Crypto Terasof - Chat


Chat starting at 22.2.2018 on Crypto Terasof on WhatsApp


Feroniba created group “Crypto Terasof”
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Hallo zusammen!

Hi Peter

Grüße aus Polen

Grüße aus Dessau


Grüße aus Tirol 🏔⛷

Hi Juliane LG aus Leipzsch 🌹🎶🍰🌅


Hi Toni Polen waren wir mit Torbi war schön :-) Grüß mir Poloni-ex :-)))
Hallo Verena 🔥💎🎶 Verena und Feroniba - also ich - machen ab sofort 24/7 Schicht für alle Stufen oder Level 1-4 📈🐝🌺🍀🌅💎🦋😎 Aber bitte nicht 5 🤬🏝🔑🌊⛵

Klasse! Danke Euch! 👍

Hallo ich bin Sarah und freue mich auf gute Zusammenarbeit :)

Juhuu Sarah herzlich willkommen 🌞💎👍📈🎶🌈🌇
Hi Peter jetzt wöchentliche Verdopplung ohne Erbarmen :-)) €€€

🙂 🖐🏻

FO (Kürzel für Feroniba) BTC - wer wagt den Aufschwung zu vielleicht 5% oder mehr mit mir :-)
10,000 bis 10,8 wäre drin - also 8% - die letzte Kurve war 0-7:30 - 8% in 7-1/2 Stunden - hab grad
1,853 € sind dann wenn 8% 150 € - 5% hab ich schon vorhin in 1h gemacht - Verena ist auch ab heute mit eigenem Poloniex dabei :-) Erster Trade war erfolgreich :-))

Sarah changed this group's icon

Cooles Icon Sarah - wollte auch schon eins reintun - danke sehr - we become millioneers in weeks :-)))
Wochenmillionäääre 📈💎🎶🌺
Erstes steiles Aufstreben der Grünen Kerzlein
🏝👍🦋Hallo Anne 🌈🎶🍀📈🐝🌹

Ich denke (hoffe) mal, das es jetzt wieder Richtung 12000 geht, natürlich mit ordentlich Zick-Zack für extra Prozente... 😊

Jetzt erstmal die Kurve von Kauf 98.6 bis schonmal 101.1 :-) Max. 107.1 ca. :-)
Wieder auf USDT :-)) Kurve scheint nicht höher als 100.2 zu gehen - auch gut :-))
So - Verena hatte Schicht und FO = Feroniba hatte kurze Schlafpause - jetzt FO Schicht bis morgen ca. 8:30 :-) Also FO (Feroniba) Level 1 🐝🌹🌞🍵💖📈🎶🍀🦋😇✨🌈
Hätte FO (Feroniba) nicht grad geschlafen hätten wir mit ARDR/BTC schon 12% in den letzten Stunden BTC vermehrt :-)) - 16-21:00 Jetzt schau ich alle coins/BTC mal durch und such mir die besten für die Nachtschicht und dann morgen wenn wir gut sind 10-400% oder mehr - juhuuu endlich 24/7 mit Verena - sie war super heute an ihrem ersten Tag mit 3 Kindern um die Ohren und Haushalt alleine 🐝🐝🐝📈✨🌈🎶🌞🌹
Sorry ARDR/BTC 4-5% hab mich verrechnet
BCY 43.4-45.6 in Minuten hin und her - cool - sind alle Min 5% und nochmal und nochmal - Welcome to Level 1 ❣✨💎🦋
BURST 29.7-30.7 sind 3.3% auch gut - der kann auch mal 400% in einem Tag oder 1h jaaa :-)) oder 1,000% (tausend) Juhuu
Z.B. am 20.2.2018 5-6:00 in 1h also von 19.5-21.2 = ca. 8% :-))
Oder 14.-15.2.2018 2-2h also in 24h 19.0-25.0 = ca. 30% - also vor paar Tagen beide Events
Das auf Crypto Terasof Level 1 von Top Coin zu Top Coin - nix mehr USDT Schreck lass nach und nix BTC - nur noch BURST BCY ARDR DASH ZEC ETC etc. etc. Haha heißt auch etc. 💖🌊🌞🍵
Oder BELA heute 19-21:30 16.0-18.5 sind 15% in 2.5h - ok das reicht - selber Poloniex oder irgend ein cooles Exchange durchsteppen - ich such mir jetzt die besten BTC Booster aus - have fun oder ruft an :-)))
BTS heute 1-7:00 203.-22.8 = 12% in 6h Juhuu


Entscheidung für heute: Bela 🦋📈💎❣🐝🌺✨🌙🎶🛰
BTC sell - buy Bela - also von Feroniba (FO) keine Infos mehr über schrottes USDT und BTC - weil Level 1 nur the hottest currency of the moment - aber Vooorrrsicht!!! So sehr sie schnelle Riesenprozent bringen so schnell ist das Geld auch weg!!!! Also nur für Level 1 fighter!!!!
Bela Party erstmal wieder vorbei
Wieder auf BTC/USDT immer wenn die anderen Cryptos ruhen :-)) Eine BTC Kurve steigt an - Einsteigen und paar % kassieren
Pause auf USDT da BTC fallend - good night bis später :-))
Da die innere Kurve steigt - aber die große Kurve fällt weiterhin - wird also wohl sehr bald wieder fallen - also kurz noch warten auf USDT ist gerade auch nicht falsch ...

Feroniba added Maninder, and Jasbir

Liebe Grüße an unsere fleißigen Inder vom Patel Restaurant Vater Jasbir Singh Ghuman und Sohn Mahinder - heute 15:00 fahren wir mit unserer 3. Crypto Sitzung fort - herzlich willkommen im Gruppen-Chat Crypto Terasof 💎📈👍🍀🦋
Es müsste gleich wieder bergab gehen mit BTC/USDT außer die große Kurve wendet und dreht sich - mal schaun
Wie schon angesagt buy USDT jetzt da große Kurve nach wie vor fällt - jetzt logischerweise nach Plan auch kleine Kurve wer immer eingestiegen war :-)

Hallo ok

Hi Jasbir willkommen 😇⛩💎📈💖🍵✨🌙

Message von Feroniba: Frage ist, ob der Wendepunkt (Turning Point) die große BTC-Kurve umdreht. Dann wäre vielleicht wieder buy BTC angesagt - mal schauen 🙂

Sieht fast so aus! Hatte ich ja schon für gestern gedacht...
War dann aber noch nicht! 😉

Message von Feroniba: Der Wendepunkt (Turning Point) scheint definitiv gekommen zu sein - buy BTC - allerdings Vorsicht! Sollte es nur an einer Überschätzung des Marktes liegen, wird der Absturz umso härter.

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Weitere Formatierung folgt demnächst :-) Have fun 🐝🌹🌞🍵💖📈🎶🍀🦋😇✨🌈
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Es wird Korrekturen geben! Aber ja, noch ist Vorsicht angesagt... 😊

Haha - wie gestern - der Kurvenhöhepunkt innerhalb der tagelangen abfallenden Kurve quält die Welt und lässt warten - entweder ist Richtungswechsel der großen Kurve oder nicht - die Schicksalsgötter wissen es - nur wir noch nicht - aber gleich :-))
Hahaha grün rot Quälerei
Sieh an FO hat wieder recht - war aber leicht kann jeder lernen der wirklich will :-))
Also sell BTC
Oder buy - we will see :-) Turning point may be 2:30 today
Hmmm wer sagt BTC rise or fall ...

Ich fürchte kurzfristig gehts wieder runter...

FO bought BTC - aber mit großem. Orbehalt
FO sold BTC again für USDT - was macht ihr?
I wold say: Sell BTC buy USDT - difficult point
Haha going down - böse wenn man auf der falschen Seite ist - FO liegt richtig - und ihr?

Wie gesagt! Ging runter! Frage wie lange...

FO buy BTC :-) Das ist der Kamp immer ob großer Wendepunkt turning point
Sold BTC for USDT :-)
Ja Peter das ist immer die Frage - egal trotzdem weil wir im richtigen Moment ein- oder aussteigen - und wenn wir eine Zwischendeal-Chance geben oder an einem möglichen Wendepunkt ein- oder aussteigen steigen wir genauso schnell wieder um wenn es doch nicht läuft :-) Immer am richtigen Spot - mit Crypto Terasof und unserem 5 Level System :-€ 🐝🌹🍰🍵📈🎶💖🦋🌈😇🌞🌊⛵🏝😎🔑🌇🔥

Sehr gut! So gehts!

Ja wenn schon denn schon - ganz oder garnicht hehe


Sell BTC again
Der große turning point ist 23.2.2018 1:15 gewesen BTC wieder steigend wie es sich seit 23.2. 21:00 zeigt - auf lanzelt also BTC aufsteigend - kurz aber alle Stunden kleine Kurve innerhalb auf und ab - gerade auf - wenn ab geben wir es an etc.
Alle Infos beziehen sich nach turning Point Angabe auf die kleinen Kurven innerhalb der großen Kurve - wer nur ganztags in die geoße Kurve investiert bitte nicht wechseln!!!! Nur der neue turning point angegeben wird - also bitte mit FO 5 Stufen lernen bis nan hier die Infos richtig. Erstehen und anwenden kann
Bis hierher haben wir für Level oder Stufe 4 Empfehlungen geschrieben - USDT zentriert - ab hier nur noch für Level 3 bis 1 - also BTC orientiert und besonders mit den besten Coins die BTC am schnellsten steigern - also nur für intensive Interessenten ab hier alles und mit Weckdienst 24/7
Wir - Verena und ich - geben 24/7 unser bestes - aber leider müssen wir manchmal beide pausieren - dann sind wir in der Regel auf BTC - unbeachtet was USDT davon hält :-) Ausnahme die große BTC/USDT Kurve fällt
📈🌞Turning Point 23.2.2018 1:50 BTC/USDT rising
Verena and Feroniba only go for level 2 and 1 - we keep BTC always and buy those coins which rise BTC - and we don‘t use USDT at all - only if it is the best and only possibility at the moment to rise BTC

Feroniba removed Peter

Peter ist raus weil er grad sagte am Tel das Chat bringt ihm jetzt nichts und er sei eh Level 1 - ich sagte nein Level 4 worauf er sich aufregte - erklärt hab ich’s dann nochmal und verstanden hat er’s auch aber trotzdem meint er bringt nix hier - natürlich weil er nicht 4 genannt werden will und von BTC/USDT oder was auch immer USDT nicht ablassen will oder kann oder what ever ... :-(( Trotzdem ihm viel Glück und er will trotzdem mal treffen zu Crypro


Even in those short times when no other coin is rising against BTC and BTC is even falling against USDT level 3-1 will not leave BTC - we only will take a day or some hours off :-)
And use the time to study or teach about Crypto 💎💖🍀🌞📈


Feroniba added Maninder
Because Maninder changed his mobile phone number


Ich bin USDT - müsste gleich extrem fallen denk ich - schaut Kurve seit 21.2.2018 - good luck :-))
At the moment buy BTC
We will not give 24/7 advices for BTC/USDT anymore because we only do other coins which rise BTC on Level 2-1

Feroniba removed Maninder
Because he uses now another mobile phone number and is added already - see above :-)

Sell BTC buy USDT for Level 4 :-))



Feroniba is BTC
Sold and bought USDT
Still stay on USDT - BTC is falling




Good morning everyone, BTC just went up by 2%

At the moment I tolerate 3-5% growth and wait for BTC falling more - after a while I may change the tolerance margin and do rising above
above 3-5% - but buy and sell again at 1-3% usually ends up in - 0.1% or even -2% and more - be careful 📈✨🍀💎🍵
The last curves stating from the highest point at 28.2.2018 7:00 am are bouncing back but still falling in the end - I may enter the next low base, let’s see - the last ones were at 27.2.2018 buy BTC 16:00 sell 23:00 = 7h for 3% - 28.2.2018 buy BTC 1:00 sell 7:00 = 6h for 4% - buy BTC 18:00 sell 22:00 = 4h for max. 2% and buy BTC 1.3.2018 1:00 and sell 11:00 = 10h for max. 4% - all together = max. 13% minus 1.6% fees - but if you do that you have to take also enter all 1-2% curves at 27.2. 17:00 1% - 28.2. 10:00 1% - 11:30 1% - 14:00 1% - 1.3. 1:00 2% - and 4:00 1% - all these small curves may end up in -1 or -2% plus all fees for 6 curves each buy 0.25 and sell 0.15 makes 6 x 0.4 = 2.4% minus all failures buying too high selling lower and loosing maybe 6 x 1-2% more - and all your profit from the 2-4% curves is gone again or even more - your risk - I learned my lessons and payed for it - so my tolerance is 3-5% or even more - and understanding the big curve falling or rising - now falling - the medium curve - now falling - and the small curve - now also filling after the rise of 4% - and don’t - or the medium curve changes and then I go for it too - but it doesn’t seem for me changing - and don’t forget you have then to risk all other small curves too and may lose it all again and more - your decision :-)). and good luck 🍀🐝🌹📈✨💎
People always wish the curves to rise and bid more and more - but the market has limited money every minute - and when it all is bid higher and higher it has to fall again like now since 17.12.2017 big curve only falling - medium curve also falling since yesterday 28.2.2018 7:00 - and so the actual small curve I guess - no more money in the market to rise :-) Or a whale puts some millions in which first will make bitcoin first fall extremely and then rise extremely
Always draw your lines - watch the medium curve becoming bigger and bigger in it’s amplitude starting 28.2. 10:00 - this curve just touched its limit again - but can’t go on rising it’s umplitude like this - let’s see what happens and how this medium curve changes it’s turning point
And this curve only can touch the large curve at 2% higher at about 10950.00 USD - why? Because there is no more money in the market and it is falling because the newcomers from November and December etc. are leaving because they were neither day traders nor investors :-(( And those who are still trying to make the fast money like innDecember are causing all these stupid fast rising and falling lines wich distort the natural line like this one in the moment etc. etc. and after a while they will leave and say bad and wrong things about the crypto market
If you watch the large line from 17.12.2017 it has to fall to 8,700.00 USD - or we have gained much more traders and investors and there is a new large curve turning point at 25.2.2018 or somewhere els - it will show soon :-))


Greetings from a Persian mind to my Indian brother in mind 🦋😎⛩🍵🎶

😊 ✌ 👍


Level 4: Buy BTC because BTC trade volume rose from yesterday 6.9 billion to now 8.5B
Level 3-1 will leave USDT again and go for other coins - but please be careful and only go level 3-1 with Crypto Terasof 24/7 horline - and if you go Level 4 BTC now be able to sell immediately for USDT if it starts falling - because large line is falling since 17.12.2017 and small line touches now the top limit and should fall soon


Feroniba and Verena will still stay USDT for a while


Be careful - BTC falling
We would recommend buy USDT - turning points may go up and down for hours or even days like this one - but being on the right side the earlier the better is recommended - even if we have to buy and sell several times


📈🌙 Last turning point BTC/USDT down = 🌙 2.3.2018 2:56 am - so level 4 sell BTC buy USDT 💎🍀🍵🔥




BTC rising 1.5% higher than expected - I don‘t buy and wait
Watch the big curve
There were 9 curves from 17.12.2017 up to now falling deeper - will this tenth one be the rising exception? 😄📈🤬✨🌙


Some people hope BTC can rise again to the top - but BTC trade vol is still 7.5 billion - will there be a miracle today?
The new turning point could be 2.3.2018 17:00
But due to the large line from 17.12.2017 the curve has to fall again - or it breaks the large line in a new direction

Hnm ok I'm still on USDT

Or you believe in miracles and go with it 😎🐝🔥 I wait - but after a while may find a reason how this curve can be rising and rising haha - at the moment I say it can‘t
People wish and buy - often again and again at these points - and have to sell cheaper not higher :-( Let‘s see how this wonder ends
And you could be part of it :-)) 03:14
I believe it is like 22.2.2018 7:25 and Anne said it goes up - I said it has to come down because it hit the big line 20.2.2017 22:00
Today Anne said maybe we should go with the wishes of the people and try to make some profit - I think I don‘t like this idea
✨🌙 Feroniba is leaving you now and sleeps on USDT - with 7.4 billion trade volume - let‘s see how many % BTC the miracle can take from me :-) Good night everyone 💎🌹✨🌙


If you are on BTC I suggest sell and buy USDT - new turning point seems to be
📈🌙 3.3.2018 7:47
Circle acquired Poloniex 🙂 Join Circle - sign in with your email, not Facebook - download app - send money for free fees to anyone 🌹🎫 💶 💵 💷 💸 💎💞🌞💝
Is BTC rising again? You decide - Feroniba is still on USDT :-))
Feroniba buys BTC and follows the madness as Anne suggested yesterday - go with the trending madness :-))
📈🌞 New turning point BTC/USDT up = 🌞 2.3.2018 13:00 - so level 4 buy BTC sell USDT 💎🍀



BTC falling - madness - I wait
Slowly up again
BRC down ....
BTC sorry
Feroniba left for Level 2 AMP Synereo :-))
Read more about Synereo at 16:54
BTC seems to fall - take care


BTC falling very fast

Now its time to earn BTC

No USDT first - I hope you sold your BTC in the right moment on top

Yeah on 11400

Hope you did some profit

BTC falling very fast again

Thanx - I am USDT - and as I told Anne yesterday this rising BTC trip is artificial - better stay in the lines and see where a real turning point appears 22:43


Please know that we do mainly level 3-1 and don’t write always what BTC/USDT are doing in each moment until we have a full 24/7 service - thank you
📈🌙 Last turning point BTC/USDT down = 🌙 3.3.2018 19:00 - so level 4 sell BTC buy USDT 💎🍀🍵 12:41


New decision: level 4 BTC/USDT only medium curves turning point - no more small curves - so now be on BTC or buy it - next medium turning point will be announced :-)


BTC up - level 2: you may buy some LBC 👍💖📈🍵🍀🌞
LBC (lBG wrong) Library Credits or LBRY Credits
LBC is Library Credits or LBRY Credits - sorry
Be careful with level 2 coins - try with a small investment - 10-15% or even less - watch them 24/7 and go BTC if level 2 coin falls - and go USDT if BTC falls :-)





Sorry I was 1% late - Maninder must know - internet was off from 8:30-12:30


BTC rising 97.4-100?- I don’t buy - what is your decision?

📉 ich bleib auf USDT

Yes Anne :-)) I tolerate up to 10% as still falling :-) But everyone has his own tolerance margin :-)


BTC started to fall and rose again for 5 times - just a little bit - so I don’t leave USDT - only for level 2-1 buying some BTC to invest in other coins which rise BTC faster :-) Don’t try that without the right training or you may lose in minutes nearly all of your assets - ask Feroniba :-)) Read terasof. com/cp.html


Could be a new turning point BTC rising again ...
Buy BTC or not ... hmmm ...
After 11 long red falling lines now first 2 green rising lines ...
Level 2 BELA and FLO are inviting for maybe 10% or more ... :-))
And BTM too ...


But be careful if you go - don‘t leave the computer and start with small assets :-))

Alright dear

I still don‘t trust them in the moment ...
BLK just did 34-40 in half an hour and and now falling back :-)
BURST just did 20% during the last hours
And some more like DASH/USDT OMG etc. - BTC stuck at 9300 - will it rise now?? ... Watch ...

Okk dear

Hi. Ich bin auf BTC.

Anne loves risks - doesn’t matter if x 10 or : 10 haha
Feroniba thinks it may crash once more or even more - let’s first watch more :-))
Coingecko BTC climbing up :-)
Feroniba hesitates because 24.2. 3:00 - 3.2. 18:00 - 20.1. 14:00 - 13.1. 14:00 etc. etc. :-))
And 1h onwards big red traffic light
But it looks good in the Moment inviting to enter ...
Will BTC copy the last curve? And after that rise or fall? Changes of medium curves may take many hours to reveal - and if there is a change to reveal their new direction
Now BTC is falling faster
Whoever likes to buy smaller curves than 10% may lose - I lost most of the time - so I always have my self drawn 10% ruler and even may wait for 11-12% and more
But the temptation to do the 10% or less small curve trade is always there - no doubt :-)) 😇📈🤬🐝
BTC falling faster
Falling and copying the last curve - and then? Falling again like 8.3. 17:00 and 9.3. 2:15? Or rise? Or stay on the same level ... we will know it soon :-))
Feroniba takes a rest and guesses it will fall more - if you really really believe it is rising you may wake me up :-))

BTC RISING with small curve...........

May copy 8.3. 17:00


At the moment I prefer to wait a little and pay some loss if it rises instead of buying and paying the loss of a quick fall -we will see soon what the market decides or all the money which is always limited :-))
Hard fight - green red green red line :-)) But the limited money or assets of everyone will show or force the direction - if no whale appears :-))
Whale check: trade volume 8.022 billion - normal as every day :-)) No whales :-))


There are 2/3 more to fall to the bottom large falling line of 17.12.2017 - so falling now? Or another time? Or more trade volume - but this is missing now and people are not happy buying now :-(( But it may change and rise with the madness of level 5 people - but their limited assets will show up now - haha - I guess falling soon - but may be wrong and madness wins again :-((( Let’s see :-))
I wait
Looks sad and red - then green again ... crypto highlight in action :-)
Or 6.3. 19:00 ... etc.
I draw a purple line hours ago how it may fall or where the bottom could be if it still rises - that is 11:00 at about $ 9500 and then it may still fall like 6.3. 17:00
Or rise now??? Hmmmm ....
This is decision time and everyone buys or sells more and more - and all the money of the market will show - why? Because everyone has made his decision after a while and then happy rising or falling is the automated result :-)) 06:32
The 10% ruler (Lineal) is making it easy for me not to sell - most of the time I changed too early I paid more than changing a little bit too late :-)
But I may change my opinion every minute 📈💖🎶⛵🏝🌞🐝🌺
This line is like a haircut - not allowing to go up from 0:20 up to the moment - like 8.3. 18:40 etc. or 4.3. 21:30 to 6.3. 0:40 - people wish it rising but they have not the money to do it - so falling time ...
The last wish to rise shows up 5.3. 19:35 - and ends 6.3. 0:50 falling
This may be now the same situation since 8.4. 18:40 up to now - wish to rise but no money in the pocket haha
I drew this line - and even if it grows a small hill like 5.3. 19:35 I wait a little bit because it still may fall :-)
The haircut is like a lawn ;Rasen) or a roof - not allowing to rise but everyone tries - but mayby now they put the assets in :-)(
Rising fast
As I said - I wait a little bit for the hill - but then may buy
trade vol now less: 7.78 billion - means less money more rise possible
Last hill decision like 11 meter football finale - now they invest all assets if they believe in the coming medium curve rise - as I would join with all my aaaets at some point ... still not clear and strong enough for me
Like the hill of 5.3. 19:35 - took until 6.3. 0:50 - about 5 hours!
Feroniba buys BTC 📈💰🌞
Not happy with that decision but finally moving on with the trending madness - as Anne suggested some days ago :-)
Be careful I believe this is an artificial curve created by level 5 - so be careful it may suddenly fall extremely - be aware and ready to leave it very quick when it starts falling - the last fall is in its own medium curve limit - but it may fall soon :-)
I leave BTC - be quick - you decide
Lost 93.6-90.3 is about 4%
The trip of Level 5 starts again up :-((
Still falling as I analyzed before - hope you all are doing well :-)) On USDT - and I take again my former strategy: don’t follow the trend - don’t follow unclear turning points and keep the 10 or even more % margin as long as the turning point has revealed it’s new direction :-)) 22:13




Last 2 turning points: 9.3. 8:00 up and 10.3. 12:00 down
Feroniba goes BTC - I think there is a new medium curve creating similar curves as the last one horizontally - good luck with your decision - this is level 2-1 - ask Feroniba for more details :-))
📈🌞New medium turning point 9.3. 8:00
Level 2 sold BTC for USDT again from 87.15 to 91.67 and gained 4.5 which is about 5.5% 📈💰💖
We change to Kraken - please also do so - explanation later


The new curve rises - Feroniba goes BTC :-)) If it changes I go USDT again
This curve is giving us a hard time forcing to switch between level 4 and 3-2 - I think it may copy the last curve start 9.3. 7:00 end 11.3. 11:00 - high phase 10.3. 0:00 to 16:40 and then falling to the ground level again - high phase was 16:40 h long - This high phase started 18:40 - would end 16:40 h later at 11:20 - now it is 12:35 :-/ I thing it is the trip like every time curve fell level 5 people wish to rise and stretch the curve rising to the market limit means everyone spent his money and no more money left - then curve is forced to fall if no whale appears
Feroniba believes in the fall at this point - even if it stretches more staying high and going even higher - so I am back USDT again - this is level 3-2 but this curve forces to mix levels and interchange - sorry about that :-(
You decide USDT or BTC - I decided USDT and may change again :-)) What do you decide? 📈💖✨
📈🌞I would see the last turning point 9.3. 7:00 slightly rising and forcing to go level 3 with small curves because rising and falling for more than 10% up and down for about 2 days curve length - now second curve up and should fall quick to the ground - but only the Gods or the devil know - we have to guess a little bit - and go with the best probabilities 🌹💎✨❣🍀🍵


Seems now to fall as predicted


Now falling hard

Again normal

This are the level 5 people always trying to buy hoping it rises to earn quick money and then buy whatsoever ...


And if they rule the forum because clever people level 3-1 sleep or trade BURST LBC RIC AMP etc. it develops to a trip and trend :-((


And when the clever people enter - watch trade volume - it will be corrected again - or when level 5 runs out of money :-(((


It then looks like a lawn haircut like now for a while - this is their asset limit :-)
The roof or border or line they can’t break through or burst haha BURST
Trade vol fell from 6.4 billion to 6.19 - clever people are bored and leave for 3rd generation coins on level 3-1 :-)) 📈💰✨🍀🍵
See lawns like this one now at 10.3. 15:00 - 9.3. 3:00 - 9.3. 1:00 - 8.3. 10:30 - 7.3. 12:30 - 6.3. 9:30 - 5.3. 20:00 etc. :-))

Nowww lookkk
Very fast

Hope everyone is safe in USDT :-)) $$$



We recommend to leave Poloniex forvKraken - all advices here only for Kraken exchange - because Poloniex says it takes 0.15 sell and 0.25% buy fees - but takes much more in reality - ask Feroniba


Waiting to fall for around 8.800 $ - just got 500 € money in Fidor also waiting to buy about 15% more BTC then 9800 $ when money arrived hehe :-)
Last curve did 2 main stops when falling - 10.3. 19:00 and 21:40 - so from now on 2:40h later is today 18:30 then buy Fidor and Kraken BTC :-))
Sorry curve arrived at bottom 11.3. 2:00 - so add 4:20h makes today bottom about 22:50 - let’s see what happens :-))
Kraken trade volume 32-16 at 1 minute - Poloniex 10-3 - GDAX 25-12 - CEX.IO 107-64 here are the most level 5 guys hehe /-((

Meinst du bei

I'm going to do some imp work........... if BTC rising fast then plz tell me.........

Sorry correction: Kraken trade volume 32-13 at 1 minute - Poloniex 12-3 - CEX.IO 107-64 - Gemini 26-8 - GDAX 104-73 here are the most level 5 guys hehe /-((
And CEX.IO only 8-3 sorry
This resting point is only because some people believe it will go up from now on :-(( Level 5-6 hehe
And the may have some money and buy the madness up höher and higher - trendy tripping
If you just cut out all the long red and green lines you see the real curve without trips - similar to the RSI :-))
Trade volume crypto currency still 6.11 billion - low - so not too much trendy passioned people - fast falling :-))
The intelligent thing would be not to rise again medium curve to large christmas line and let it fall to the large bottom line at about 2000 USD - and then move like RSI from there on - the day will come - maybe in some years, hopefully earlier :-) - that they don’t trip around so much anymore
Falling Part 2 of 3

Yup..... trade volume know 6.100....going dwon dwon and dwon

Now and down :-))
Falling fast to the bottom :-)


This was falling part 2 - waiting for part 3 or switching medium curve - let’s see

👍👍👍👍 .....then take more BTC

We might be already at the bottom to buy BTC - I think it will fall one more time and will buy then - if not I buy when I believe it will not fall lower - and if it falls still lower I’ll sell for USDT again and wait for a new bottom line :-) Or go level 3-2 with other coins 📈💖🌹


Measured by the last curve 11.3. at 1:50 it will be today around 22:50
BTC growing - buy or not ...

Everything can happen level 5 person can do everything

I buy BTC level 2 :-)

I can aslo buy at 8800 bcz today my internet can not working properly so i can not take risk......

Level 2 sold BTC again waiting for lower bottom - be careful :-)
Bought finally again BTC - let’s see how it goes :-))
Good luck everyone 📈💎💖✨🌙🍀🌹💰🍵


Kraken is wonderful - every few minutes 5% possible and more - wow! Forget about Poliniex - ask Feroniba why 📈🌞💎🌹💰🌈⛩😇🌊⛵🏝
Sold BTC
8960 $
Falling fast!
📈🌙New turning point 13.3. 1:40 BTC falling
BTC rising to 92.5
BTC müsste lange steigen bis abends - bye 😇💎📈


Hi again - Feroniba Level 2 sell BTC for USDT on Kraken :-))
And buy again
And sell BTC again - only level 2 - I will stop here writing level 2 informations because no response - best wishes for your success - call Feroniba if you have questions
Get level 2-1 info from now on only private from Feroniba :-) Welcome 🌞📈💎🌊⛵🏝🌅


I stay USDT and don’t follow level 5 trip trying to repeat last 2 big curves what failed 3rd time and shows now possible new turning point 📈🌙falling from 12.3. 11:00 or even earlier 11.3. 19:00 - we will see what the world and the trade volume decides 🍵🍰🔥📈🌹

Yupppp.......just waiting sor


14.3. 1:30 seems to be the highest point of the new curve - falling - be careful - we are USDT :-)) Let’s see what comes next :-))


📈🌙 Possible new turning point as described above 12.3. 11:00 or even earlier 11.3. 19:00 - draw your lines for the new medium curve 🌈🌹🍀💎🍵


Level 5 people don’t want to let it fall as every time :-( But no money no rise - hehe :-)))
Listen to Bob Marley 'No Woman No Cry' 1979 ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ - YouTube
No money no rise - no woman no cry 🙂
This is the moment the new curve will prove it’s direction - like the last falling curves 21.2. 12:00 and 6.3. 10:00
It will be around 8800 USD :-)
Or level 5 will push it up again? No - no money no rise 🌊⛵🏝💰🐝🌺🦋📈🌙


The moment is the last high point before it falls fast like 12.3. 14:30 or before - 10.3. 15:30 - and level 5 guys may stretch it fore some hours more as thy do most of the times - or even push it a little bit higher


:This was what keel 5 thinks - And this is for level 4 :-)


We buy again BTC level 3-2 :-)) At 8680


Now sell BTC level 2 only!



Hi Maninder draw all small curves - now down - draw 10 or more curves backwards :-)) Ans save the file 🌹📈💰💎❣

Ok sir

Open also curves for GDAX CEX.IO Gemini Coingecko and draw curves and save except Coingecko - reload every time Coingecko

Okk sirr

📈🌙 Possible new turning point down small curve 15:30

Maninder Singh They take to much fees ......... with level 2 we are not take to much profit...... 16:00 I just buy BTC with profit ........ but i don't now what happen .......... i lose my 1 2% 16:06 Best view Poloniex - 2nd Kraken - 3rd GDAX - 4th place now also CEX.IO - and now 5th Gemini - and 6th Cryptopia - Feroniba trades his Coinigy + Verena’s + Sarah’s all together + Chat here 🌅🌞📈🌹❣💎💰💰💰🌙 16:07 Maninder Singh 😊 16:10 3rd small curve falling :-) 16:19 Please everyone go Kraken and put all assets there or we can’t go for small curves on Poloniex etc. :-(( Please tell who is already with all assets on Kraken - thanks 16:21 Maninder Singh First i do verification then i come 16:22 Not necessary - deposit works and trade - immediately 16:25 Maninder Singh Okk 16:39 Be careful - might fall soon - watch Kraken and draw and save all lines - watch small - medium - large - 1 minute small curve - 3 minutes medium curve - 1 hour large curve - understand 100% what is happening on all levels 🌈😇🌅💖💰 16:40 Be aware - it is like being on the battle field fighting 24h :-) Come and join the team Crypto Terasof ⛩😇🌞❣🌈📈💎🌊⛵🏝🛰🔥🌅🐝🌹🎁🎄🌙 16:41 It may fall from here 8700 in a quick minute to medium curve bottom 8280 or more or large curve bottom at the moment 1350 woooow!!! Be more safe in USDT than BTC because rise is immediately straight up to large curve only 10600 and horizontally to the same falling large line only 5th of April - in 3 weeks! at 8700 🌙🔥🍵🐝🌹📈❣ 16:51 Maninder Singh Be on USDT and take prpfit.....😊 16:53 Isn‘t it divine to do all that probability math with graphs in Coinigy - for only $16 per month - wooooowwww!!! Power unlimited - math 💖❣🔥🌈👍😇⛩🛰📈🎁🐝🌺 16:54 First increase BTC level 4 - then when rising increase USD - and better learn now with Feroniba level 3-2 or join level 1 😇⛩🌅❣🍵🍰🎶🛰📈🍀🦋🌈💰🌊⛵👍😎💖🌙🐝🌹 16:57 Small curve rose again to the top of medium curve :-) And coming down again - be careful and safe in USDT - and when level 5 starts tripping and rising try to tolerate - there is no more money in the whole world than trading volume on top of the medium line - or a whale appears 🌊😎💎💰📈 17:03 It seems to make it’s last effort to rise before the fast fall like 12.3. 20:00 or 13.3. 14:00 etc. etc. :-)) Let’s see what happens 🌅🌞or🌙✨ 17:07 Anne 👍🏻Danke 17:08 Small curve fallin again ... be careful - down or up 🌊🎶😎 17:10 Maninder Singh 👍 17:11 Medium curve is very clear now - three tops and three bottoms 17:11 Crypropia falling faaaast 17:17 Sorry this was wrong - I had 1h xiew 17:19 Position now like last curve 16:10 :-) Be Patient and aware if it suddenly creates a new turning point - and try to distinguish between level 5 trips and reality - watch RSI etc. 17:32 Maninder Singh Yupp 17:33 Now going for the bottom line - then level 2 buy BTC and be aware - it may create a new turning point - falling or rising very fast! 17:34 Maninder Singh I deposit my bitcoin on kraken 17:34 Falling fast 17:38 Bought 8451 for Terasof Feroniba - 8477 for Sarah - and Yerena bought 8400 - three huge successes 💎❣📈🌹🌞🎶💰💰💰🦋👍🌈😇⛩🛰 17:47 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍 17:48 Still doing down 17:51 And now take care - wait a moment or 2 before jumping again 18:02 Hope everyone has BTC and is not jumping back and forth losing %es :-)) 18:03 Maninder Singh btc still falling 18:06 Yes everybody has to decide on his own risk 18:08 Maninder Singh 👍 18:09 We are all USDT again because it might be a new turning point falling very hard from 17:00 - draw that line and decide - wa are out :-) Rising will take a long time from here on so we can join later and it will draw small lines to enter - but falling may be extremely fast as we lost a part in a minute :-)) Take care and good luck with your decision 🍀📈💰🌞🦋 18:33 Turning points take sacrifices - fight for your best 💖🍵🍀🐝🌹📈👍💎 18:35 Maninder Singh Still falling....... 19:06 No - didn’t leave the established medium curve from bottom 11.3. 12:50 at 9060 up to now - draw your lines 19:16 Feroniba no goes level 2 again - good luck for you all 🍀📈🌹❣💎🌞 19:16 📈🌙 I guess new turning point down as mentioned above already starting today 17:00 - draw your lines - will reveal soon 19:19 Do you believe in that curve - I don‘t do yet ... maybe later :-(( 23:46 Maninder Singh Just wait 23:50 Yeeeeessssss - this is the devil who ever tells you to buy that now - but after a while I might like it and buy it hehe 23:53 But it touched bottom and top of our medium curve :-) Good boy or girl :-))) 23:59


If you would have believed in it it could make your assets grow 4% hehe - maybe next time - I was busy and hat Germán here - talking private stuff ❣🦋🎶🌊🌞🌹🍵👍 00:01 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍.....when the again falling plz tell me...... im on work.......... 00:04 This curve is drawing a cross touching the borders of the medium curve from left to the bottom to top to right 😇🌈🌞📈 00:29 Maninder Singh Yup 00:29 Falling 03:11 Maninder Singh Yupp 03:14 I don’t go wit a possible curve 7900 to 8300 - I stay on USDT and say good night - think I will wake up several times and have a look like every night if I am not awake :-) Bye ✨ 03:17 Because it may fall more - and we are at the large curve a little bit up and a little bit to the right - I don’t believe there is suddenly the power to break it - only slowly as it always was before Christmas with BTC For intelligent people trading nicely :-) Good luck cu later 🌈🛰🌙✨ 03:20 Maninder Singh Gud nyt..... 03:22 You added Peter Papa von Amanda Rehi Peter and welcome again at Crypto Terasof 🌈😇📈💎💖💰✨🐝🌹🌊⛵🏝🌅🎶🍀🍵🍰🛰❣ 10:12 Peter Papa von Amanda Thanks! 10:12 👍💎💎💎💎 💰💰💰💰x1.25/week = 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰x2/month😎🍀❣🍵 10:18 Maninder Singh Now rasing fast 10:24 📈🌞New Turning point seems to be 15.3. 7:10 rising - we go BTC when again lowest point - may be now - watch and decide - god luck 💖💎🍀😎🐝🌹🌅⛵🏝🍵🎁 10:29 Buy now :-)) BTC 10:30 Anne Danke 🙂🍀 10:36 👍👍👍😎🌈😇⛩❣ 10:45 📈🌙 Definitive medium curve turning point falling 11.3.2018 13.00 - please draw that medium curve line 🐝🌺💰❣🌞 12:40 2 bottoms 2 tops 12:41 Even if this curve falls I wouldn‘t leave it too soon because it should rise finally like 11.3. 16:25 14:49 Or 11.3. 7:55 14:50 Sorry 12.3. 7:55 14:50 Or you go for level 2 - this moment is too risky - should rise soon!! 14:54 Yes - rising 👍📈🌞 Hope everyone is BTC ❣💰📈🍀✨ 14:56 Level 2 only: FO goes USDT to do some extra small curves in between 💖🔥🐝🌹❣Don’t do that as long as you haven’t learned what to do and how to do that in level 2 - so better stay BTC please! must go one step higher towards around 8750 or 8800 :-) Good luck 🍀 15:09 It may take now about 15 hours to go one step up like 11.3. 18:55 or 9.3. 12:55 (8 hours) etc. - study always the entire curve 💖✨ 15:17 Level 2 first small trade BTC/USDT Kraken From USDT 8373.9 BTC 0.24244696 down to buy BTC at 8332.9 got 0.2424892 BTC is 0.000020 more - yessss - so from 83.73 to 83.33 which is about 0.5 I did a profit!!! Fees already taken - yesss - we can do 0.5% in Kraken and earn something too - Poloniex sometimes is not adding at 1.1% and sometimes even not at 2.2!! Cheaters as Amadeus revealed 🔥😇💖 15:38 Level 2 only: I go one more USDT :-) 15:52 Falling - small curves very fast!! Take care or ask Feroniba 16:08 Fell 8298 to 8033 16:11 I was on the lucky side sold falling BTC Level 2 16:12 From 0.2424892 to 024898996 in 1 minute - yesss!!! 🍀🌞📈💖🌹Come and join level 2 at Kraken - wooowwww!!! 16:21 That was $75 in a minute - good Kraken - perfect!!! 👍😎🐝🌹💖 16:22 Small curve dangerous - seems to fall more - take care! 16:25 Sold BTC again small curve level 3 - take care 16:27 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍 16:30 Level 2 decision time - becoming smaller and smaller - up or down will come soon - what do you think - up or down hehe 17:28 Level 2 a Looks dangerous - sold BTC - first wait - I won’t write more level 2 - Peter gets confused - ask me if you like :-)) 17:41 BTC rising fast :-) For level 4 $ friends like Peter 💰💰💰❣ 17:47 Peter Papa von Amanda 👍 17:48 Hehe :-)) 18:11 Feroniba for a while only level 2-1 - good luck - ask Feroniba or call if I can help 💖🐝🌺💰💎😇⛩🌈🦋 18:12 Just did 0.25 BTC 💎💎💎❣🌅🌊⛵🏝🎶⛩😇🎁🛰 18:13 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍👍 18:16 I mean this ar all my assets - and Verena just decided to send her BTC also to Feroniba - so I will have some more in about 20 minutes 🙂 Hehe - wish you also more and more BTC - and that you all understand that tinking in USDT USD EUR etc. is the wrong strategy - think in BTC and what rises BTC faster than stupid USDT or USD EUR because they do nothing when you keep them - and if you keep a better coin it will rise BTC faster than this stupid USDT USD EUR etc. - good luck in understanding this very logical truth - this is what I think that it is just logical - what do you think? I slowly doubt my logical understanding because I couldn't make someone understand that really up to this day 🙁 The only response I get is "I have understood that and I have less EUR etc. than before" - but if I ask and how much more BTC you got they always answer "also less" - this is not what I meant!!! Soooo much more BTC and in such a short time that it will always be more EUR USD etc. than you had before you started trading - this is what I mean - rise BTC the fastest - and this will at least double your BTC in about one month and more - if you just do level 4 what is only BTC/USDT whenever you like and never lose either BTC nor USDT - and follow always the medium curve - sell when falling - buy when rising - that's all and gives you 100% per month minimum - calcuate from 17.12.2017 up to now and you will see - there are just about 24 lines - up and down - medium curves 18:57 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍✌✌✌✌ 19:16 Hallo Peter - Das Gespräch eben von 19:30-22:00 zu Crypto war so schrecklich und sinnlos dass ich es niemandem zumuten werde wegen Crypto mit dir in Kontakt zu treten, und das noch privat am Telefon - ich nehme Abstand von meiner Zusage dich mit unseren Daten beliefern zu lassen - es ist ein rein privates Unternehmen ohne weitere Motivation und das funktioniert nach meiner Wahrnehmung so leider garnicht - alles Gute und viel Erfolg trotzdem - Amanda ist Immer gern unser Gast - LG Feroniba 🍀 22:33 Peter: Na klasse! Dann eben nicht! 22:49 Feroniba: Du bist leider zu unangenehm für sensible Leute - sehr gewalttätig in deiner Redensart und nutzt sehr oft gezielt verletzende Formulierungen ohne Mitgefühl und Rücksicht - du siehst nicht dass da jemand anderes vor dir ist mit anderen Ansichten als wie du alles gerade siehst und übergehst das völlig - ich will dich damit nicht belehren aber fühle mich leider genötigt so zu antworten - im Crypto Terasof Forum kannst du bis morgen Abend auch noch was schreiben wenn du magst - dann nehm ich dich wieder da raus 22:50 I am out of BTC again - it seems not to progress and fall again lower and lower - and large curve is toooo long toooo near - and therefore I sleep on USDT and wait for BTC to fall - even if it creates one more top it can only be a small percentage between 1-4 and I am not interested to sleep with the risk that it falls for this small % profit but wait until it’s down to buy or it builds a rising curve in which I can believe :-) Good luck with your decision or talk with Feroniba 🍵🍀💎👍 23:38 Maninder Singh Only 20 min after 12:00 the start going down 23:40 At the moment I only believe it copies curve from 11.3. 2:00 bit in a miniature version - and it is now at the place as 12.3. 8:00 and will not do a level 5 trip top like that - so bye ank keep the money :-)) But as always I am not God but consider like always the best probability 💖📈💰And I love crypto 🌹 23:43 Maninder - which date? 23:44 Maninder Singh Moring sir 23:46 Don’t call me Sir 😎💎💖 23:47 Maninder Singh 😊 okk dear 23:47 But real u r very good teacher....👍 always be right 23:48


Thanks - teacher only if there is real interest or it will have no use - you listen and act upon that because you are interested :-)) 00:06 Maninder yes 12:00 only down - so leave it until it’s really down :-) 00:30 Maninder Singh 👍 👍 👍 01:28 I think this was one of the last highlights of BTC for a long time coming - no falling from there :-(.. 01:48 Maninder Singh Now what we can do buy BTC or sate in USDT 01:53 Down 8050 - we all are in the lucky side safe - and Peter could save all assets - we are the lucky crypto crackers hehehe 02:03 Maninder Singh Yup again falling 02:04 And down 02:04 Falling more and more - under 8000 02:24 Hope everyone doing well - This BTC/USDT curve is dangerous - level 3 may do 5-6% each but watch out - jaw your medium curve drawn from 11.3. 13:00 bottom 9070 USD connect al feet and heads - and watch the complete content - similar to 11.3. 22:00 to the top this is what is happening now waiting for 14.3. 10:00 falling hardly - be careful on level 3!! 10:44 And always understand that as long as the medium curve is not changing with a new turning point we can do the probability check and it is most of the time true - 7 or 9 out of 10 or even more - Quickfingers Luc says: If the curve has done it already why should it not do it again - especially if it has repeated it already one or twice or even 10 times 💎💖 Trust the probability math means the curve patterns and not the level 5 trips wishes feelings etc. - no speculation but probability math - draw your curves - find the patterns and follow - find the new turning point the earlier the better - draw all probable lines until you found the new definitive one :-) 10:53 level 3: the BTC curve may crawl now to the top medium line but it may also fall earlier - take care 10:59 Level 3: The curve may also not go any higher anymore and fall - or create new medium curve turning point - let’s see 11:25 I am USDT - if it rises to the top it will be the same leve where I am - and if I buy now it may fall faster than I can sell - and if it falls to the bottom of small curves line at around 7800 I have to be careful that it doesn’t fall to the bottom of medium curve fast or even lower in direction of bottom large curve which is around 2000 USD at the moment - falling day by day lower - take care 11:32 Falling fast - may after that rise to the top like 15.3. 14:50 - go or not ... 11:36 I measured with a drawn line the time from the bottom of the last curve and the on before that too - the actual line is much longer already ... 11:39 And touched the top of the medium curve already - both last curves had not touched it yet at that moment ... 11:41 For the moment I decide it is more like 15.3. 15:50 than 15.3. 22:15 - so trend is falling from the probability point of view - or do you have a better idea 🙂 We will see - it reveals soon - and if it rises I may enter - or not ... this is always the difficult decision - easy is to enter the bottom - difficult to do trades inbetween 11:44 Level 3: The top medium line combined by the first two curves gives space fot this curve to rise and it has then not touched the bottom medium line yet - so go with it? Only for level 3!! 11:47 It looks like go ... 11:47 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍👍👍 13:55 Rasing so fast 15:16 8000 to 85000 in just 1 sec 15:16 BTC now showing is power....... 😊 15:18 No Level 5 last trips - listen to Quickfingers Luc YouTube last video one week ago and all videos - he is for me the one and only crypto God 💖 16:22 I am not in this last corner of BTC surrounded by Trips without sense - these curves are all mad and torn in pieces - Luc says stock market is doing the same - so care about sea level rise etc. 16:25 It is like a injured animal fighting not to die - mad 16:31 Because the ever rising BTC will not rise anymore - never - other currencies of generation 3 like ADA Cardano take it’s place now - not Ethereum ETH because only 2nd generation or the change the data structure in 3rd generation - but they didn’t and don’t show that they planning it :-( 16:35 Let us go level 0 and create the own coin and exchange 4th generation - I am working it out with assembly C Raspberries Pi etc. - come and join us 🌹💖🦋😇⛩🍵🍰✨🎁🌊⛵🛰🌞✨🍀 16:37 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍👍✌✌✌✌✌ 16:40 I will not be able to be here for a while - good luck 17:47 Es steigt etwas - ich würde es nicht als turning point rising einstufen - muss man nich etwas warten was kommt bevor man small oder medium curve Änderung diagnostizieren kann 17:51 Ich sag letzte Zuckung Trip wie 12.3. 9:00 17:53 Level 4 please draw this medium curve: starting 1.3. 1800 bottom1 9.3. 6:00 bottom2 until today and parallel their 4 tops: 5.3. 22:00 top1 12.3. 13:00 top2 14.3. 2:00 and now 16.3. 18:00 - now you know what should come next via probability math 💖📈🌙✨Falling like all 3 last tops :-) Good luck in USDT is my recommendation to everyone 💎💎💎And when it’s down buy BTC :-)) Draw a lime like the complete last falling line from top 3 downwards 14.3. 2:00 - New bottom4b could then be at approximately 6870 USD if you put the drawn line on the actual top 4 now at this moment - or it could be a little shorter like 2/3 of our drawn line from top 3 downwards at bottom4a 7420 - or even like top1 falling 2 times the length of our line even at bottom 4c at 5250!!!! And it just could go with level 5 people tripp’s for a while - don’t care and wait until it falls This is alway probability not God telling the future - but 7-9 or more times true 💖🌹😇😎📈💰💎🌈🍀🍵⛩🦋 Lucky ones who do this probability math and buy at one of the new coming probable bottoms 20:52 Please everyone do this homework 1 😎 Thank you all 20:52 Maninder Singh I have done it 21:14 Yup level 1 falling start 21:36 yes I told that Peter yesterday - so fortunately he sold all assets 🙂 22:22 Maninder Singh Now falling falling and falling.....😊 22:25 Hehehe 22:43 😎🐝🌹 Homework 2: Probably new turning point 📈🌞 rising 15.3. 2:30 connects all tops - only 15.3. 15:00 is a level 5 trippy top :-) Combine all bases too :-) 🌈💰 23:58


BTC should fall soon in last medium curve or probable new turning point - in both it is at the highest point and must fall soon - or create a new medium curve - very improbable - or level 5 pushes it a little bit up to fall down again 00:04 Recommendation be on USDT - or if you are just a little bit lower stay there and wait for the fall - don’t climb op with BTC hoping to rise more - this is probability, not prediction - we are and won’t become God :-) 00:07 I meant we are not God and won’t become God either 00:08 Trippy curve at the moment 00:09 As predicted now falling deep - 8500 to 8300 already 00:46 Will show if it repeats 12.3. 15:00 or 13.3. 8:00 or 14.3. 10:00 - or different 00:52 I think I will wait and not go with small curves for a while until it is at the bottom of larger medium curve starting bottom11.3. 12:00 connecting with 15.3. 6:30 - and connect all tops with a second line 00:58 😎🐝🌹Homework 3: Draw new small line turning point and adapt it (anpassen) from time to time if necessary :-) 01:01 It may seem that the medium curve may rise more - but due to larger medium curve combining all curves since bottom 11.3. 13:00 (sorry same curve mentioned above with wrong date 1.3. missing the 1 - correct is 11.3.) and all tops it is not seeming to cross this curve - so must just fall more like small curves 14.3. 10:00 or 12.3. 14:30 or 10.3. 18:20 etc. 01:31 Hope our probability math is correct - will make a pause soon - cu later :-)) 01:34 🌙 BTC fell as predicted - part 2 to 8100 02:33 Level 5 trippy trip BTC rising a little bit - I do not join - be careful - let’s see what happens 10:05 BTC falling in the small line as predicted 📈🌙 start 16.3. 2040 top 13:17 New small curves could fall to half length 7700 like 12.3. 21:15 or full length 6.800 like 15.3. 7:30 13:39 Draw these lines with the brush and put them on the actual spot 13:47 Maninder Singh Done sir 16:26 😊 16:27 :-) no Sir - just done 16:29 Maninder Singh Hahah oh sorry 16:29 👍 😊 16:29 🍀🍵🐝🌹📈💖 16:30 Small rising trip - I never follow - only if it gets serious because of creating a new turning point :-) 18:37 Maninder Singh ✌ 18:39 Falling part 3 🌙💎 21:48 Maninder Singh The last part 21:49 I don’t think so - as I wrote can fall half length or full of medium curve - we draw a line with the brush for that - 22:06 Level 3: small line is at the bottom and could rise to the top during the next hours to the top at about 8080 USDT - I don’t go for it because to risky while falling - may not do that and leave the small line to the bottom of medium curve :-) 22:09 Kraken and Gemini stopped trading at 7950 and 7948.44 - but Kraken is trading on it’s own website 22:13 I mean Coinigy stopped and shows only every minute the same line and no trades in Data window 22:14 Kraken is back on Coinigy 22:28 As I said Level 3 rises towards the top of small curves line - but I don’t join :-) 22:29 Maninder Singh Yupp...... 22:29 👍 👍 👍 22:29 Gemini also back on Coinigy :-) 22:31 Maninder Singh Yeah everything is allright now 22:32 Yes - I expect small line falling to bottom medium line like 15.3. 6:30 22:40 But may first move lice the lines before since 12.3. 21:15 - but shorter - I think it may skip that part - let’s see 22:42 Will take some days to be down - maybe 2-5 - or longer because level 5 tries to push it up again and again :-(( And it may have a turning point breaking it even more down :-)) 22:49 If not too many level 5 buyers in between 22:50 Maninder Singh Lets see 22:53 So if small curves keep falling within the medium curve without turning points they reach bottom 22.3. 0:00 at 5370 which is the same level as the last lowest point since Christmas :-) This will be a very long falling line - I think it will have some more turning points up and down and will be down later - or even turn the medium line a little bit 23:02 But possible just falling like 14.3. 3:00 - just 2.5 times longer because falling slower 23:03 I leave - cu later 🍀👍💎 23:05 Maninder Singh See u soom 23:07 I think it may go up again to top medium curve and then fall faster - I don’t join for only 1-2% - that is the top of medium curve if it doesn’t create new turning point or level 5 trips :-) 23:08 Yes cu Nani der 🌺✨ 23:08

3/18/2018 Sunday

Yes cu Maninder 🌺✨
BTC continues to fall as expected - now at 7800
Bottom of small curves line - may rise about 2%
If you have drawn the line from 12.3. 12:00 from top to bottom and hold it against our present line it now has the same length which is half the length to the possible bottom of medium curve - but may go on falling the same length again to that point like 14.3. 3:00 - have to leave now - take care - call me if decides to rise what I don’t expect at this moment - not more than the tolerable amount of 2-3% - thank you :-) And good luck to us all 🍀💎✨
Even if it rises to the top of medium curve line it won’t be higher than 8000 and fall again quick - so only max. about 2% up and down 02:32
And now at bottom of small curve line it should rise like the last 3 curves to top of small lines at about 7870 and down again - cu later 02:39


Now for the 4th time in a row rising less than 2 and then falling - but at one point it may start rising more and more - like 15:3. 8:00 or 11.3. 12:30
🍰 Nibbling Technique:

Quickfingers Luc uses oftern the nibbling technique (Knabbern, Anknabbern, Naschen, Nagen) - start buying whenever a low turning point may manifest with a small part of the assets (Besitztümer) - each time falling lower increasing the amount - and investing the remaining assets all at one strongly onvincing point
Lowe’s point was 7500 - consider slowly to start nibbling 🍰🍀
As estimated (eingeschätzt) we are now in the middle of our falling distance and from now on it may rise - be careful - start nibbling if you feel it may rise :-) 🍰🍀
😎🐝🌹Homework 3:
Take our drawn line from 12.3. downwards to the bottom and hold it towards all last falling lines and consider how to react now: Hold it to falling lines of 14.3. 2:00 (double length) - 12.3. 11:00 (full length) - 10.3. 16:00 (full length) etc. - consider nibbling now 🍰🍀 - or later? Or invest all assets at a safer point when the turning point is almost or definitely revealed, but at a higher point - so you can’t take all the profit without nibbling :-)) You decide :-)) 🍰🍀
I like to wait a little bit guessing for at least one more lower point - but may change my mind soon :-))
And look at falling line 5.3. 19:00 (3.5x length of our drawn line!!!) - do it again and again, compare all falling lines and measure them - and consider which one will happen now :-)
😎🐝🌹Homework 4:
Compare all falling lines back in time up to the Christmas hill 17.12.2017 📈💎❣
😎🐝🌹Homewofk 4 part 2: We name all rising and falling lines from • R1 14.12.2017 and • F1 17.12.2017 - • R2 22.12.2017 16:00 and F2 24.11. 0:00 etc.
😎🐝🌹Homework 4 part 3: We got R1-9 color green and F1-9 color red - 18 lines and turning points in 3 months makes about 6 turning points per month - 6x pressing buy or sell level 4 BTC/USDT and earning 100% per month with Crypto Terasof - don’t miss the turning point - we wake you up per phone if you like - and level 3-1 makes small line turning points and other coins rising and falling for up to 1000% per hour etc. 📈🌈💎💰🌅 Gappy trading with Crypto Terasof 💖🐝🌺🍀🌞

Here the CP lines - pic as Peter, our scientist, suggested 🙂
Draw it in Coinigy (Quickfingers Luc spells it Coinigy with g like Carnegy etc.) and Kraken exchange :-)

Great! Thanks!

Be aware - BTC may rise again - consider nibbling 🍰🍀 I may buy ... consider ... hesitate ... consider - Now we have a new language: We are in medium curve F9 falling - considering a new turning point R10 for rising - and we may go level 3 trading small curves for about 2-3% at the time - you decide - and always be shure: TOLERANCE is always the better choice - you may lose a little %es but in the long run you make the bigger and safer profit and don’t lose if you are not completely aware and fast in buying and selling always a little bit over ask or under bid -crosswise
😎🐝🌹 Homework 5:
Safe is now for level 4: Don’t buy - wait, tolerate - even more than 2 or 3 % - even up to 10 and more % - YES! Check all R1-R9 and F1-F9 with your 10% ruler (Lineal) - draw it - use it - at 20000 it has to be double the length than at 10000 - so better have 2 rulers - and see how good and safe it is to tolerate always 10% and sometimes even more :-)))
Whenever we are in a falling curve it will bounce (zurück-federn) - the mir it falls the more it bounces - until the bounces turn into the new turning point rising again - F9 📈🌙💎 converts (verwandelt sich) into R10 at the last bounce 📈🌞💰👍
😎🐝🌹 Homework 6:
Draw a horizontal line from 16.3. 14:15 to 17.3. 0:45 = 10:30 hours - and compare it with all 3 following green lines inbeteeen the red falling ones - same length ❣Probability math 🌅🎶 Surrounded by the medium curve lines - now we have a small part left from this moment to 12:20 - and any variation or deviation (Abweichung) is a sign for a change of the medium curve creating a new turning point - be aware - do your math and double your assets every month with level 4 - or every week or two with level 3 - or even faster up to 1000% per hour or per day! Ready? Steady: Go 📈💎💰🐝🌹👍🌅❣🍵🍰⛵🛰⛩😇🍀

Now teach other coins level 1 coins ........USDT is boring day by day..........😊

You are not trading level 4 in perfection - you don’t start level 3 small curves in BTC/USDT - you don’t come for the 5 hours I promised your father to teach you minimum - you don’t do level 2 slowly training the wild but extremely profitable coins step by step and with all your time but you have not managed to do crypto as full time job what is necessary for level 2 - and you want to jump without all that passionate into level 1 which is being a professional trader at all levels - so what you ask for is actually madness level 5-6 out of control 🤬🔥🍵

Haha just kiding dear.......😊
First i came then we can start

Don’t be diplomatic - always tell the truth :-)
If you don’t deal with your enemy
People in panic - everyone fears the fall - but it may not happen until in about 30 minutes according to the length of our horizontal drawn line :-))
So level 3 could try making about 2-3% - but be careful - I don’t do these risky moments and go for small curves level 3-1 in better safer and much more profitable coins :-)) Welcome and join level 1 after having done all your homeworks :-))
🤬 Panic time hehe 💎💎💎
Level 5 last toppy trip - the clever traders take the money of all stupid level 5 drug etc. junkees make 2% and sell again for the fall of F9 🤬🎄🔥😎
Now it reached the complete length of our horizontal line - only level 5 trip can extend it in time or fake a new turning point - watch


It is if the supermarket already announced time over - and then they come and say: please come to pay now - and you go on and on shopping ... hmmmm
for 1% more - or risk 10% loss - our red line which we drew before is 10%

Maninder Singh Große shopping 😊 12:27 If you have your horizontal line from top F9 we could wait until 14:30 and then it will fall - 12:49 We can interpret the actual horizontal line from today 1:20 to 12:20 as we did before or from 3:30 to 14:30 as it seems to move now 🙂 12:52 But I believe it will fall much sooner - let's see what comes 🙂 12:52 Level 3: So Maninder could have done 3x level 3 here 2% makes 6% up and down - this is very safe and slow - first try that before moving to much more dangerous and extreme curves!!! 12:54 Of course not now anymore!!! Now it is over 🙂 Or only trip which can fall anytime 12:55 Maninder Singh If u see the trader data the shows 73.3 % of traders are net long with the ratio of traders long to short at 2.27 to 1. The no of trader net long is 3.2% higher than yesterday and 8.6% higher feom last week while the no of traders net short is 1.5 % lower then yesterday and 0.4 % higher from last week......... 13:19 Where do you get that data from 13:39 Last trip like every time before it falls - watch all former curves at this moment 🙂 Don´t become a victim of level 5 trippers 🤬💸 13:48 Maninder Singh Yupp falling trip start 14:16 14:30 - in ten minutes - falling time 🙂 14:17 Maninder Singh Just from news article....i aslo like to read new about crypto........ those helps me to improvement........ and also whats u tell ....... always trying to be better 14:18 send link please 14:22 now slowly reaching the bottom line of small horizontal curve - and then fall 🙂 These curves are exactly in time 🙂 14:24 We also could say if the market volume remains the same all curves have the same limits - we can predict them very easily 14:26 Touched bottom line as predicted 14:30 🙂 14:26 I´m off for a pause 🙂 14:27 Maninder Singh 14:31 Feroniba and Peter USDT SINCE 8300 and 8200 - so already about 10% more BTC 💎❣ 14:32 Maninder Singh 14:32 Here we can see all the news about all markets........ 14:33 Ok will study after pause 14:36 Trippy level 5 guys and gals try another one - I say it won’t really happen - just speculative tripping around :-( 14:38 Or they start a new turning point horizontally like all the curves before - how booioooring is that - they never learn how to make money and have fun :-(( 14:39 😎🐝🌹 Homework 7: Last 10 small curves falling: all about 2 numbers lower - that is about 2.5% each at that level - and taking about 1.5-4 hours to be down - draw these 2 lines horizontally for time and vertically for length or % and measure - I just did 🙂 except the one from 14.3.8:30 becouse it has double length it has also double duration - 8-10 hours 14:58 Only level 3: Draw the last small curve - all the tops - and put it in the actual place - fits perfect - and buy BTC - sell always on top - buy again at bottom etc. - if you don’t understand don’t do that please - first ask!! 🍰🐝🌺❣🍀I’m in with all assets - you should follow first with a small amount and try that sucsessfully first - you decide 🍵📈👍❣🔥Take care and good luck 😇⛩🎁🌞🎶 16:15 😎🐝🌹 This was Homework 8 level 3 only! 😇⛩🎁 16:21 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍 16:57 Feroniba is USDT again - because we have a private session with family - always leave level 3 on the right side 🙂 Now USDT 18:47 Maninder Singh Now BTC raising only 2 3 % 18:52 I am not into small curves at level 4 - was in level 3 but went out because of appointment 19:15 Will go max 7700 - or has to create new turning point - but doesn’t seem so at all :-) 19:17 Now 7520 19:17 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍 19:24 Rasing to 7700......👍👍 21:53 Yes as predicted - copies the last curve as it does most the time - exactly following each pattern - for me too late to enter now because of private meetings :-) & u 21:55 Maninder Singh 7530 21:57 Yes I know and watch :-)) 21:57 Maninder Singh Just waiting for falling 21:58 Wating for 6000 22:03 😊 22:03 7800 22:08 8000 22:26 Im going to work now..... if u see any Turing point and BTC rasing more....plz inform me 22:45

3/19/2018 Monday

Yes no turning point just a trip to the top - only level 3 can take that - medium curve falling like before - we tolerate trips of 10% and more :-) 00:11 Buy for now - cu later :-) 01:56 Hello again - this trip will come down - don’t worry 11:06 Maninder Singh 👍 13:08 Rising - I don’t join - you decide 14:43 I don’t trade level 3 at the moment because no time for that unfortunately - nor do I level 5 of cause :-))) What do you decide 15:25 Maninder Singh I'm in level 4 sir 15:57 Sorry 15:57 Dear 15:58 Hope the come down 15:58 You could be level 3 - 2 - 1 - but first learn what to do there - completely different than you think and act now! Don't just jump in or you will lose nearly all of your assets - this is my experience with everyone who didn't really listen or know the difference - be careful 🙂 16:53 📈🌙 Medium turning point falling 5.3. 21:00 - draw that line with bottom line from 1.3. about 8:00 - don´t forget where we are - don´t forget watching always the big picture 🌹💎💰❣🏆😎 17:02 Do you want more or less money at the end of the month? If you follow all those trips during the month you will have less or no money in one month - what we do now will bring you the safest and most profit on level 4 - and more on 3-1 but you have first to learn the rules - or you do what you want - we call it level 5 - and leave this forum - no problem - and good luck anyways 🙂 17:04 I know it´s a little bit more than 10% what we tolerate at the moment - but sometimes this is the better choice - the trip was too fast rising - you couldn't jump on it - even not in level 3 if you 🍸🍾🍹wouldn't be already in - only if you lose a lot - this is not really a turning point on level 4, it is a trip - similar to 9.3. 23:00 or 11.3. 12:00 or 15.3. 9:00 - before you recognize it is rising and try to jump on it falls - even after hours or days - and you make no profit or even lose because in the moment you understand it is falling it is even lower than you entered - therefore we have a tolerance line from around 10% and tolerate even more if it is just a trip - and this one is obviously a trip - there are no nice curves rising steadily and safe - just jumping aroung and falling again ... boring - but if you are doing for some hours level 3 this would be a small bonus for you 🏆💰 I was level 3 but had to leave again - so I missed it but am not at all sad - you do every day 10 extra % and more if you do level 3 - so anyway - and if you start jumping on rising curves without level 3 training you lose 7-9 times out of 10 or even more - and the one time you are successful still gives you a great loss at the end of the month - trust me - either do it correct or go better in the casino instead of trading level 5 with crypto - more fun, drugs, music, sex,high society and party etc. there then in these boring trading windows 🙂 🎊🍭🍸🍾🍹🤹‍♀ 17:19 Maninder Singh 👍 ✌ ✌ 17:27 The curve cant move up and again up and again up - because at one point everyone has bought BTC like now I guess 🙂 And then it has to fall so that everyone can buy more BTC and rise and get more USDT or EUR USD etc. - but trippy level 5 who always want BTC to rise jump on green lines because they want NOW more money - because they need it now - as people act in casinos - and their assets are very limited, but many people, so it rises FAAAAST and when all these trippy people spent all their small money they are out of money - and then? It has to fall, clever people on level 3 or two took their money and leave them falling - then they have to sell with great loss to keep at least a part of their holy assets - and jump on the next green line and lose again more etc. etc. - until thy have no assets left - then they destroy their computer or their partner - or jump out of the window - or or or 17:37 Or whales are operating - you can see that in the trading volume of BTC or which coin ever you follow - if it leaves its usual extremes that is because of whales or because nobody is interested anymore in that particular coin and it falls out of the top 100-200 coins - so easy, no more secrets - no Gods or devils causing this - no conspiracy needed - that´s the simple and profane truth behind all these rising and falling trips - one hour rising line 19 or more % and back again :-( Very boring and disgusting 17:37 BTC is 5-8 billion trading vol - sometimes 4.9 or 8.5 - so if you see 4.5 or even 3 etc. something is going on - or over 8.5 or even 9 - and find the 24/7 limits of each coin, study it, read about it etc. - then you are safe 24/7 - at one point I would also leave USDT - it is also just a crypto coin and no fiat money - don't fortet - be safe 17:37 What sometimes may happen: If everyone who is wating that the trip ends but more and more people join because they think anyway it is rising so I join - then it rises more and more - but much too early - so sooner or later no one will enter anymore - and then it falls very fast - I wait 17:42 Lets 17:45 Maninder Singh Yup 17:55 Let´s say you buy like now BTC at 11.3. 18:00 - drew your lines rising - and it falls 12.3. 20:00 - you wait that it comes up again - what happens: falls again 14.3. 10:00 - see how much USDT you lose: 9800 to 7700 - and after that even more to 7300 - be on the safe medium curve side - this now is level 3 small curve rising more than 10% - where would you have recognized that it is rising? At 7700 maybe - but shure it will not come back immediately? No. So how long will you wait? You don't know. Let`s say you decide to join - that is level 3! Why without preparation and training? Suddenly? Will you do that anytime from now on? Then you lose mostly every time. Then it is 8300 at 18.3. 22:00 - what to do there? Wait - then it rises 8500 or 8600 - 2-3% - all that risk to be on BTC and lose in a moment 10% of your USDT or more 17:56 Don´t forget you only could decide to go for BTC at 7700 or even higher - with a strong feeling of risk - not good for your nerves for hours to come - and then you would go USDT at 8100 and wait - then it rises again - you go BTC at 8400 or 8500 - again risk, anxiety etc. - for going to 8500 or 8600 max - and see - now it is falling - so what - this is not really fun and not safe money - after a while you give up and leave crypto business 18:01 Only people with too much passion and mainly on drugs do all that - rise these curves and after that force them to fall again because no more money to push it up 18:03 Peter Papa von Amanda Finally falling - as predicted by Feroniba! 😊 18:12 No by our medium lines hehe 18:15 This was falling part 1 - part 2 to come soon 🙂 18:16 And we are back to bottom and lower yeeeess 18:16 Maninder Singh 👍👍✌✌✌✌ 18:17 🏆🌅🍭😎💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵 18:22 Now it´s time for 12.3. 15:00 - come on 🥁🐝🎈💰💰💰 18:25 Maninder Singh Any time come 18:41 may take a while - hours or even a day - like 12.3. 17:00 18:45 The last top usually shows that the trip is over - all trippers give their last money and start losing - like 12.3. 10:00 - 16.3. 14:00 - 28.2. 4:00 - 5.3. 20:00 etc. etc. 18:48 Now we can see how this curve copied the last 2 curves and even more before: curve1 9.3. phase a rise 7:00 b 11:00 c 19:00 d big 11.3. 3:00 e end 12.3. 21:00 and f fall 14.3. 3:00 - next curve2 phase a rise 15.3. 9:00 b 17:00 c 16.3. 0:00 d big 14:00 e end 17.3. 1:00 f fall 10:00 - next curve3 phase a rise 21:09 sorry again: 21:10 Now we can see how this curve copied the last 2 curves and even more before or inbetween: curve1 9.3. phase a rise 7:00 b 11:00 c 19:00 d big 11.3. 3:00 e end 12.3. 21:00 and f fall 14.3. 3:00 - next curve2 phase a rise 15.3. 9:00 b 17:00 c 16.3. 0:00 d big 14:00 e end 17.3. 1:00 f fall 10:00 - then 2 miniature versions 17.3. 18:00 and 18.3. 2:00 next curve3 phase a rise 18.3. 20:00 b 19.3. 6:00 c 11:00 d big 14:00 e end 18:00 and now waiting for f fall 🌙 :-=) We will see what the tripping level 5 guys and gals think about it now - do they have moooore money ? No 🙂 21:20 Maninder Singh Yup 21:22 Rasing 21:22 curve 3 began with the level 5 trip - and should and with that too - now tripping for a last time - or they organized more money - or whales drawing lines because they are bored hehe - no BTC 7.1 billion trading volume - should be less than 4.9 billion or even less to rise the price - so no whales - only tripping level 5 always at this moment of the curve 🙂 21:23 curve3 began with the level 5 trip and should end with that too - sorry - auto correction 21:24 Maninder Singh Falling 21:26 Usually their last money in the entire world - all level 5 guys and gals - is that last phase d big curve followed by e end - and then fall - so e shouldn't rise more than d - but sometimes even that happens - too much needs in the world and no idea how to solve it ... trying with crypto ... 🙁 21:28 Next time after it fell we can enter earlier - too much needs in the world and too much level 5 left pushing again and again the nice falling curves up without sense - just loosing all their money - but this is then level 3 switch - so only enter next time if you are able to exit quickly if they let it fall more - please - I will announce Level 3 - your risk - not my fault - please be aware 🙂 21:31 Maninder Singh Always to learn god thing ........ no problem if loose some % .....but good thing is that can learn more about trading that can help us to trade better in future........ 21:36 👍⛵🏝💰💖 21:38 😎🐝🌹 Homework 8: Have all small curves combined between your top and bottom lines - next time we buy at the bottom - but be careful - as I said it is level 3 - and be ready to sell immediately again if it falls lower!!! 21:47 Usually we shouldn't do that if the medium curve is falling - it is very risky - because the curves may end up very short so we may lose % - as the curves between curve2 and curve3 showed - just too small - opposite we may gain % like this time, but this is 1 out of 10 times or less - and the opposite, falling is 9 out of 10 times or more - be careful next time - I will write it again then - something like falling curves 6.3. 1:00 may happen any time! 21:56 may take still 3-7 hours to fall - measured at phase e of curve2 21:59 These last curves force us again and again to do level 3 - hmmm - switch 4 - 3 - 4 - 3 ... not good 🤬⚔🌙 22:04 Maninder Singh 🤔 22:18 🌅🌍✨ Please always see the big picture: 1. We are inside of a falling large or big curve - we sometimes call it the Christmas curve or Christmas tree starting at it's top 17.12.2017 - here we could do investing - only recommended for those who have huge assets like millions and billions of USD etc. and practice all necessary techniques not to lose their money and always to increase it - not for us - only for very very rich professionals - the whales - and they can influence the market and sometimes do - we can see them act in a extremely lower or higher trading volume and market capitalization volume 2. Simultaneously we are inside of a falling combining medium curve starting 5.3.2018 - here we do only trading level 4 - recommended for every beginner in cryptocurrency trading 3. Simultaneously we are inside of a smaller falling medium curve starting 9.3.2018 about 11:00 - here we do trading level 4-3 switching if necessary - better not to switch and stay level 4 4. And last but not least we are inside of a small curve now at the top of the smaller medium curve falling soon - here we can do trading level 3 if we know the techniques and stay at the computer every minute! Or leave again for level 4 🌙 🙂 5. And we are in the smallest miniature curves - we see them if our resolution is 1 minute, or 3 or 5 minutes etc. - here we do day trading level 3-1 - we have be very concentrated and sophisticated (fachlich gebildet) and best be part of a 24/7 group 22:45 have to be 22:48 And now it may take about 3-5 more hours to fall again according to the last curve3 as mentioned above - we were not trading level 3 - so we couldn´t be part of the last huge level 5 rise - I could have been and was trading level 3 - but had to leave just 30 minutes before for some appointments 🙂 No problem at all - because at level 3-1 you do every day 10% extra or much more - welcome to study and practice level 3-1 🐝🌹❣💎💰😇⛩🦋 23:01 😎 And I am very proud of you all doing level 4 nicely and not anymore level 5 🐝🌹💎💶💝 Thank you for being here and participating with patience and tolerance - mindful and concentrated 😍✨ 23:03 Level 5 pushing up - may take about 2-4 hours to fall again - be patient :-) 23:52

3/20/2018 Tuesday

Maninder Singh Patient is the success of trader.......😊 00:03 😎🐝🌹 Homework 9: Draw a colored line connecting all feet from 12.3. 21:00 to 14.3. 9:00 - compare all similar curves, take it to 11.3. 3:00 - 9.3. 6:00 - 15.3. 7:00 - and to our current curve starting 18.3. 19:00 - see that all these rising curve parts have exactly the same length - always do your probability math 📈😇🍀🍵😎⛩💖 00:12 Maninder Singh Done 00:21 👍 00:21 Great 🙂 And you can hold that line to all other rising parts backwards until R5 (rising point 5) - I just did it 🙂 Copy that line and put it at different locations 🙂 I took color pink 00:24 It fits to all rising parts back to R1 💖 Happy trading ✨💎💰🍀📈 00:27 Maninder Singh 👍 00:32 If we start with this line at our actual rising curve at 18.3. 17:00 at it's lowest point we will fall latest at 6:00 in the morning 🙂 00:34 Maninder Singh 😊 yup no sleep tonight' aware any things can happen...... alot of level 5 people in world can do any thing 00:36 No no - they just can move for a short time some % up - and then it falls again for the same amount of % - thats all - they have not so much money all together - and they lose it more and more to better traders of level 4-1 and then give up - this is the reason why we had a fast rising christmas curve until 17.12. and why this is now step by step falling back again - after that most of level 5 people gave up and left or changed and learned to do level 4-1 - so no level 5 will be here anymore in a short time 01:21 And I will leave soon - cu later alligator 01:22 Maninder Singh 👍 01:23 Waiting for the morning that it is down, fast or slowly falling - if not a wonder will happen 🙂 According to our line there are max. 4 hours left to fall 🙂 01:26 And measure all the % you could have made in the last 24 hours if you would start doing level 3-2 or even 1 - wow! This is every day nearly the same % - check it out and come for training 😎🍹🏆 01:27 Market capitalization 144 billion trade volume 6.5 billion - no whales took or put money :-) 08:10 😎🐝🌹 Homework 10: Draw the complete large line colored blue combining all heads and all feet in one piece and drag it to the actual line - make it fit somehow and chose a good realistic place dragging it left and right - and a little bit up and down surpassing even the large lines a little bit - what would you expect how the candles will move on in the next days and weeks? You now my opinion - down down down - just a little bit up here and there and I always call it tripping level 5 - until it has touched again the bottom of the big line or appears to turn the large line :-) What do you think? Ask Peter - he has theories and predictions that it rises soon to 15000 etc. and then surpasses 20000 etc. etc. - I give these theories and predictions 0.0% - what is your opinion? 🍀😇🍵🤬🐝🌹💰📈 08:25 Level 5 should be at the end of it’s assets and fall now or in the next 2 hours - we draw a line in 😎🐝🌹Homework 9 - it fits to all rising level 5 trips back to Christmas R1 - so it must fall now :-) 09:46 The only rising curve which is longer than our 😎 🐝🌹 Homework 9 line starts at 14.2. 0:00 - line end would be 15.2. 12:00 and has an overlength to 16.2. 3:00 which is about 15 hours longer - this would last with our actual rising curve until today 20:00 if we measure the starting point at 18.3. 17:00 - so we may go for 6 more hours = about 20:00 🌙 14:28 I put that line there and drew the extension to 20:00 too 🙂 14:30 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍👍 15:22 This senseless and boring situation for level 4 is going on and on - for level 3 it could be interesting but I have no time at the moment - but not interesting for level 2-1 - so mainly a loooong and endless level 5 trip 16:39 But level 3 it is about each 4 hours about 1-6% more BTC or USDT - not so bad - but have to cut fees and live permanently on top of the line fearing to fall fast about 15-20% which is nice if you are permanently watching and trading fast in the right moment ... I would do it if there is no better choice - but unfortunately no time :-(( 16:47 Should fall about 20:00 latest - or the trip is the longest since Christmas :-(( 16:49 Maninder Singh Lets see 16:50 We were just unfortunately all not doing level 3 - Peter and me were watching the rising hour but both couldn’t manage to go level 3 - but this is the extremist price we have to pay to be safe and double per month - and not to cut in half or less :-) We are doing the best - and go on doing it level for level 4 3 2 1 millioneer billioneer trillioneer etc. haha 💰✨💎😇 16:57 extremest 16:58 Peter Papa von Amanda It’s a bit annoying to watch this last so long, being in a small loss. But I prefer it over losing a lot with the next drop. Lets wait and see! 17:22 Maninder Singh Rasing 17:24 So fast 17:24 Maninder Singh 17:39 May be is this Breakout 17:39 You may do that - level 3 - you decide - I don’t - see R9 what is the use - tripping - I wait 17:40 There is still no real turning point for level 4 - just a trip developed to an artificial turning point up in the sky which always has to fall the same length down soon - study the large curve or any curve - I say no to level 4 - yes and take care 24/7 for level 3, but you should have been in always in level 3 at the bottom and not jump in when it is already rising - make your experiences how much you lost at the end of the month if you do that 17:51 Maninder - I love money - but also safety - so we owned 3 houses and sold 2 to have a perfect one now for 1.7 million EUR - and we could build now for 20 million EUR 10-20 houses - but I prefer producing Avatar 2 and 3 now with Verena in New Zealand or building living boats :-) Safety and fun first - these level 5 trips are the most stupid unsafe thing for level 4 - but you decide and make your own experiences :-)) 18:06 Maninder Singh 👍 👍 👍 18:14 Either do level 3 or not - don’t jump in when it’s already near the top and then leave the computer as if you are doing level 4 - that is level 5 stupidity - I told you some sentences ago you could do all the day long level 3 here and would already have made 10-20% - but you have then to sit and watch - or leave again for the right side level 4 - BTC or USDT - now we are level 4 USDT because the rise was a fast level 5 trip and without doing level 3 we can’t party with them :-) :-) 18:38

3/21/2018 Wednesday

I’m not a believer in meeting again and again the top Christmas line - may go to 10000 - I don’t join without 24/7 service - too risky for me without stable curves - don’t like shooting lines 07:04 Have to go - bye cu 08:28 Bill Gates: cryptocurrencies have 'caused deaths in a fairly direct way' Microsoft founder slams digital currencies as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak reveals he was victim of bitcoin scam Homework 10 😎🐝🌹✨ This was a long phase of useless blabla on the same spot like it always is if there is only the power of level 5 passion driving it like gambling by chance in a casino - like 9.3. 7:00 to 12.3. 13:00 or 15.3. 4:00 to 16.3. 21:00 - 😎🐝🌹✨ Homework 10: Draw a colored line to compare these 2 lines in length with our actual level 5 gambling line starting at 18.3. 18:00 and now reaching its highest point to fall soon in comparison with the last 2 similar trippy lines - And think about that: do you really want to take the money of all these poor people struggling with their lives and now trying to make a quick passioned effort to hopefully gain some quick money - but you come, buy first their bitcoin at the spot where they think it will not rise higher anymore - then it rises quick more because you and others still buy - and you may be expert enough with our fine Crypto Terasof or which forum ever to get out at the right spot as I show you every time - get out to take this time their poor money to make your profit which they needed more than you but they don’t know where the right spot is and they fail and lose all their hard and troublesome gained money to you - so you make the profit and are happy - and they lose everything again and again and are desperate - Read Bill Gates speech thereto in “The Guardian”!!! which Anne sent to me just a few days ago - wonderful Bill Gates - I love him very much - sensible humanist - Scorpio 💖💎💰❣🐝🌹🍵🍰🦋🍀📈🎶😇⛩😎 14:45 Maninder Singh 👍👍👍👍👍👍 15:39 May be The trip gone be over very soon ...... 15:39 You added Germán Welcome Germán to Crypto Terasof 🌞📈🌙💎💰😇⛩❣🍵🍰🐝🌹🍀🌊⛵🏝🎶🦋🔥🌈🛰🌺🎁🌅😎👍✨ 16:24 Germán Hallo hallo!! 16:39 👍💎💰🔥 16:40 Finally falling as predicted - or is level 5 giving it agaaaaiiiin a new rise towards the large line :-(( 17:19 Maninder Singh 👍 👍 17:19 Yup may be that is the end........ now from here go down down hope so....lets see....... the level 5 what the can do ........ 17:23 Sarah bought BTC at bottom and did more than 20% - luckily :-) But always better be level 3 and then enter level 5 trips :-)) 18:21 One time it may work out - but most of the times - 7-9 out of 10 times or even more often not - be careful 🔥🐝🌹🍀 18:23 Fell from 9150 at 17:00 to already 8500 at the moment and crashed already all the rising efforts of the last 24 hours - I believe just falling back to our ground base quick - even if it takes a short while - and then fall even more towards the bottom of th large Christmas line 💎🤬🍵🌅 18:35 📈💰 Only level 3: Now is the moment to decide if you believe the small line is at it’s bottom to buy again BTC and will rise in some minutes to the top of small lines again, starting from bottom small line about 18.3. about 22:00 - draw your small lines including all ups and downs of the miniature little curves or minute candles 18:42 I will not enter - sorry - no time at the moment to sit and watch - as the last line just fell in minutes, the next deep fall from level 5 tripping may be any moment 🤬🌊💰 18:44 And as you all now now as I stated it more than often: it must finally - sooner not later - fall to the bottom of the big line which is under 2000! at the moment if big line does no turning point - and until now there are zero null 0.0 signs for that at all - only theories and speculations „BTC will rise to 15000 or even far above 20000“, something like „40,000“ etc. etc. - ask Peter he is a big fan of all these - or was recently - or will be soon again ... Not that I don’t give BTC a great chance to break the big line rising fast - but then it has to be solid, steady, and there must be signs of changing narket capitalization and 24h trade volume etc. etc. - not only fantastic claims and theories :-))) And the I will follow too - shure 💖📈💰👍😇⛩🎶🦋 18:57 market 18:59 then 18:59 So go for about 6% from small lines bottom to top - level 3 only! Now is the moment - I don’t 📈💰🍀😇🌅 19:02 The majority of people seem to have accepted the new curve a d join - I wait more ;-) 21:19 I don`t trust this repeated rising to the top of the large curve - and again and again 24 hours for 5% is boring 21:24 Maninder Singh Now Im learn for new coins. This is going to so boring.......... 23:30

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Weitere Formatierung des obigen Textes folgt demnächst :-) Have fun 🐝🌹🌞🍵💖📈🎶🍀🦋😇✨🌈
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3/22/2018 Thursday

:-) Now who believes in rising could do 3-4% - I still don’t trust it - what went up straight has to end up straight
This is only for level 3
I mean end up straight down :-)
And I am waiting to discuss how to do level 3-1 without fail - in the same time in which we could buy BTC and rise it starting from 18.3. 18:00, we could instead buy with our USDT or EUR another coin like REP in Kraken and grow the same BTC 1.3. 22:00 from 35.5 to 40.5 which is about 15% more BTC at the same spot, while the bought BTC would be the exact amount as we bought it - now tell me: which choice is better: have 💎💎💎💎 or 💎💎💎💎💎 in 3.5 days?
At 19.3. 14:00 it would rise in one hour even to 46 and come down in the next hour
So you could sell the same BTC now - or 15-30% more BTC now - what is better?
Or our USDT would rise with XLM from 18.3. 15:00 to 20.3. 20:00 from 16.6 to 20.3. 21:00 up to 26.3 - this is 9.7 = 58.4 % - what is better - buy BTC in this time or XLM??? 🤬💎😎🍵

Which station is be better ?

We could sell the same bought XLM IN Kraken at the same time for BTC and would have grown it from 21.7 to 31.2 = 9.5 which is 43.78 % more BTC which would remain the same amount if you buy BTC for USDT - so better have the same amount of BTC which is now 15% more expensive in USDT - or 43.78% more BTC at the same time spot and sell it for USDT, but also for 15% more USDT :-)) So you get about 50% more USDT in 2 days buying and selling XLM instead of buing and selling booooorimg BTC - got it? 💰💰 or 💰💰💰 in the same time - in the same 2 days 03:00
Maninder I don’t understand your question

What is better to go this time .......

I just explained it - as long as you ask what I meant better buy nothing - first read - then think - then understand - then decide - then answer
I have to leave - cu later
Before I go - a last question:

See u soon
Gud nyt

Homework 11 (falsely wrote 10) 😎🐝🌹✨:
After reading the last texts from the last hour about level 3-1 buying REP or XLM etc., instead of keeping USDT to get a little bit more BTC because it is falling, or buying BTC to get a little bit more USDT because BTC is rising, but getting in the other way, namely buing REP or XLM instead of keeping USDT or buing BTC,, much more BTC or USDT while buying and selling REP or XLM etc., why to keep USDT or BTC at all? Got it? I told that now 6 months in a row to about 120 people coming into our Penthesilea Art Café - or to everyone I know private - but no one got it 🙁
Sorry - Homework 11 😎🐝🌹✨
Trade volume in Kraken BTC/USDT about 500 in 1 hour - XLM/BTC about 1.6 million in 1 hour
Bye :-) cu

Finally walking ... slowly ... downwards .... maybe ... this time ... .... ...
Who likes likes level 3 89 to 91 ... maybe ... I not :-(((
It is 2-3% in 8.5 hours maybe - come on - sit there and watch for 2% - or it falls for 10% or more - when you leave the computer for the washing room :-))
BTC falling slowly
📈🌞Turning point R10 18.3. 16:00 rising
📈🌙 New turning point F10 seems to be 21.3. 16:00 falling
💎🌙 BTC falling deeper - level 3 I would recommend: don’t buy BTC as long as it is falling in the small curves line - your risk - and for level 3 always have to care 24/7 don’t forget - as we mentioned above already: what rises fast has finally fall back the same amount - usually also fast


Be USDT - Levelv3 only: there seems to be a new base to make abozt 4-6% in 12 or mir hours :-(( Interested? Then buy BTC now - and leave immediately if it is not growing as expected but falling - I don’t join level 3 USDT - takes too long to watch permanently - no time - and I prefer better coins as mentioned above :-)
I personally expect it to fall like 14.3. 16:00 etc. - what rises fast has at one point to fall again - this may be the point - so no entering in BTC for me without level 3 care 24/7
And falling curves may not rise much inbetween their lines or even only fall - be careful
Seems to copy last 3 curves
I’ll be nach soon - cu
I’ll be back soon - cu

3/23/2018 Friday

Das habe ich Jasbir, Vater von Maninder, geschrieben - keine Antwort erhalten - also wird es schon korrekt sein :-)

Hallo Jasbir - da du nicht am Crypto Terasof Forum teilnimmst werde ich dich erstmal wieder raus tun - bis du persönlich teilnimmst - es ist ein rein privates Forum - viel Erfolg und liebe Grüße - Feroniba :-)🍀🌺

Feroniba removed Jasbir

My papa have no time to reply so u can delete from group .......

Yes thank you I did that already as you can read above your message
Level 4: Since the new turning point 📈🌙 F10 21.3. 16:00 - falling - establishes more and more, be safe in USDT - and whenever you see the new turning point 📈🌞 R11 rising buy BTC again - and if you took it wrong and it was not a new turning point sell BTC again and wait for the true R11 etc. - good luck everyone 🍀💎💰🌅❣🐝🌹🍵🍰😎


🌞💎❣💰 Level 3: whenever you are ready, let me know - and let`s go for more than 100% per month - let`s do it in 2 weeks - or let`s go level 2 and do it in 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute 🙂 Good luck everyone 🌞💎❣💰💎💎❣💰💰💎💎💎❣💰💰💰🌈😇⛩🎶❣🌅😍🌊⛵🏝 🌞🦋🌈🛸✨🌙

👍👍👍✌✌✌✌ lets see who become 1st millionaire ........ but first be safe don't lose ur money

Feroniba is working on putting this chat online for everyone who is interested - 🌹🌅❣ Have fun 💖💎💰🌊⛵🌞🌈🛸😇⛩🎶



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