees Groundwater Losses Around the World NASA YT
euronews space - Wie die Schwerkraft die Erde fest im Griff hat - What our planet REALLY looks like? Real Shape Of Earth - GOCE: Geoid YT
Earth's Geoid Affected By Oceanic Currents And Topography YT -
What Does Earth Look Like? 5:00 maps proportions 6:40 Mercator Puzzle - Vsauce YT - Map Projection Transitions by - B.A. in Computer Science from University of Cambridge (dissertation adviser was Eben Upton of Raspberry Pi) - TW 7.5K
Der berühmte TV Physiker Harald Lesch hat genug und spricht endlich Klartext YT - War die Mondlandung ein Fake? | Harald Lesch YT - Gibt es einen Gott? | Harald Lesch YT - Harald Lesch | Die Welt in 100 Jahren YT - Harald Lesch: Die Menschheit schafft sich ab! YT - Die Menschheit schafft sich ab - das neue Buch von Harald Lesch YT Kollaps der Menschheit durch Überbevölkerung (1/2) - Kollaps der Menschheit durch Überbevölkerung (2/2) YT - Unser Schulsystem ist Mist! | Harald Lesch YT
Waterworld film 1995 WP
What lies under Antarctica will amaze you 48:00 sea level changes seen in New Zealand YT
List of impact craters on Earth - 190 craters confirmed - from 0.1 km diameter up to 300 km, unconfirmed up to 600 km - WP - Chicxulub crater - destroyed dinasaurs - WP
Sea level rise WP


Wie werden wir in 100 Jahren leben? - von Kristian und Alex - YT

Ocean Currents

Ocean current WP - Thermohaline circulation WP - more coming soon ...

Dangerous Sea Animals

If You Ever See This on the Beach, Cry for Help! - YT


Glacier WP - more coming soon ...


Billionaire WP - over 1,800 U.S. dollar billionaires worldwide, with a combined wealth of over US$7 trillion - top eight richest billionaires own as much combined wealth as "half the human race" - The net worth of the world's billionaires increased from less than $1 trillion in 2000 to over $7 trillion in 2015 so the gap is growing up dramatically

Distribution of wealth - Data about global distribution of wealth - 3 richest individuals own more then the poorest 10% - worlds billioneers year 2000 1 trillion $, 2015 over 7 trillion $, gap growing dramatically - 241 trillion $ worlds total wealth, with $100 bills making a huge stack, 100x$100 = 1.09cm-thick: 262,000 km-high stack, which reaches 68% of the way to the moon (384,402 km) - WP
The World's Billionaires - List coming soon
Wie wir den Weltuntergang überleben | Harald Lesch YT
Why is Nobody Talking about This... (2017-2018 EVENTS) Global teamwork needed - 3:45 Zuckerberg 5:00 in 9 years computer will have same power as human brain, algotithms of brain - biotechnology, chips for the brain 8:30 tracking devices - Zuckerberg building artificial intelligence - 10:30 transgender Vogue 12:15 single brain has more switches than all computers on earth combined 13:00 27 km tunnel to accelerate particals - YT
15 Of The Richest Women in The World! YT
GOP Health Care Plan: Massive Wealth Transfer to Corporations, Military, and the Rich YT


World war WP - War on Terror WP - Neocolonialism WP - New Imperialism WP
Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy - The Transformation of American Democracy to Oligarchy - America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study finds
America's Global War: Strategy and Empire 15:40 we are in a very dangerous crossroad in our history - YT - by Michel Chossudovsky, born 1946, a Canadian economist and author, son of a Russian Jewish émigré (Evgeny Chossudovsky) and an Irish Protestant (Rachel Sullivan) professor of economics at the University of Ottawa, since 2001, he has been the president and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization - founder of - WP
The Globalization of War: America's "Long War" against Humanity - paperback book – February 16, 2015 by Michel Chossudovsky (Author) - books review by Ludwig Watzal: "Michel Chossudovsky has written an inspiring analysis of the global outreach of the U. S. Empire that threatens not only the existence of individual states but all of humanity." - Biographycal Summary: recipient of The Human Rights Prize, Society for Civil Rights and Human Dignity, Berlin (2002) - Must-Read Book: The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order - Third World Traveler - excerpts from the book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order" by Michel Chossudovsky -
Neoliberalism and The Globalization of War - Michel Chossudovsky on GRTV YT
The European Union: Part of America's Imperial Project - Michel Chossudovsky on GRTVT - YT
Brexit Is A Blow to the Oligarchs: Michel Chossudovsky Unmasks the EU Empire 9:50 European Central Bank and Bank of England controlled by Wallstreet - YT
Putin spricht Klartext - Die hinterlistige Kriegspläne der USA YT - Putin personal website - Vladimir Putin - in 2007, he was the Time Person of the Year - in 2015, he was #1 on the Time's Most Influential People List - Forbes ranked him the World's Most Powerful Individual every year from 2013 to 2016 - WP - Forbes list of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women WP
TOP 10 Richest Families in the World – 2017 Real Net Worth YT - Who Is The Rothschild Family & How Much Power Do They Have? YT - Die russische Armee junge Soldaten übertrainiert bereit, die Welt zu erobern Doku NEU 2016 HD YT
DONALD TRUMP - Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) - Jimmy Kimmel Opening Monologue : Trump Moves Stuff Around 3/23/17
Trump To Critics: "I'm The President, And You're Not" YT - 'I'm President, And You're Not' Trump Defends His Wild Wiretap Claims! YT - When Trump Asked About HIS Many Lies, He Replies, "It Must Work; I'm President and You're NOT" YT - Republican Congressman, "Trump is Too DUMB to Be President; He Doesn't Understand His Own Policies" YT
Piers Morgan: Media determined to bring Trump down YT
President Trump and the truth YT
Der Kampf um Deutschland - Der Anfang vom Ende - Doku 2017 (NEU in HD) 1:28:30 Merkel lässt 220.000 Flüchtlinge rein - Zerreißprobe für EU - Brexit - Trump President 1:33:00 EU kann nur durch Aufgabe der Nationalstaaten überleben - YT
IF It was NOT filmed, NO ONE would believe it... (2017) - YT

Environment - Global Catastrophes in Earth History

Extinction event WP - Global catastrophic risk WP - The Global Risks Report 2017 - Global Catastrophes - Environmental degradation - glaciers get smaller and smaller - WP - Environmental issue It's not next year or next decade, it's now (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA) - Climate change is not just a distant future threat. It is the main driver behind rising humanitarian needs and we are seeing its impact. The number of people affected and the damages inflicted by extreme weather has been unprecedented - WP
World peace WP - more coming soon ...


Overpoulation 2 - more coming soon ...

8 Main World-Conflicts

Flood nach Amadeus ab 2020 alle 90 Jahre 20m ocean rise - also 2010 20m, 2100 40m, 2190 60m, 2180 80m max. - bei ca. 0.5m sind schon 1.5 Milliarden Menschen heimatlos und belagern den Rest der Welt - im Durchschnitt muss jeder Ort 1/5 seiner Bevölkerung zur Verteidigung opfern, manche Großstädte aber 10-20 mal mehr als ihre eigene Bevölkerung! - bleiben 4/5 bzw. weit weniger der Flut-verschonten Orte übrig - Spannungen politisch nach heutigem Stand nicht lösbar (siehe Paris Global Warming Meeting Ende 2015) - in wenigen Wochen sind alle Menschen gegenseitig vernichtet oder extrem reduziert, der Mob regiert durch Gewalt und beherrscht alle Länder der Welt - TS Konzept für je 500 Personen: 250 Schiffe/2 Erwachsene oder 50/10, 10/50, 5/100 etc., autark etc. siehe Liste oben
• CH4 und CO2<----------------------------------------------------------/sub>
• Golfstrom und alle anderen Ströme bleiben stehen - ca. 2020 möglich, sogar schon 2017 etc. - Fische sterben in ca. 1 Woche - fehlen in der Nahrungskette -> alle Landtiere werden dadurch ebenfalls extrem reduziert, Menschen können keine Fische und Wildtiere beuten
• Gletscher schmelzen - Flüsse und Grundwasser trocknen aus

• Tendenz politischer Macht ist noch möglicherweise und oft bewiesenerweise zentriert auf Diplomatie, Ausbeutung und Schädigung, ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste
Wirtschaft Kollaps - Kapitalismus verschwindet
Umweltverschmutzung und Kollaps durch Tierhaltung, Abgase, Rohstoff-Abbau etc. -> saurer Regen -> Waldsterben -> Ozonlöcher etc.
Überbevölkerung - ab 13 Milliarden nicht verwaltbar unter normalen Bedingungen, die aber stark verschlechtert werden, Tag für Tag - Current World Population Year 1 0.2 billion --- y 1650 0.5 bill --- (+ 154 y) y 1804 1 b --- (+ 123 y) y 1927 2 b --- (+ 33 y) 1960 3 b --- (+ 14 y) 1974 4 b --- (- 13 y) 1987 5 b --- (+ 12 y) 1999 6 b --- (+ 12 y) 2011 7 b --- (+ 6 y) today 27.2.2017 Berlin 19:12 7,487,350,000 = ca. 7.5 b ---
earth total land mass = 29.2% of its total surface = 148,939,063.133 km2 --- land mass / 8 billion people = ca. 150.000.000 km2 land mass / people (8 billion) = (15 * 10.000.000) / (800 * 10.000.000) = 15/800 = 0.01875 km2/person --- 1km2 = 1.000 m * 1.000 m = 1.000.000 m2 --- this makes 18.750 m2/person (18 thousand and 750 square meters) = 136.930639376 m * 136.930639376 m / person --- this is incluced all islands, antarctica, mountains, deserts, wild forests, space for daily food growth or animals, space for producing energy, water, wastewater, gas, streets, markets, public rooms etc. etc.
World population at 13 billion people makes 15/1300 = ca. 0.011538... km2/person --- this makes 11.538 m2/person = ca. 107 m * 107 m / person, again included all islands, deserts, space for energy etc.
Surface Area of the Earth - total water surface area: 70.8% (361,132,000 sq km), total land surface area: 29.2% (148,940,000 sq km) --- 69.3% saltwater, 1.77% freshwater, 8.76% good land to be farmed, 5.84% mountains, 5.84% covered by snow land, 5.84 dry land (desert), 2.94 land doesn't have topsoil -> have to multiply all land data ca. * 3, exactly * 2.92 to get the percentage of the total land mass, this means 5.84 dry land (desert) * ca. 3 makes ca. 18% etc.
Population density WP

3 700.000.000,00 $ - Wie wird man so reich wie Donald Trump - Dokumentation deutsch - Trump 7:30 Weißes Haus bleibt wohl für immer ein Traum - 8:00 Berlusconi - 14:15 Rowling - 19:30 Abramowitsch - 25:00 McCartney - 31:00 Krupp - 37:30 Jackie Kennedy

Modules & Links for all 7 Main Conflicts

8 Possible Decisions

Nichts tun - alles kommen lassen wie es kommt - die bisher häufigste Reaktion der großen Mehrheit aller angesprochenen Personen (-> bringt keine Lösung)
• Ocean rise Betroffene arrangieren Umzug in ungefährdetes Gebiet (-> wie 1. keine Lösung da Betroffene immigrieren wollen, aber leider kein Platz und keine facilities - endet in massiven Angriffen und Verteidigung)
• Durch geeignete Präsentation Bekannten und so vielen wahrhaft und ernsthaft interessierten Leuten wie möglich alle 7 Welt-Krisenpunkte und Lösungen in den folgenden 3 Schritten zu erklären: 1. Effektivste kürzeste Präsentation, so dass es ausreicht um mit höchster Anziehung und Konzentration alles zum vollständigen Verständnis Nötige zu Erarbeiten - 2. Den ersten praktischen Schritt zu beginnen um in Folge alle noch weiter nötigen Schritte zu erfüllen - 3. Die Quelle oder den Ursprung, Gott, Engel und Meister, als zentrale Personen/Autoritäten, Energie und Lösung zu verstehen und ausschließlich hierzu zu nutzen (-> wie 1., kaum jemand reagiert, bringt bisher keine Abhilfe oder Lösung - bringt Ärger wie 8.)
Vertrauliche GR W --- 2 Hexagons++ --- Datenschutz und IN Verbindung 24/7 zu PE - Spirit als Zentrum, PS, O, Gesetz und Gericht (-> AM rät ab)
Schiffbau oder Kauf - autark - alle Technik und O zu Bau, Wartung, Reparaturen, Duplikation, Verbesserung, Weiterentwicklung

Sicherheit - Schutz - Datenschutz - Verteidigung - Medizin etc.
Satelliten zur Kontrolle - bewohnte Satelliten - 10 km Seil - gravity Lösungen (-> zu unsicher, kostspielig, aufwändig, nicht ausreichend entwickelt, derzeit utopisch)
Politisches Engagement (-> nicht effektiv, bringt keinen Erfolg bzw. sogar Probleme, Rufmord, Angriff, Misshandlung, Gefangennahme etc. - siehe Paris Meeting Ende 2015 und Edward Snowden, Mandela, Gandhi etc. etc.)

Finding Solutions

Zerlegung in sämtliche kleinsten unbedingt nötigen Bestandteile, die alle gemeinsam zur Lösung führen
Zielsetzung (Menschheit überlebt auf ideale Weise die Problematiken s.o.) mit maximaler Anziehung durch Konzentration von Gedanken und Gefühlen, die zur effektivsten Einsicht, Planung und Umsetzung führen
Profession in den verschiedenen nötigen Bereichen: Gesetze Schutz Sicherheit Verteidigung ... Materialien - grundlegende Elemente und Substanzen - Autarkie ...

Ship - TS Concept

• Groups of 500 adults of different complementary professions for a group of ships
• Ca. 10 ships for 50 adults each + children - or 50 ships for 10 adults + children each - or 250 ships for 2 adults + children each etc.
Autarkic - plants and sheep etc.
Clothing - manufacturing

Technology, energy and science
Computer technology and programming, media technology - world's knowledge on data
Mathematics and philosophy, religions and freedom of thought and speech - spirit
• Culture and arts, media production, sports etc.
Medicine, physicians etc.

Education and child care
• Management and calculation - services
• Justice and governance, defense and criminal conviction, social security, ministries, work
• Raw materials
Ship building and handicraft, mechanical and industrial art

Amadeus about the flood - German text, translation coming soon ...


Smallest pieces of ship project in the most effective order (2017-3-22 Berlin 10:00)
CY kindergarten school child_care work/professions/jobs/services exchange relationships communication handling/behavior - all P TW YT ideal_design content LKs hierarchic_O WD PG
• YT clips - TS presentation programs
Building all parts: ship furniture windows sails
Technical constructions: computer radar internet machines etc.

• Gaining raw materials and working on and with them
Autarkic living - produce: food care_cosmetics medicaments etc.
Philosophy math computer_science science metaphysics
Rules justice relationships sexuality possess responsibility care control management defence etc.
• Physical and psychological care - spirit
See also TS Concept
• inner balance - not extreme activity/passion or passivity/indifference (Tue 2017-4-11 Berlin 16:00)
• Objects to distribute: Mobus strip - Rubik's cube - (Tue 2017-4-11 Berlin 16:53)

More Modules pics/icons
• math physics computer_science quantum_mechanics energy philosophy_spirit psychology law justice ideals religion
• autarkic: food substances material chemistry clothing objects
• mechanics wood stone metal plastic etc.

To Do

• woodworking, & tools creation
• raw material - wood metal earth minerals wood etc.
• ship small medium large etc.
• autrarkic
• O LZ BH FI etc.

more coming soon :-)

Woodworking - - WoodWorkers Guild of America
How to Find the Best Woodworking Plans Online for Any Project - - - Hand Tools: Their Ways and Workings – 17 April 2002 by Aldren A. Watson (Author) Amazon - - Wien - - Woodworking Masterclass - YT
Hand Woodworking at Home with George Turner - YT 83

Wood By Wright - YT 37K - Patreon

Handwerkzeuge Holzbearbeitung PDF
Planung Holzwerkstatt PDF
Punkte autarker Schiffbau PDF
Liste der Holzarten WP


Hirnholz betrachten - Jahresringe - Holzbestimmungsbuch

Holzbestimmung, Holzarten erkennen, Holzerkennung von Birnbaum, Kirsche, Zwetschge und Erle - YT
Holzarten - - -
Schadinsekten an Bäumen


Elbe WP - Saale WP - Mulde (Fluss) WP
Elbe von oben - Teil 1 - Quelle bis Schnackenburg -YT - Die Elbe - Von Schnackenburg bis Hamburg 2012 - YT - Die Elbe - Von Hamburg bis Cuxhafen 2012 - YT

Shipbuilding in Leipzig
Boot Up Leipzig - Stratum Werft - - - Andreas Pusinelli - Naunhofer Landstraße 4-6 - 04288 Leipzig-Liebertwolkwitz - - - -

Werft WP - TOP TEN WERFTEN - Deutsche_Industriewerke"Deutsche Industriewerke
Schiffs- und Meerestechnik TU Berlin
Berliner Wasserstraßen - Deutschland Wasserstraßen - Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik e.V. -
Trimaran Bausatz
Multihull WP - Trimaran WP - NEEL 51 | Walk-through with Eric Bruneel YT - NEEL 51 Trimaran launch | Walk-through with Eric Bruneel - Kronland 33 - 80.000 € established in Cornwall, United Kingdom in 1965 -> 2 Franklin Rd, Waihi 3682, New Zealand -> Isle of Wight - Adastra film YT
Multihulls 10 WSs

Bootsbauer WP - Ausbildung zum Bootsbauer - DBSV Deutscher Boots- und Schiffbauer Verband - Bootsbauer Präsentation AVO - Maritimes Kompetenzzentrum für Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung - - - Bootsbau-Bü
Boatbuilding Manual, Fifth Edition – 20 December 2010 by Robert M. Steward (Author), Carl Cramer (Author) Amazon

64 Ship Modules

3 x Shiffs-Körper - aus Einzelteilen zusammengesetzt
Bewegliche Verbindungs-Stücke und Dach

Segel und Lenkung
Decken - 10


Regale - 20

Kabel und Verlegungen
Rohre und Verlegungen
Lüftung mit Temperatur- und Luft-Feuchtigkeits-Reglung

Salzwasser zu Süßwasser Filter
Abwasser Filter
Kompost Anlage - 30

Pflanzenkästen mit Licht und Belüftung sowie Wärme- und Feuchtigkeits-Reglung
Lenkung und Technik-Steuerung Computer
Motor zum Lenken an Häfen und Stränden
Computer und Bildschirme
Lautsprecher und Musik-Anlagen

Strom-Erzeugung und Speicherung
Autarkie System
Bäume mit Stamm- und Wurzel-Behälter durchsichtig/verdeckt mit Zugang
Eigenes Internet mit Schutz
Heizung - Fußbodenheizung - 40

Stoffe-Herstellung und Färbung

Herd - 50

Spüle aus Holz beschichtet - Geschirrspülmaschine - Waschmaschine etc.
Schalter und Dosen aus Holz
Vorhänge und Jalousinen
Waschbecken aus Holz beschichtet

Wannen und Duschen aus Holz beschichtet
Bad Böden und Wände
Labor und Werkstatt zur Herstellung von Medikamenten, Kosmetika, Konservierung, Rohstoff-Bearbeitung, Metall, Stein, Kunststoff-Herstellung etc.
Holz Herstellung - 60

Spezielle Materialien
Kunst und Baukunst
Sonstige Accessoires - 64

Bisherige Berechnung durch Tischler Christof: ca. 5.000 Stunden Arbeit für eine Person = 3 Jahre oder 36 Monate zu normaler Arbeitszeit von 8 Stunden 5 Tage/Woche mit gesetzlicher Urlaubszeit - oder 1 Monat mit ca. 36 Personen

Humans could be extinct in 9 years – scientists YT
DOOMSDAY 2020 - Arctic Methane Melting NOW YT
Permafrost Methane Time Bomb NBC News 4:20 Methane 25 x stronger than CO2 - 5:30 Methane is produced more and more - YT
Arctic Death Spiral - A Short Film - 8:00 worst thing might happen - Methane increasing extremely fast - YT
Clear Evidence of CLIMATE CHANGE! Arctic And Antarctic Ice Are Melting Very Fast Now! 9:15 methane, glaciers, corpses YT

Who are the aliens? Paul Hellyer - Ex Minister of defense of Canada 2:00 different degrees of spirituality 3:15 replicated technique, can't tell if UFO is real or earth made like Greer says 3:55 Ben Rich, can now take ET home 4:50 reptilians - 7:30 one represents the dark - people from Mars, Saturn, Venus are more spiritual, look like us 6:30 Americans have collected data and had more contact and know most - YT
Steven Greer (August 14, 2017) - THE FINAL COUNTDOWN YT

Grace VanderWaal Was Back on The AGT Stage and SHE ROCKED IT! YT

AM Q & A

Q an AM - Tue 2017-4-4 Berlin 14:00-15:00 - A AM 1 (25)
LZ 20 Uhr tägl - ship.html Vorträge + CC etc. - Lokal - Öko-Bioladen autark - Trimarane/Catamarane/Schiffe + GR - dann alles auch Berlin etc. - oder LZ Läden vermieten - AN Umgang - Weltkollaps in weniger als 10 Jahren wahr?
• Besser anderes, wie Band, DJ, nicht ship.html Weltkrise darstellen + Lösung? MD - Kids - Kita/Schule - Autark - Warum hattest du dem Verbreiten abgesagt? Warum sagtest du Hausverwaltung - nur Schiff oder UFO macht Sinn
UFO bauen LR + ETs Vorträge - nicht politisch? Greer gut? + mufon? ETs gut? Kontakte anstreben?
Security math PG mobile computer etc.
• Sonst Gesamtplan alles gut so? Bitte Kritik - FO andere innere Haltung, Ausrichtung etc.

♡♡♡ AM 1 - 2017-4-4 LZ AM Segen 24/7 Kontakt - mp3 ♡♡♡ A T Tue 2017-4-4 Berlin 14:01-14:29 (28 Min) - WR Ende 14:44 pic ♡♡♡

AM 2 Q & A - Q Sat 2017-4-8 Berlin WR 18:30-20:00
Math WR_(=philosophy_math) Kids HH Loc(ation)    (MD=WR) PR PG WD R_IN
CM Band CC Jazz PI    Tri(maran) E B CB S

♡♡♡ AM 2 - Sun 2017-4-9 Berlin 16:00-16:29 TS MY PR Flood

AM 3 - Mon 2017-4-17 Berlin 13:02-13:28 Ship - written German text here

Mon 2017-5-1 Berlin 13:44-14:08 ♡ Q AM 4
• Herrscher/Beherrschte nicht vereinen - auch nicht ausgleichen durch Rebellion/Kritik bzw. Charity - auch nicht Exo-/Esoterik vereinen oder ausgleichen - sondern G AG M erreichen ohne Zweifel und im vollen berechtigten, sich selbst durch vollkommene Prüfung bewiesenen Vertrauen folgen, alle IVs und LIs, führt zu MY und Moksha
\(Ship \cdot 2^n\) für \(0 \le n < 36\); \(n = \mathbb{N}\) (AM Korrektur: 38) --- nicht zur Anwendung, nur zum PR, siehe 1.
• Empfehlung - CM band etc.?
• Zu CHF - VE - AN - andere?

AM 4 MD N - Mon 2017-5-1 Berlin 13:02-13:25 (23 min) T

Tue 2017-5-16 Berlin 13:44-14:24 Q AM 6
• 3-Punkte-Plan Program Ship Spirit gut? Nichts vergessen? AM besseren o.a. Plan?
Penthesilea TX Skizze + CM-Plan und Stil-Entscheidung gut? AM besseren o.a. Plan?
• TS-Kloster gut? Erste Mitglieder CHF AN - Kloster und Jobs Nanny Tischler + Gehälter gut? Flyer gut? AD + CC Straße und 1 x wöchentlich Freitag Program 19:00 Berlin gut? AM besseren o.a. Plan?
• IDL eG als Arbeitgeber gut? Umgang mit 4 Mitgliedern ok?
• Leipzig Läden für TS nutzen oder nicht - wenn dann welchen Laden oder beide? Motor Tanz Yoga Instrumente Musik etc. 1 Monat - Second Hand Kleider Irak 5 Jahre - Haus behalten oder verkaufen?

Erst SF Q ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ Auch zu 2 MDs täglich morgens open end und abends ♡♡♡

Bevor AM diese Qs beantwortet hat, sprach er erst die Sitzung AM 5 ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡

Mon 2017-5-22 Berlin 16:32-16:44 (22 Min - Foto) AM 6 2017 - Tempel Palast Segen - Audio mp3 - Text


• Laden rechts Launch Café mit tägl. Programmen - Miete 750 €/Monat warm alles incl. Beginn: ... - Schaufenster etc. + Fassade besprechen
• Laden links Öko-Bio Vegan aus Selbstanbau Autarkie Trimarane Katamarane Hausboote Programme - Miete 650 €/Monat warm alles incl. Beginn: ...
• IDL eG Stellungnahme Hilfe Beteiligung Entgegenkommen Vertrag etc.

AN Vertrag - 600 bar + Mietanteil + Kost + Sonstiges etc. - 40 h/Woche incl. Urlaub + Stunden-Ausgleich, Arbeitszeiten täglich scrhiftlich im 5-Min. Takt - Zahlung möglicherweise nachträglich, immer nur aus eigen erwirtschafteten Einkünften, Finanzierungen, Sponsoring etc. - Vers. Steuern etc.?
FO Vertrag - Bestätigung zu den Ladenprogrammen - täglich etwa 20 Uhr Programm Launch oder/und in Öko oder IDL eG Haus/Wohnung, auch andere Termine, Themen: Welt-Konflikte und Lösungen, Trimarane u.a., Umsetzungs-Konzepte, Programm-Module - Finanzierung, Konstruktion, Technik, Autarkie, Ernährung, Gesundheit, Schutz und Sicherheit, GR W, alle Themen in Modulen, AD, WS etc. - Öffnungszeiten - Reno - Einrichtung - Schaufenster und Fassade - Briefkästen + Schlüssel etc.


summit - Gipfel, Spitze, Höhepunkt, Kuppe, Scheitel, Scheitelhöhe, Gipfeltreffen, Krone, Gebirgsgipfel ...


Bill Evans - Alone (1968 Album)

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild WP - Trailer Nintendo
For Honor – Cinematic Story Trailer – E3 2016 Ubisoft - For Honor – Launch-Trailer | Ubisoft [DE] - FOR HONOR - Charakter- & Klassen-Guide | Ubisoft-TV [DE] - 🏯 OROCHI GUIDE 🏯 FOR HONOR [deutsch] [german] - For Honor WP

Werner Heisenberg - Physik & Philosophie (Originalaufnahme) 1967 5:00 Erzeugung von Materie aus Energie, nicht Zerlegung - 8:00 H. glaubt nicht an noch elementarere Teilchen als die schon bekannten, entgegen Kant - 9:00 Plato hat eher Recht gegen Demokrit, dass letzte Bausteine der Materie mthematischer Natur sind - 14:00 philosophische Probleme empirisch lösen - 17:00 philosophische Grundsätze in der Schwebe halten - YT
Max Planck - Selbstdarstellung im Filmportrait (1942) - 10:00 Rudolf Clausius Enthropie - YT
100 Jahre Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie | Harald Lesch -YT
Easy Explanation of Quantum Theory - Documentary \(\hbar = \frac{h}{2\pi}\) - YT
Quantum Mechanics - Part 1: Crash Course Physics #43 \(E = hf\) (or \(h\nu\)) (E = energy of the photon, h = Planck's constant, f = frequency, or \(\nu\) (the Greek letter nu) --- \(h = 6.626\cdot 10^{-34} \frac{m^2\cdot kg}{s}\) - 7:15 Light really exists. Light travels in descrete packets and behaves like a particle. --- Wave-particle duality: light can behave like a particle or like a wave - YT -
Quantum Mechanics - Part 2: Crash Course Physics #44 - Louis de Broglie: light can behave like a particle or like a wave 1:10 \(p = \frac{h}{\lambda}\) (\(p\) = momentum, \(\lambda\) = wavelength) - 3:05 \(\lambda = 8.24 \cdot 10^{-35}m\) - YT - Quantum Physics for 7 Year Olds | Dominic Walliman | TEDxEastVan YT - The Map of Mathematics - The Map of Mathematics YT
Quantenmechanik | Harald Lesch YT
Thomas Mann - Erster Tonfilm eines deutschen Autors (1929) YT - Thomas Mann Reden Meine Zeit YT
Marcel Reich-Ranicki lehnt deutschen Fernsehpreis ab (volle Länge) YT - Marcel Reich-Ranicki & Thomas Gottschalk im Gespräch (17.10.2008) YT
Klaus Wowereit - Désirée Nick - Prof. Harald Lesch - Dr. Julia Shaw - Markus Lanz - 50:00 Lesch Erde vergisst nichts - 53:50 zum Nordpol hinschwimmen da kein Eis mehr - Gletscher sind weg - 56:00 alle wissen alles darüber und reden es trotzdem erneut - man läßt Lesch aber nicht machen - Böll: es muss etwas geschehen - es wird etwas geschehen - aber nichts passiert - wiederholt kritisieren: Meinung ist kein Inhalt - Natur nicht verhandelbar - UK will nur noch Meinungen 1:01:00 Wachstum kann nicht dauernd ansteigen - 1:03:00 Klimawandel mittendrin, ohne Zweifel, nur noch versuchen das Schlimmste zu verhindern - YT
D Wave Founder Eric Ladizinsky The Coming Quantum Computing Revolution 31:00 Q 3 different approaches - YT - - D-Wave Systems WP - Qubit - computer uses n bits, whereas quantum computer uses 2n - 1 bits - WP - Here's How Quantum Computing Will Change The World - salesperson problem, shortest way travelling a list of cities - - Baidu WP
Zauberwürfel-Lösung - Anleitung für den Rubik's Cube
Rubik's Cube Lösung

Leipzig IDL eG


• Session 1 • Tue 2017-2-14 Berlin 12:30- Research IN books etc.


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