Chapter 1 - Structure
Chapter 2 - Strategy
Chapter 3 - Success
♡ Listen to "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Listen to Guqin - 古琴 Ancient Stringed Instrument --- From: Mix - "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
• G (God) als persönliches Zentrum der Wahrnehmung durch PE (personal exchange), IVs (inner visions), DRs (dreams) und LIs (life images)
• Täglich 2 MDs (meditations) morgens und abends direkt nach dem Aufstehen und vor dem Schlafengehen
• Gewaltfreiheit in Gedanken und Gefühlen, Wort und Tat mit wenigen Ausnahmen (Auflistung demnächst hier) - Vegetarismus und Drogenfreiheit
• Politische W (WPP) und Einhaltung der jeweiligen Staatsgesetze
• GR-W (group work) 24/7
• Perfektion, Effektivität, Schönheit, Ordnung und Reinheit
• Gesundheitspflege, Fitness, Wellness und Entspannung durch persönlich inspirierende und förderliche Aktivitäten
• Vollendete Erziehung und Bildung in vollständiger Freiheit und Disziplin
• Börsen-Aktivität in vollkommener Einsicht
• Aufbau von TS-Zentren für 24/7 Aktivitäten zu MD, GR-W (group work), AF (art forum), CY (community) etc.
• Akzeptanz und persönliche Offenheit für alle Glaubensrichtungen einschließlich Atheismus
• Freie Eheschließungen durch empfohlene GR-Beratung (group) und -Betreuung
• Perfekte Ernährung durch freiwillige fachlich-persönliche Beratung
• Immobilien-Besitz statt Miete, Öko-Bau, energetisch autark
• Eigene autarke Landwirtschaft
• Aufbau der eigenen freien Bildungs-Systeme auf höchstem internationalen Niveau mit Internats-Anbindung - interne und externe Teilnahme
• Erweiterungen und Änderungen dieser Struktur-Liste bei Bedarf
Listen to Guqin - 古琴 Ancient Stringed Instrument --- From: Mix - "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
1. TB (Terasof book) 6-19 ff. werden in gedruckter Auflage veröffentlicht, später auch TB 1-5 und ACB (Aum coursebook)
2. Die internationale AD (advertisement) wird auf effektivster Weise O (organize)
3. Das AF (art forum) produziert in höchster Qualität und Quantität
4. Aufbau des eigenen IC-Betriebes (incense) mit eigener Herstellung auf höchster qualitativer Ebene, ebenso MD-Kleidung (meditation) etc.
5. Eigene Läden und Vertrieb der eigenen Produkte sowie ausgewählter Fremd-Produkte
6. C (coding) und WD (webdesign)
7. MAP (media production), Vertrieb und Management
8. Ergänzungen und Verbesserungen
Listen to Guqin - 古琴 Ancient Stringed Instrument --- From: Mix - "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
1. Der innere Kreis der gottesverwirklichten Ratgeber und Organisatoren entsteht
2. TS-Zentren (Terasof) entstehen in allen Ländern der Welt
3. TB (Terasof book) wird in alle Sprachen übersetzt und frei online gestellt - dann gedruckt
4. Wir beginnen nun mit der ständigen Vertiefung der MY (mysticism) bis hin zur OP (omnipotence) und dem Eintritt ins PD (paradise) ♡♡♡
SF: Wir beenden für jetzt. In AL (all-love) und OP (omnipotence) - AO (= AL + OP) - euer aller G SF (God Sof) ♡♡♡ Ende 6:56 FO (Feroniba) dankt für die wundervolle SSS-Darstellung (Structure, Strategy, Success) ♡♡♡ Ende 6:58 (Start war heute, Mon 2016-2-29 London 5:25-6:58 MD 47)
The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill (WP)
PDF download Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (WP)
Listen to Harold Budd and Brian Eno - The Pearl (1984) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
p3 - analysis of more than 500 men - money-making secret first was brought to the author by Anderw Carnegie, asked author if he would dedicate his life to bring it to the world, N. Hill agreed and kept his promise - this book contains secret after having been tested by thounsands of people - Carnegie believed it should be taught in all public schools and reduce spended time in school to less than half -
p4 - chapter 3 on Faith proves by the example of C.M. Schwab that Carnegie's formula will work for all, prviding one knows what it is that he wants - before formula was tested over a period of twenty years the secret was passed on to more than 100.000 men and women using it for personal benefit, fortunes, creating harmony in their homes, for example a yearly income of more than $75.000, and more personal examples (Arthur Nash, tailor - Stuart Austin Wier, law student - Hennings Randolph, Member of Congress - J.G. Chapline, President of University - secret mentioned throughout this book no fewer than 100 times, not directly named, merely uncovered and left in sight, those who are ready may pick it up, as Carnegie tossed it to the author -
p5 - at least once in every chapter - better discover the secret in your own way instead of being told directly - authors son picket it up after finishing college, story told in chapter 2 - in this way you will see this book doesn't promise too much - if we had difficulties go surmount discourages, tried and failed, handicapped, son's discovery may prove to be the oasis in the desert - secret used by President W. Wilson during the world war - Hon. M.L. Quezon, Resident Commissioner of Philippine Islands was inspired to gain freedom for the Philippines, became first President - those who find the secret for themselves are swept to success with but little effort and never again submit to failure! - study the mames who have used it to be convinced
Secret cannot be had without a price, although far less than it's value, cannot be had by those who are not intentionally searching for it, can't be given away, purchased for money - for the reason it comes in 2 parts: 1 is already in pssession of those who are ready for it,
p6 - education has nothing to with it - secret found it's way to T.A. Edison, story at beginning of chapter 1 - should convince that everyone can be what he wishes to be - money, fame, recognition and happiness is for all who are ready and determined to have these blessings - how does author know this? The answer is in the very first chapter or on the last page -
While author was performing 20 years of task and research at Carnegie's request, he analyzed hundreds of well known men, many of whom admitted they accumulated their fortunes through the aid of Carnegie's secret - among them: H. Ford, J.D. Rockefeller, T.A. Edison, F.W. Woolworth, E.C.Barnes, W. Wilson, L. Burbank, A.G. Bell etc. -
p7 - they prove that who understands and applies Carnegie's secret reaches hight stations in life - author has not known any really successful person without possessing the secret -
conclusion: secret is more important than everything taught through common education - many of the mentioned persons had no proper education, not said to minimize the value of schooling, only to make the point that out of learning and living upon the secret everything can be achieved
secret will jump from the page and stand bold before the ready reader and he will recognize it - if it happens in the first or last chapter, stop for a moment when it presents itself (and turn down a glass), for that occasion will mark the most important turning-point of our life
Will start chapter 1, story of dear friend - remember by reading his or other stories that they deal with the important problems of life as all men experience, earn a living, find hope, courage, contentment and peace of mind, accumulate riches and enjoy freedom of body and spirit - remember book deals with facts, not fiction, purpose is to convey a great unversal truth for all who are ready to learn, not only what to do, but also how, and receive the needed stimulus to make a start
p8 - suggestion how to recognize the Carnegie secret: All achievement, earned riches, habe their beginning in an idea - if you are ready for it you already possess one half of it and will recognize the other half when it reaches our mind
The man who thought his way into partnership with T.A. Edison
p9 - Thoughts are powerful things when mixed with purpose, persistence, desire for translation into riches or other material objects - more than 30 years ago Edwin C. Barnes discovered little by litte that men think and grow rich - his desire was to become associate of Edison, work with, not for him - observe carefully and get better understanding of 13 principles leading to riches - couldn't act upon first idea, 2 obstacles: 1 didn't know E., 2 not enough money pay railroad fare to New Jersey - strong desire made him travel by blind baggage (on freight train), told at E.s laboratory he wants to go into business with inventor - E. tells he remembers his determination and gave him the chance, because E. had learned that everyone gets what he wants if he really wants it and E. was never disappointed by Barnes -
p10 - not appearence of Barnes but his thought convinced E. - if significance of this statement is clear to the reader there is no need for remainder of this book - first started with nominal wage in office (FO realizes person who deluges everyone with the energy which causes the realization of the wish - it just is happening to him now ♡♡♡) - months went by and Barnes constantly intensified his desire, believing to accomplish it takes the remainder of his life - it has to become an all-consuming obsession!
Opportunity came in a different form than expected - often opportunity slips in by the back door, disguised in form of misfortune or temporary defeat - perhaps this is why so many fail to recognize opportunity - it was E.s new Ediphone (dictationg machine) and his salesmen were not convinced that it could be sold without great effort, B.s opportunity! -
p11 - B. knew he could sell it, suggested it to E. and got his chance, sold it and got contract to distribute all over US - out of this grew the slogan "Made by Edison and installed by Barnes" - alliance has been for more than 30 years, made B. rich in money and more: proved that on really may "think and grow rich" - author doesn't know actual cash expectance of B. for it all, perhaps brought 2 or 3 million $, but insignificant if compared with knowledge that intangible impulse of thought can be transmuted into its physical counterpart by application of known principles - B. did it all only by his thought, vision, desire and determination to stand by that desire until he realized it - he had no money to begin with, little education, no influence, but initiative, faith, will to win - with these intangible forces he made himself number one man with the greatest inventor who ever lived
Now let's look at different situation, study a man with plenty of tangible evidence of riches, but lost it because stopped 3 feet short of the goal he was seeking:
Three feet from gold
Uncle of R.U. Darby found gold mine,
p12 - borrowed money for machinery, vein of gold ore disappeared - they quitted and sold machinery - buyer calculated with help of mining engineer and were convinced the miners gave up not being familiar with "fault lines", and found the vein just exactly three feet from where the Darbys stopped drilling - took millions of $ in ore from mine - Darby, then bery young, paid back every dollar during years - long afterward Darby recouped loss making discovery that desire can be transmuted into gold: after je went into business of selling insurances, saying: "I stopped 3 feet from gold, but will never stop because men say 'no' when asked to buy insurance - now Darby small group of about 50 men selling more than a million $ life insurances annually - Derby learned from quitting the gold mining
p13 - Before success comes we meet with much temporary defeat and maybe some failure, and majority of people quit at this point - more tha 500 most successful men told author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them - failure is a trichster with a keen sense of irony and cunning - takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach
A fifty-cent lesson in persistence - girl insists on 50 cent and finally gets it from a white angry man who was talking to Darby - how did this happen? The full and complete answer is given through the princples described in this book, containing details and instructions sufficient to enable anyone to understand and apply the same force of the little child - keep your mind alert and you will observe exactly this strange power which came to the rescue of the child, will catch a glimpse in chapter 2 -
p15 - Derby learned from thes 2 life lessons - what of the man who has neither the time, nor the inclination to study failure in search of knowledge that may lead to success? Where, and how is he to learn the art of converting defeat into stepping stones to opportunity? Book written in answer to these questions, in 13 principles, but remember: answer may be found in your own mind, through some idea, plan, or purpose which may spring into your mind as you read - one sound idea is all that one needs to achieve success - 13 principles contain the best and most practical of all that is known, concerning ways and means of creating useful ideas -
p16 - business depression started in 1929 became all time record until Roosevelt entered office -
p17 - Chinese student asked by President Harper: "What impressed you being the most noticeable charecteristic of American people?" Chineaman excaimed "the queer slant of your eyes, your eyes are off slant" -
Ford's simple secret to success shown by the following transaction: F. decided a few years ago to produce V-8 motor in a block in 1 piece, although engineers agreed it would be impossible, the drew a design,
p18 - and F. ordered to produce it and learn and try until it works - after years they discovered the secret - ... -
Henley wrote: "You are the master of your fate, captain of your soul, because" and it should follow with "we have the power to control our thoughts" - ether is a form of energy which adapts itself to the thoughts we hold in our minds and influences us in natural ways to transmute our them into their physical equivalents, not discriminating between constructive or destructive thoughts - brains become magnetized with the dominating thoughts hold in our minds
p19 - and attract to us by unfamiliar means the forces, people, circumstances of life which harmonize with the mature of our dominating thoughts - before we can accumulate riches in great abundance we must magnetize our minds with intense desire for riches until it drives us to create definite plans for acquiring it
Little by little truth has unfolded itself and now it appears certain that book's principles hold secret of mastery over our economic fate - we are now ready to examine the first of these principles - maintain open-mindedness
next chapter 2 about 2 near persons: closest personal friend and own son ...
Letter of Jennings Randolph
The first step towards riches
p22 - C. Barnes may resembled as a tramp but his thoughts were those of a king, visualizing becoming Edison's associate - not hope or wish, but keen desire, definite - few years later he again stood before Edison in same office where they first met, this time the desire had been translated into reality and the dream of his life had become a reality - people envy him without taking the trouble he investigated - he waited 5 years before his chance appeared, without a ray of hope -
p23 - he stood by his desire and burned all bridges behind him - win or perish - that's all there is to Barnes story of success -
warrior burned his ships after unloading his soldiers against the stronger enemy, telling them now there is no choice to leave, only win or perish, they won - we must be willing to burn our ships and cut our sources of retreat - essential state of mind to success - Chicago met after great fire,
p24 - decided to leave for better country, only one Marshall Field said he will rebuild his shop, no matter how often it will burn down, store was rebuilt - this distinguishes E.C. Barnes and M. Field etc. from other people, they succeed, others fail at this point
Everyone who understood purpose of money wishes it, this will not bring riches, but determined state of mind, planning ways, backing those with persistence overcoming failure will bring riches - 6 step method to gain money:
1 be definite as to the amount (reason described later)
2 determine exactly intention zo give in return for it (not something for nothing)
3 establish definite date for intention to possess the money
p25 - 4 create definite plan and begin at once, ready or not
5 - write clear concise statement of desired amount with time limit, intention what will be the return for it, describe clearly plan how to accumulate it
6 - read statement aloud twice daily before retiring and after arising, see, feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money
important to follow instruction, especially 6th paragraph - if truly desired as described you will convince yourself that you will acquire it - only if "money concious" you accumulate great riches - 6 steps from A. Carnegie, carefully scrutinized by T.A. Edison for attaining not only money but any goal - steps call for no hard labor, no sacrifice, education etc. -
p26 - accumulation of money can't be left to chance, good fortune, luck - first must be done a certain amount of dreaming, hoping, wishing, desiring, believing, planning - every leader was a dreamer - Christianity and Jesus as an example -
cherish - wertschätzen, schätzen, in Ehren halten
keen - kühn, aufgeweckt, eindringlich, hart, stark, leidenschaftlich, heftig, groß, fein, eifrig, scharf ... - ch2
labor - Arbeit ... - ch2
perish - umkommen, verenden, sterben, untergehen, brüchig werden, schlecht werden ... - ch2
resemble - gleichen, gleich sein, ähneln, ähnlich sein - ch2
saturated - gesättigt, durchtränkt ... - ch2
scrutinize - eingehend prüfen, genau ..., g. überprüfen, g. untersuchen, hinterfragen, inspizieren ... - ch2
thoroughly - gründlich ... - ch2
The key to transforming yourself -- Robert Greene at TEDxBrixton
Book Review: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
• Session 1 • Fri 2016-2-26 London 22:35 R WP Napoleon Hill, W.C. Stone u.a. - WR Think and Grow Rich - Author's Preface, p3-8 ♡♡♡ end Preface 3:15
• Session 2 • Sat 2016-2-27 London 20:10 WR ch 1 p9-21 ♡♡♡ 22:30 HH 22:55 E + cont. - end ch. 1 0:30 ♡♡♡
• Session 3 • Sun 2016-2-28 London ... WR ch 2 p22... ♡♡♡
• Session 4 • Mon 2016-2-29 London 8:25-9:35 WR SSS Chapter 1-3 aus MD 47 von heute ♡♡♡