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1 • Basics

First Links
Aeroponics - WP
Aeroponics Systems - What you'll need to build your own basic aeroponics system -
• most technical of all 6 types of hydroponic systems - fairly easy to build
• System building elements:
   🠚 Container to hold the nutrient solution (a reservoir)
   🠚 Submersible fountain/pond pump
   🠚 Tubing to distribute water from the reservoir pump to the mister heads in the growing chamber
   🠚 Enclosed growing chamber for the root zone
   🠚 Mister/sprinkler heads
   🠚 Water tight container for the growing chamber where the plants root systems will be
   🠚 Tubing to return the excess nutrient solution back to the reservoir
   🠚 Timer (preferably a cycle timer) to turn on and off the pump
How to Build a Simple Aeroponics System - YT
Is aeroponics better than hydroponics? How does it work? -
Aeroponics = plant roots get fed by nutrients mist (Dunst)
Hydroponics = indoor gardening system using sterile root zone media such as rockwool, coco coir or volcanic rock instead of soil - more effective than soil systems ...
• Aearoponics plants are grown in troughs (Rinne), tubes (Röhrchen) or other types of chambers - their roots are not in any kind of solid material - roots hang in space and are periodically bathed in nutrient mist - less chance of root zone disease
• Warning: chambers constantly wet with nutrient spray, must be continually treated with 35% hydrogen peroxide solution to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi
• Support collars (Kränze) needed that hold stems in place, rigid (steif) to hold plant in place, flexible to allow growth
• Roots need oxygen - root zone media surrounds roots to limit the amount of oxygen they can absorb in comparison to how much they can absorb when grown aeroponically - aeroponics nutrients are misted through oxygen, and there’s plenty of oxygen in the growing chamber for roots to absorb - that’s one reason aeroponics plants grow faster and absorb more nutrients than regular hydroponics plants
• Easy cleaning and renewal - only to remove plants and their roots, wash irrigation channels, reservoirs and root chambers with water and disinfectant, then system again ready for new plants
• About the same amount of set up as building a pump-timer irrigated regular hydroponics system
• Most aeroponics systems include standard features such as a lower chamber/reservoir, upper chamber, pumps, sprayers and neoprene collars - many aeroponics systems feature continual chambers that run in rows - others are a "stadium style" system that features a sub-structure that holds a V-shaped growing area with a high intensity light in the middle
• Root chambers must be opaque (lichtundurchlässig) - roots don't like light
• Early plants and clones - cloning improves root growth, survival rate, growth rate, and maturation time
• Efficient use of fertilizer (Düngemittel) and more floral growth - important to use superior fertilizers - nutrients have to be properly manufactured so they’ll spray easily and not cause clogs (Holzpantine, Hemmnis) - they have to be manufactured in correct ratios and the proper pH buffering so they provide nutrients that can be immediately absorbed by roots
• Plants can be easily moved around
• First aeroponic system was developed in Italy
• Chrysanthemum (herbaceous cuttings) and Ficus (woody cuttings) ... - Number of roots and total root length increases as dissolved oxygen increases
• Aeroponics is not as easy or perfect as it sounds - it usually costs a lot to set up, even if you buy a pre-fab system - learning to run an aeroponics garden is difficult, depending almost totally on high-pressure pumps, timers and sprayers, so power failure and other malfunctions can spell doom (verhängnisvoll sein) - systems are far less forgiving than regular hydroponics systems, especially as regards to electricity outages and loss of irrigation schedule - you have to master precise control of nutrients and water because there’s no root zone material to buffer solution - if the system has pump failure, bad nutrients, dry reservoir or blocked nozzles, your plants can be horribly damaged or killed in just a few hours
• ...
• Aeroponics in all its many forms is a high-tech growing method that requires expertise, investment, monitoring, and quality nutrients (such as Advanced Nutrients Grow, Micro, Bloom) - because aeroponics costs more to set up and run than regular garden methods, it is most appropriate for high value crops

How To Feed Aeroponics -Aeroponics Nutrient Schedule -
Primary nutrients: Nitrogen (N 7 Stickstoff) Phosphorus (P 15) Potassium (K 19 Kalium)
Secondary nutrients: Calcium (Ca 20 Kalzium Kalk) Magnesium (Mg 12) Sulfur (S 16 Schwefel)
Micro-nutrients: boron (B 5 Bor) copper (Cu 29) iron (Fe 26) chloride (Cl 17 NaCl Salz) manganese (Mn 25 Mangan) molybdenum (Mo 42 Molybdän) zinc (Zn 30 Zink) and others
Plant nutrition - WP
macronutrients: carbon (C 6 Kohlenstoff), oxygen (O 8 Sauerstoff), hydrogen (H 1 Wasserstoff)
micronutrients: nickel (Ni 28)
All elements: • H-1 B-5 C-6 N-7 O-8 • Mg-12 P-15 S-16 Cl-17 K-19 • Ca-20 Mn-25 Fe-26 Ni-28 Cu-29 • Zn-30 Mo-42
Prices in €/kg: H 21,73 B 2.194,0 C 22,07 N 2,55 O 0,59 Mg 2,08 P 275,8 S 0,09 Cl 1,38 K 11,97 Ca 5,45 Mn 1,89 Fe 0,07 Ni 8,45 Cu 5,42 Zn 2,60 Mo 14,71
Chemische Elemente nach Marktpreis -

A Deep Look At Aeroponics - - Pros & Cons
Aeroponic Farming - YT
Vertical Farming 2022 | 3 Different Types Of Vertical Farms - YT

Vertical farming - WP
How far can vertical farming go? -
Vertical farming – is this the future of agriculture? -
Are aeroponics worth the cost? -
Is vertical farming really sustainable? -
Are indoor vertical farms really ‘future-proofing agriculture’? -
Advantages and Disadvantages of Vertical Farming -
Global Vertical Farming Market - the global vertical farming market size grew from $5.07 billion in 2022 to $6.2 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.2% -

Autarkic Energy
Wie erreiche ich 100% Autarkie? -

1) ...
... more coming soon ...

Green Wall and Vertical food garden to office, lobby and home, easily with Supragarden® - SUPRAGARDEN - YT
Hydroponic Salad grow - watch one grow week in one minute - SUPRAGARDEN - YT


1. Gespräch Telefonat Anne und Feroniba am 22.12.2022
14:00 Uhr bis 14:30 Uhr, 15:45 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr

A: Das Schiff ist das autarke Zentrum von IDL Terasof, noch im Ausbau und später mit weiteren Schiffen und Personal zu erweitern
B: Zelda Homepage verstehen - zentrale Seite
Wie erreiche ich 100% Autarkie? = derzeit 26 Sachen Module A-G - Jörn macht vielleicht die Technik zsammen mit Feroniba
- sämtliche Geräte bei

C: Aeroponics
Bau - Technik:
1. Turm
2. Bohrer für Löcher
3. Pflanzentöpfe
4. Klick-Schläuche + Verschlüsse
5. Ein Ring um den Topf herum - zwischen Pflanze und Wurzel
6. Ablegeplatten (für Turm) für schwere Früchte
7. Technische und biologische Reihenfolge für Aeroponics
8. Heizungssystem - Heizmaschine für Turmgruppe

Reinigen, Verpacken, Verarbeiten, Einfrieren, Trocknen, Zerkleinern, Raspeln, Mahlen, Quetschen, Pürieren, Einmachen, Saft, Konservieren

Statistik + Tagebuch führen - vom Samen angefangen bis zur Ernte und Verarbeitung

Anbau A:
1. Elemente - 17
2. Salz NaCl
3. Wasser H2O
4. Kartoffeln
5. Sonnenblumen
6. Soja
7. Beeren: Erdbeeren, Heidelbeeren, Cranberries
8. Tomaten, Gurken und Salat

Anbau B:
9. Paprika
10. Zwiebeln, Lauch, Knoblauch
11. Getreide: Hafer, Weizen, Roggen, Reis, Quinoa
12. Mais
13. Haselnüsse
14. Karotten
15. Sellerie, Kohlrabi
16. Kohl: Brokkoli, Zucchini, Aubergine, Rosenkohl
17. Kräuter: Petersilie, Rosmarien, Basilikum, Dill, Oregano, Muskatnuß, Fenchel, Zimt
18. Trauben: Rosinen, Traubenzucker

Anbau C:
19. Apfel, Birne, Quitte - Sträucher
20. Pflaumen, Aprikose, Pfirsiche - Sträucher
21. Kürbis
22. Olive
23. Kohlensäure für Sprudel
24. Zitrusfrüchte: Zitrone, Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarine
25. Radieschen, Rettich
26. Melonen, Papaya
27. Bohnen, Erbsen, Kichererbsen
28. Kakao, Rohrzucker
29. Nüsse: Walnuss, Mandeln, Erdnuss, Macadamia, Paranüsse, Pistazien
30. Feigen, Maulbeeren, Datteln
31. Bananen, Ananas, Kokosnuss, Mango, Kiwi, Litschi


Vertical Aeroponics System -
A Deep Look At Aeroponics -
Best Aeroponic System – 2024 -
A Deep Look At Aeroponics -
Aeroponik: Eine Einführung -


Hydroponics for beginners v01 12.03.2023 - PDF - Anne Matzeck, IDL eG


Machines for world knowledge 300 Exabytes, ship SH and spaceship SS - Computers should do what humans want them to do - input output - keyboard pad touchscreen cam mic controller etc. - based binary - ASM and C needed - terminal - IN HTML CSS JS WASM - Arduino Rapberry PI etc. - Linux - games animation sounddesign graficdesign - art FP MP WR - O MG

Chrome: Ctrl F5 > reload tab


Growing Hydroponic Vegetable Garden at Home - Easy for Beginners YT
Hydrokultur WP - Aeroponik

Aeroponics WP
Vertical Aeroponic Technology See How Tower Garden® Works YT
The REAL TRUTH About Growing Microgreens For Profit YT
Can you grow all the food you need using AEROPONICS? YT
Aeroponics Systems Design Like A Professional Part 1 YT
How I setup my DIY Aeroponic chambers YT
How to Build an Aeroponics Business
Vertical Aeroponics Farming- Sustainable- Viable- Profitable – Future of farming!!
What is the average cost of a Tower Farm? - 28 planta/tower 1,8m 7 sections $495 ... 52 plants 2,9m 13 sections $600 - Volume discounts eligibility: 50 to 100 towers: 4% discount - 100 to 300 towers: 7% discount - 300 to 1000 towers: 10% discount - 1000+ towers: 15% discount
A fully automated Tower Farm features an irrigation system which automatically delivers the water and the nutrients to each individual tower on an as-needed basis - $1750 for 10 towers - $2500 for 50 towers - $4000 for 100 to 150 towers etc. - Nutrients cost $300 per set and will last on average 6 months supplying 30 towers ( average $1 to $2 per tower/per month/varies depending on crops and climate conditions). - Vertical Farming with Aeroponics $39.00 e-book
What are the costs involved in growing an aeroponic farm? - from $ 200 to $ 1000
What plants can you grow with aeroponics? - start with 19
5 benefits of aeroponics
A Brief Introduction to Aeroponics
...more coming soon ...


Session 1 • Sat 2022-6-11 Bad Bleiberg 8:20-6:25 WR aq.html - start ♡♡♡

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