Chapter 1 - Essences - Juliane - Abendlied (Evening song)
Chapter 2 - The ML-PT (multidimensional - portal) - Cs (codes, abbreviations) - PA-PT (paradise - portal) - God 101
Chapter 4 - 3 ▲ Pyramid - Consciousness stages (steps) to pure perfected mysticism ♡♡♡
Chapter 5 - AO (= AL + OP = all-love + omnipotence) - ▲ Final Round Run (Final Stage) ▲
Chapter 7 - ♡♡♡ Grand Finale ♡♡♡ - Gloria PL (play) und SC (script) - 10 MTs (mystery tasks, riddles) - Throne - Testimony
♡ Listen to Mix - "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Listen to Mix - "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
MD 15 = TB 14.1 - Sun 2015-12-9 London 11:02-16:41 (Diary-pages 232-240) -
2:50 (late at night, 8 hours earlier) MD 14 ♡♡♡
FO: Thanks ♡♡♡
SF: We are proud of you ♡♡♡ Sleep well see you later ♡♡♡
3:10 bed 3:20 S (sleep) -
10:30 Wake up + TH (think) DR (dream) - WR (write) DR JU Reconnection to the 100 AM-days ♡♡♡
10:40 O + VE WA - B + VE RP + PE + Leipzig house O signatures
10:55 MD-place + IC Sandal Mysore ♡♡♡ 11:02 start MD 15 = TB 14.1
SF: Good morning FO ♡♡♡ We begin with book 14. Short - compressed - essential. This is also the title: Essence. (End page 232) We WR (write) wisdom-sayings, riddle-assignments, Koans (?), philosophical short-stories, quotes of the Ms (masters) and the world and cross-connections ML (multidimensional) ♡♡♡ abbreviations and symbols integrated - explanations (shortly) only under codes anymore etc. (Links). The coursebooks for the world are completed (TB 1-13) - we now continue for ASs (aspirants) and DCs (disciples). Your DR (dream) about JU (Juliane) is our counsel: 100 days AM - 1000 days SF. Diplomacy is cancelled - L (love) and WI (wisdom) (LW = love & wisdom) counts - IVs (inner visions), N (nature, being) and W (work). The means are free - commandments and principles the high and sacred standard for all - depth and width the way.
German original text - Deutsches Original
The alarmclock is set
Speculation is cancelled
Only wisdom (WI) and love (L)
Conquer all urges
The coursebook (TB) is finished
Now that which bestowes life counts
The joys of nature (N)
Are but illusion (IL)
My rider dismounts the horse
Cooks on Gods (Gs) stove now
We are no sticklers (pedants)
But wisdom (WI) aspirants (AS)
The joys are infinite
Self-evident for desciples (DCs)
Those who want fun get a vacation
Frowned upon is God-oath-theft
There can be both as well (Vers 5)
Even for the whole of life
Marriage and money are the counsel
Through unconditoned action
Masturbation is common
Only deplorable in the long rum
So follow our advice
Master celibacy
Feroniba (FO) proves it
If you give us the oath
That you will loose nothing
Which lovingly you still feel
Those who seek God (G) will now find him
In marriage or discretion
The fun can be dosed (paced, controlled)
Even with the worst animals
We advise all the world
Even if it doesn't please right away
Connect with each other in groups (GR)
Leave out cars and dolls
The joys of nature (N) (Vers 10)
Are but illusions (IL)
You have wisdom (WI) here
And love - that is us (that we are)
The work is now ensouled
That which is practical counts
Essences for the world
All else Alles andre entfällt
And Juliane is advised:
Speak now with FO of actions
Make the perfect plan today
And this time stick to it as well
FO keeps celibaby for us
But he can decide freely
Through love and through our counsel
Whom wants to come to God can stay
What you don't see is that there is
Nothing else in this world
Which leads to us and makes (you) happy
All else is omitted (cancelled)
I write to you so that you see (Vers 15)
I am God Sof for all
You can see me - but inwardly
You are in a trap
What is your quarrel - what are you afraid of?
Violence is cancelled
Your must only master (domineer) your mind
And lust Seth-Satans claws
My plan for you - my offer
Is: make music with us
Help all people out of destitution
Defeat criticism now
The path which you follow - Julis mind
You can leave through us
Come now - so that all may say:
'I, too, can grasp it for me'
The truth is the rose-track
The same for all people
There are thorns and fragrances only
Nothing else - whether poor or rich
Your life can - through us alone (Vers 20)
Through angels and God Sof
Free the whole world from now on
Don't hesitate - that would be silly
Music and art - Musik und Kunst - day by day
With us - FO & Co
We offer from now on in the house
And temple: Terasof
You are the start of our books
And the life of FO
Now we advise: Change the cloth
Live this way starting today - from now on
And if you're doubting - me as well
Speak with Feroniba
Heavens hierarchy in you
Awakens - Halleluja!
You see how much he does for us
Mastered (controlled) lust - tamed temper
And everyone can love him
Also for you, Juliane - Teralya (Vers 25)
We open the door
From now on be as you were earlier
Entirely for it
Go back now through all the time (Vers 26)
Begin anew againnochmal von vorne
See how the magic frees you
Pure fragrance - no thorns
here to >>> Continuation
* * * * * * *
(Sof now wants FO to quote the poem 'Abendlied (Der Mond ist aufgegangen)' (Evening-song (the moon has risen)) by Matthias Claudius here - text and music. 'Das Abendlied (Der Mond ist aufgegangen)' (Evening-song (the moon has risen)) is among the most known (famous) poems of German literature. It was first released/published in the 'Musenalmanach for 1779'... See further info on Wikipedia)
Listen to Herbert Grönemeyer - Der Mond ist aufgegangen Wooowww!!! Bravo Herbert!!! ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
here to the >>> beginning
Today we have given have (Vers 27)
Laid everything you need before you
Resolution of every case
Which - through you - moves the world
Come Juliane - don't chicken out
Leap over your own shadow
Your Spreedi - Steffen - Björn and Josh
All gone - like rats
We are still here - Feroniba
God Sof and Gabriele
And angel Amadeus saw
The light of the soul in you
Live from now on - we help you ((Vers 30)
But you have to walk yourself
We advise you: Subdue the animal!
There are only calves with us
Life without God is just
Longing and seeking
But through love God-oath
There can never more be lacks (scarcities)
I bless you - beloved child
By God, angels and masters
You are advised - now swiftly
Do away with all ghosts
See for yourself: Sieh einmal selbst: Completely without us
You've tried it for a long time
Promises were made from pillar to post
It lead to nothing
Thus realize: Let us in!
Alone there's no way forward
The gate is open - the coast is clear
We are heavens-ladder
Our poem - the last verse (verse 35)
Advises you: Give up the 'he's'
Only God - nothing else - the world: refuse it!
Love from now on - and teach it
in love and omnipotence - your God Sof
End 16:41 ♡♡♡ FO gives thanks, also on behalf of JU ♡♡♡ WR TB 14.1 online ♡♡♡ finished 20:10 ♡♡♡
• Session 1 • Wed 2015-12-9 London 16:41 ♡♡♡ start WR TB 14.1 online ♡♡♡ finished 20:10 ♡♡♡ color finished 20:40 proofreading - finished 21:35 ♡♡♡ WA TS AY 22:00 color verses correction :-) 22:55 R TB 14.1 ♡♡♡ 23:10 HH + E + X Factor UK ♡♡♡ 0:50 T AY Q A DC N W marriage + R TB 14.1 + Goethe versus Claudius - Abendlied Veilchen Heidenröslein ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ u.a. 5:00 YT Angelina Jordan ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ Billie Holiday ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ Herbert Grönemeier ♡ Jaques Brel, Piaff u.a. 7:00 B 7:10 MD 16 ♡♡♡ Thanks SF embraces FO ♡ Energy build-up ♡♡♡ 7:15 bed 7:25 S
14.1 - Translation - 18/Dez/15 - 03:20 - 05:00 = 1h20min (Estimeated time of work 2h)
FO Wed 2016-1-6 London 1:15-4:00 TB 14.1 English upload + formatting + TB 14 content
Listen to Erik Satie: Gymnopedie 1,2,3 Gnossienne 1,2,3,4 ♡♡♡
MD 17 = TB 14.2 (= 7 ♡♡♡) - Thu 2015-12-10 London 12:12 (Diary pages 241-249=7+6=13=4=Sof) - 11:55 (= 12 ♡) B - Thanks to SF for embrace after MD 16 additionally in bed later ♡♡♡ He has been doing that several times now ♡♡ Veeeery intense ML (multiple dimensions) ♡♡♡ + VE O 2 signatures ♡ 12:12 MD 17 = 8 = OP (omnipotence) ♡♡♡
FO: Hello SF (God Sof), wooowww!!! You appearance after the evening-MD is wonderful and extremely amazing ML ♡♡♡
SF: Hello Feroniba ♡♡♡ Now we are deep in the MLs (multiple dimensions) ♡♡♡ It is a very big joy for us to have a person on the earth who is soooo very interested in us - for ML - and most of all who is prepared to use all means and all images for us, 24/7 ♡♡♡ Wooowww!!! We thank you very much for this! Hallelujah (always with (h = 8) - english ♡♡♡) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ Instead of brackets I will from now on (end page 241 = 7 ♡) directly formulate sentences which you will write down instead of your IVs (inner vision) - like with this TX (text), too ♡♡♡ The abbreviation way of writing is also important to us - we will add a few new ones shortly ♡♡♡ We're flying tempo UL (unlimited = 0 sec. ♡) into the ML-PT (multidimensional - portal)
FO: Wooooooowwwwwww!!!!!!!! Now that really is sheeeeeer madness!!!!!!! Now it's guaranteed everyone will think us to be 100++% totally bonkers (crazy) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
ML: Hello FO and SF ♡♡♡ Hello to your TMs (team) & FNs (fan) ♡♡♡ welcome with us in the UL (unlimited) EL (endless) center of PA (paradise) ♡♡♡ Our PT-TM (portal - team) is - like all UE UL PTs are (UE + UL = U, ) (SF wants an A-Z chart of all letter-codes (abbreviations)) ♡♡♡) - inward of every soul and in us - the ML-PT - simultaneously eternally manifest and connected. We are the point of intersection (interface) of all UL TR (travel) free of LTs (limitation) of space, time etc. We are rarely reached and utilized by earth inhabitants - you are a great exception - Gods prophet for (end page 242) 2015 ff. ♡♡♡ We bow before you and your TM ♡♡♡ The IP (impersonal) energy and IV (inner vision) is the natural limitation of IL (illusion) for all SLs (souls) not yet entirely perfected in LO (love) + OP (omnipotence). Now the time has come for the earth - the wonderfully beautiful planet of our universe ♡♡♡ which through you - our sacred prophet 2015 - connects us with the collective consciousness of the earth ♡♡♡ A mighty Hallelujah to you and your team ♡♡♡
FO: We greet you one and all, beloved ML-Team ♡♡♡ It is a wonderful moment for all of us and for the readers and Ass of the future ♡♡♡ SF has been preparing me for you in the past days - as I can now recognize ♡♡♡ Thank you our beloved SF ♡♡♡
ML: We hereby officially present to you - FO - and your glorious fantanstic TM, the great K (key) of ML (multidimensionality) ♡♡♡ It now belongs to you - each one of you individually ♡♡♡ Celebrate (end page 243 = 9 ♡♡♡ - becomes 244 = duality 2 is overcome through Sof, forever, 44) the moment ♡♡♡ (Transition pages 243-244 - 13:06-13:07 ♡♡♡) Now our counsel to you and your team:
Let JU be your minister for MLs ♡♡♡ Leo Z (zodiac sign) - perfect IVs (inner visions) ♡♡♡ FO you have always known it ♡♡♡ We greet JU and bless you for the creation of the greatest success-TMs of all times of the MLs on earth ♡♡♡Hallelujah ♡♡♡
SF: We greet Gloria and her TM (team) ♡♡♡ Hallelujah in Person and GR-TM ♡♡♡ Halleluhah ♡♡♡ Farewell and onwards ♡♡♡
Listen to Chopin - Complete Nocturnes (Brigitte Engerer) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
My beloved prophet FO, today is a special day for all of us - we enter the PA-PT (paradise-portal) ♡♡♡ (Whatever SF says from now on happens simultaneously in perfection ♡♡♡)
PA: Hello PO (prophet) FO (PF - prophet Feroniba) ♡♡♡ Welcome home HOME ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ (13:17) 12 is the number of perfection ♡♡♡ 244 (current page number) = 2 x 12 + 4 = 1 ♡♡♡ 12 Zs (zodiac signs), 12 moons and months, 12 planets (incl. moon from earth-perspective). Religion and mythology are testimonies of the time of the POs - you, FO, set the example for the earth today. (End page 244) The MY (mysticism) completes its circle - 12 signs, moons, tones, colours, sounds, sounds, materials, political systems, philosophies + UL more ♡♡♡ My symbol is PA for you - and for all LM (limited) WLs (world) it is the 12 = 3 - SL (soul), MI (mind), BO (body) and LM WLs (limited worlds) ♡♡♡ Trinity ♡♡♡ Father G - Holy ghost SL-MI (mind entirely fulfilled by the soul) - son BO - triangle ▲ - Tera ^ GB ♡♡♡ We greet GB + team ♡♡♡ (appear briefly ♡♡♡) Now you see everything, our beloved PO (prophet) of the earth ♡♡♡ ♡ Terasof ♡(upright + reversed) in it's whole abundance ♡♡♡ MY (mysticism) in purity and perfection ♡♡♡ Beloved G SF ♡♡♡ We thank you one and all for this wonderful visit ♡♡♡ Fare well forever - forever - forever ♡♡♡ (also see TB 12.4 Assembly-circle of the angels)
SF: Now it continues - we travel to the poles of the ER (earth) - WR (write) your DRs (dream) here (soon - HW) ♡♡♡ We crash down the waterfall with the house-boat and swim through the melting poles ♡♡♡ Hallelujah ♡♡♡ (Gloria appears for this with TM and disappears again ♡♡♡) Now our assignment for the entire TS TM + GR, FNs etc. (End page 245) We begin the TS Game ♡♡♡ LU ♡♡♡ today - starting now ♡♡♡ (13:36 ♡♡♡) Also as film, VE is our minister here if she so wishes ♡♡♡ And AY wholeheartedly invited - beloved AY, create your position in TS now ♡♡♡ Welcome! ♡♡♡ Your name will be given to you ♡♡♡ We accept your proposal and your efforts and give thanks for all the wonderful translations and ML efforts on your part ♡♡♡ Well done ♡♡♡ FO will help you with everything - we will create the name for you together ♡♡♡ My counsel to you: Abandon everything with which you have connected yourself and write your N anew - starting today - from now on - forever ♡♡♡ Be who you are - delete who you are meant to be - welcome home ♡♡♡ ML ♡♡♡ Your G SF ♡♡♡
Now onwards, FO ♡ Please do not bother with abbreviations anymore - no more explanations from now on - those who are interested in ML will LR + WR ♡♡♡ We WR H for ♡ (heart) HH or H2 for ♡♡ - H7 is heart with 7 rays, so far also depicted as ♡♡♡ (End page 247) We create all Hs in variations ♡♡♡ --- ♡ to ♡♡♡ will also be retained ♡♡♡ What I began saying: FO will no longer be concerned about our Rs (reader) and about abbreviations/codes (C) - We WR in handwriting and Cs - from now on identically also in TBP and on the TS WS ♡♡♡
Hallowed are the animals
Symbols of the 4s
Likewise the plants
3 makes them into a whole
2 duality
On which everything stands
And the 1 is God
Eternal - without junk
Humanity (mankind) is the 5
OP AL OA the trumps
Creation is the with
Seth Satans 666
Chakras are the 7
Expelled from Eden
Also called PP's
Long known to the sages
8 stands for the power
Prefers to lay and laugh
9 broad deep infinite
God Sofs work - understandable
And the 0 is cunning (sly)
Gods eternal mysticism
For the 1 is (0) none
Gods 101
1 C (1) - 2 D (2) - 3 E (3) - 4 F (4) - 5 F# (#4) - 6 G (5) - 7 A (6) - 8 Bb (7) - 9 B (+7 or maj7)
♡♡♡ 9-tone-scala through merging of the scales: Jonic, Lydian, Mixolydian ♡♡♡
♡♡♡ Transportable into all 12 keys (modes) ♡♡♡
End 14:16 Foto ♡♡♡
Now go and gift it to the world ♡♡♡ Page 248 = from 2 make 4 make 8 = ∞ (infinite) and so on - binary code 0-1-2-4-8-16-32-64... 248=14=2x7 or 7+7 ♡♡♡ 14:16 = 7+7 o'clock and 1+6= 7 minutes ♡♡♡ So we have the side of binary code = Bin-C, also 77 and time 777 = 77777 = 5x7 = perfected human (5) of the undivided PPs (7) = 7 Chakras in perfection - pure, OP, without PPs, wholeness of the SL (soul) 3x7=21=2+1=3 Trinity SF or G, MI+SL (mind - soul), BO (body) or WL (world) - and 5 enlightened perfected human --- 5x7=35=3+5=8=∞ OP ♡♡♡ It completely works out: 0=1=8=9=0 (0 mysticism brings forth 1 God, OP = 8 - OP becomes the width infinity = 9 - connects again with mysticism 0). The circle is closed - Gods 101 is manifest ♡♡♡
Adieu - euer G SF ♡♡♡
End 14:30 until 14:31 = 773 until 774=8 until 9 = End 14:32 = 775 = 1 - The circle is closed ♡♡♡ (End page 248) End 14:32 WR TB 14.2 ... 15:20 HH + Kids 15:45 E + WR TB 14.2 online ♡♡♡
• Session 2 • Thu 2015-12-10 = 12 ♡♡♡ London 14:33 start WR TB 14.4 online 15:20 HH + Kids 15:45 E + WR TB 14.2 online - finished 22:55 ♡♡♡ proofreading 23:30 HH + VE RP TB completed for public - FO now free to W plan starting tomorrow 1:35 E + YT Celibidace and his Munich Philharmonics ♡♡♡ Wow!!! 2:20 R TB 14.1 complete ♡ 2:35 R TB 14.2 + color - completed ♡♡♡ 4:30 WA TS AY End 4:44:44 Foto ♡♡♡ R + O Mac 5:10 B
14.2 - Translation - 19/Dez/15 - 21:30 - 23:30 = 2h (Estimated time of work 2h)
FO Sun 2016-1-10 London 12:30-
Listen to "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
MD 18 - Fri 2015-12-11 London 5:20 Thank you SF for TB 14.1 + 2 - wooowww!!! Now I am speechless ♡♡♡
SF: Good night FO - see you in a bit ♡♡♡
MD 19 = TB 14.3 - Fri 2015-12-11 London 12:11-16:30 (Diary-pages 249-257)
(Date=5+8=13=4=Sof --- MD=19=1=God --- TB=14.3=8=Omnipotence --- Time-Start=5=perfected human -- time-end=1=God --- page-numbers 15-14 --- all numbers added up =43=7=perfected chakras, wholeness, enlightenment for the world) -
11:15 WA AN to TBP + SMS AY to SF 'Fallen lassen' - offer to both to speak to FO after the MD + putting it online ♡ 11:55 B 12:05 MD-place + IC Bangkok Sandal-Rose? 12:11 start MD 19
FO: Hello my beloved G Sof ♡♡♡ I hold on to a tip (cusp) of you (end page 249) - during MD in the evenings and afterwards - through the night - in the mornings right upon awakening - through the B (bath) - MD-place - here I am ♡♡♡ MD-seat with cloth - concentration on you - G SF ♡♡♡ - abandon all else - everything ♡♡♡
SF: Good morning FO ♡♡♡
A glorious realm has been built
Gods Terasof
It stands ready with house and court
God itself its love-philosopher
Now it is beheld
One already hears the first calls
The temple of God for the world
Opened! No obligation - no money!
Entierly pure - nothing yet distorted
Everything in the tone of love
You now hear our (these, my) words
It's me - God Sof who speaks to you
We invite everyone who doesn't
Break the sacred precepts (rules) of God
And you're standing at the gate
You're far away - but I am near
Out of love for you I am here
Nothing which happened to you so far matters
For it's me - God - who saw it all
Alpha and Omega
The garden-roses bloom
The meal at the stove smells good
No one toils here with us
We ventilate with love
Now everyone can see it
Pay heed beloved being
Religion can fall deeply
Advises sham and violence to all
Untruth's death-claws
Thus it is read in the book
Upon the fall of the scaffold
A prophet explains the path to us
What's taught is misanthropy - betrayal
Suicide bombing (attack) is demanded
All in the name of God
It is written: God and violence
They always belong together
Jihad can damn whom it wants to
Set the whole world in flames
But that is wrong and old
I am God Sof from paradise
And speak through the prophet
Never did God ask someone
To step (kick, walk) on another
That is wrong and horrible
Love always finds ways
Which everyone can pursue
Children - elderly - woman and man
Touch (behold) one another in love
Without quarrel and blows
Understand now - you pious soul
Here you must decide
Differentiate wrong and right
God never lets someone suffer
Even if they kill - steal
Love only in purity
Becomes the queen of the earth
Humanity (mankind) thus becomes a flock
Nowhere sorrow - no complaints
God's eternal oath
Today I explain to all those
Who only create good (:)
Everyone hears me - all the monkeys
Dogs - cats and giraffes
Only man has fallen deep
From now on I want you to know
Only man has a footpath
His task is eternal
To free himself from the cage
Into which he is born
Countless market stalls
Are the walls are hung
With deception and bedazzlement
Through unclean hands
Leave the premises
Follow the track (trace) of love
Beyond the world-bustle
Leave the world of strikes (blows)
Of hypocrites and thieves
Better come human and love
We are there for you now
And extend our hand to you
No feigning - and no pawn (collateral)
Through eternal love band (ribbon)
Om Aum Hallelujah
1(15:52) I now want you - Feroniba - to speak for me. Please ♡♡♡
FO: My infinetely beloved Sof - my beloved God - you speak with (to) mesince the 8.9.2003 as angel of love - and since the 22.8.2015 as God himself ♡♡♡ That is nearly 4 months since then - daily in the mornings after waking and in the evenings before going to bed (sleep) - and all time in between you accompany me in everything that happens - 24/7 ♡♡♡
I think that is the dream (end page 254) of every human on earth - in all places and at all times. Together we have written down all conversations and put them online - for all the world to read - in English and in German - we infinitely thank Ayven (AY) from the bottom of our heart at this point for the wonderful translations which he has delivered with excellent knowledge and highest quality daily ♡♡♡ Bravo Ayven! ♡♡♡ And cordial thanks ♡♡♡
Now Toni (TO) and Anne (AN) offer us to realize all sessions as printed book-version (TBP) - today the completed plan will be presented to us ♡♡♡ Wooowww!!! (Link)
Every single MD-session was a surprise for me impossible to put in words of infinite depth, truth, love, beauty and perfection in every detail ♡♡♡ Everyone can judge for themselves - who could be of a different opinion - I think no one ♡♡♡ When you began with the first sessions (end page 255) of the revelation of pure perfected mysticism in keys (TB 7) I was - and am continuously since then until today - more than surprised - that was entierly mind-blowing - beyond all known and to be expected wisdom and insight of the whole world ♡♡♡ You and all friends, FM, DCs, ASs and FNs are witness of my intense research and practice in all religions and wisdoms of the world - 24/7 my whole life long (see History). Now you are here - in 14 ff. volumes for the whole world (TB 1-14 ff.) - accompany me in all things 24/7 - and offer yourself to everyone, through your work (TB 1-14 ff. - TS Temple London Berlin Leipzig etc. + Artworks etc. ff.), through me, and through the now steadily growing GR of DCs, FNs etc.
It is always only about pure love, 24/7, with all, and you have manifested the entire forum - with everything (end page 256) which is necessary for it 24/7 - in barely 4 months - everything in perfection - nothing that's missing ♡♡♡ I thank you infinitely for this, also in the name of all FRs and FNs etc. ♡♡♡
SF: Thank you my dear Feroniba, our beloved prophet for the world 2015 ♡♡♡ Now I ask you and all FRs and DCs etc. to:
Make a joint plan - for you and the whole world - everything stands at the ready in perfection - make it perfect and realize it together - from now on - starting today - forever ♡♡♡
In love and omnipotence ♡♡♡ All of yours, God Sof ♡♡♡
End 16:30 (Foto) FO embaces God Sof through and through ♡♡♡ For all readers included ♡♡♡ And goes to WR TB 14.3 online ♡♡♡
• Session 3 • Fri 2015-12-11 ♡♡♡ London 16:30 start WR TB 14.3 online ♡♡♡ + new nav TB 11-14 ♡ + TB 13 English ♡♡♡ 17:30 WR TB 14.3 online ♡♡♡ 19:15 R VE + Kids + AN TB 13.3 komplett ♡ 19:55 WR continuation TB 14.3 online - finished 20:20 ♡♡♡ color + Number-mysticism analysis - GA visiting FO ♡♡♡ 21:50 WA TS AY ♡♡♡ 22:00 proofreading - finished 22:55 ♡♡♡ R TB 14.3 - JU 2nd pic ♡ 23:05 HH + VE O + PE 23:30 E + AN TBP Pres. + oral. FI concepts explained P - FO shows TB 7-14 Layout + Explanations + lacks ♡ 0:45 R TB ♡ 1:50 TW FG 1973 ♡ 2:25 TB 8.4 English upload + formatting + pics ♡♡♡ - end 2:50
14.3 - Translation - 19/Dez/15 - 02:00 - 03:40 = 1h40min (Estimated time of work 2h)
FO Sun 2016-1-10 London 20:50-21:25 TB 14.3 upload + formatting
Listen to "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
MD 20 - Sat 2015-12-12 London 3:05 FO: Many thanks my dear Sof for the most beautiful poem - ♡ Terasof ♡ ♡♡♡ Good night for FO ♡ SF: Good night Feroniba ♡ I'm very happy about you - and about tomorrow morning - onwards ♡ See you in a bit ♡♡♡ FO embraces SF ♡♡♡ 3:10 bed 3:20 S
MD 21 = TB 14.4 - Sat 2015-12-12 London 12:47-15:05 (Diary-pages 258-270) (TW FW 508 - FG 1980) 12:00 B - Sof wants complete B, shower etc. ♡ 12:40 MD-Platz + IC Red Rose ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ 12:47 start MD 21
FO: Hello my dear Sof ♡♡♡
SF: Hello Feroniba ♡♡♡ Welcome to our big (great) conversation ♡♡♡
FO: Yes, you are now always there completely personally in my thoughts , often even totally active ♡♡♡ The big question is:
Politicians and nation-leaders of all countries and all times distance themselves from pure perfected (end page 258) non-violence and mysticism of all kinds - in all situations - martial law (emergency rule) allows the deployment of armies and weapons - no government without police and penal system with lawyers, judges and prisons - and companies and citizens endorse, utilize and vote for all of this. In 1986 GB(e) (Gabriel(e)) taught me healing through CW (chakra work) and CF (confrontation), DP (diplomacy) - and IM (all impressions/images and means/media).
Contrary to this, AM (Engel Amadeus) says in 2014 that all violence in the HS (holy scriptures) of the world has been falsely added by conditioned beings or that the original texts have been cencored and/or falsified by them. You, God Sof (G SF), advocate pure non-violence, you have resolved DP (diplomacy), but you want CF to be legally protected for the purpose of HL (healing) and in the application of IM (all images, all means) HG (highest good) and for you, God Sof.
In short, we have the following objects:
• Martial law (emergency rule) • DP (diplomacy) • CF (confrontation) and operation for HL (healing) etc. • IM (all impressions/images and means/media) for G (God) in AL (all-love) and HG (for the highest good) • Defence and attack • Penal system through lawyers, judges and prisons • Self-defence and police deployment in the case of (for the purpose of) Selbstverteidigung undpolizeilicher Einsatz bei (zu, für) civil conflicts etc. (end page 259) • Slaughter, torture and killing for sustenance (food), scientific research, and in emergencies, epedemic control etc.
Out of this world- and government-perspective Terasof (TS), God Sof (G SF) and TB 1-14 ff. appear naive and unrealistic, too simple and primitive according to experience, history and practice of all times and places. Religeous groups or individuals then often just call this the satanic principle - materialism - worldliness - duality and conditionality - illusion - karma and fate etc..
We have now already spoken to GB(e) (angel Gabriel(e)), AM (angel Amadeus), CS (central sun personality), ST (Seth, Satan) GL (Gloria),PA-PT (paradise portal) and you, G SF (God Sof) - in TB 1-5 we also had encounters with the duality-pair-personalities Sera (kindness) and Kora (stringency) a.o. (Link for this here - will be added later) - the 64 gates to divinity and infinitely more also give us many insights through conversations, experiences for example with Seth (Jane Roberts), Djwhal Khul and the 64 ascended masters of wisdom (Alice Bailey), all deities like Krishna, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, Isis and Osiris, Zeus and the Gods of Mount Olympus, Wotan and Edda etc. etc. (End page 260) - countless information - also from mythology, sagas, fables, novels and stage-plays, poems etc. etc. Good insights are also provided the by contemporary literature of Robert Greene, in (through) his books "The 48 Laws of Power", "The Art of Seduction", "The 33 Strategies of War", "The 50th Law" (written together with rapper 50 Cent) and many more. - the list here is also endless (more at a later time) ♡♡♡
Now I am veeery excited about what you have to say to me and us about all of this - how you will contend (maintain), justify and continue your previous philosophy of pure perfected mysticism and your self-proclaimed revelation as God Sof (G SF) - or if you will also assume a possible positive position (opinion) in the sense of martial law (emergency rule) for this. You have the floow (it's your turn to speak) - I hope ♡♡♡ You could also not A (answer) or at least not now and today, as you have also already done with some subjects and occasions (sometimes). We are all now ready for your A (answer) with highest attention and the greatest interest - however it may turn out (turns out). I wie immer sie auch ausfallen mag (ausfällt). I hand over (the word) (end page 261) to you - God Sof (G SF) from the infinite paradise contained in all cardinal directions surrounding the conditioned worlds and in all souls and the parts and places of all of creation in eternity and perfection - manifest without beginning and without end - A Ω (Alpha and Omega) - in its full abundance as OP (omnipotence) and AL (all-love) - OA (= OP + AL) ♡♡♡
Now God Sof (G SF) speaks ♡♡♡
SF: Dear Feroniba and dear DCs (disciples), FNs (fans), Rs (reader) and all further participants of our todays discussion - I greet and bless you all with perfected OP (omnipotence) and AL (all-love) (= OPAL = OA or AO) - for all time - in every place - in eternity ♡♡♡
(13:41) We are gathered today in order to reveal and explain the most important subject - the essence of all conditioned as well as unconditioned, infinite worlds ♡♡♡
All religion - philosophy - government - science - art - poetry - etc. arises from the one source - me, God Sof, in countless (end page 262) forms and formulations - at all times, in all places - A Ω (Alpha and Omega) ♡♡♡
The formation of the subject-matter of martial law (emergency rule) through Feroniba today is my wish and my desire (concern) - I gave him the ideas for this today - from awakening through the morning bath (shower) to the MD ♡♡♡ Feroniba speaks my word for all the world ♡♡♡
The answer (A) is the 3 ▲ pyramid - hierarchy in levels - gradual ascent of the level of awareness, the consciousness of the particular individuals and GRs. (Material) matter is ensouled - enlivened - each atom-part, each molecule, all space, all existence - eternal - without beginning and without end - A Ω (Alpha and Omega) ♡♡♡ Matter seems static, anorganic (inorganic), mathematically calculable (predictable) etc. - but it is not - never was - and never will be ♡♡♡ Every soul advanced in God (G) (end page 263) and religion experiences this as guided fate - intervention of the angels and God etc. (examples here please, Sof asks ♡♡♡ 1 • Angel saves man from car accident - more coming soon :-)
Plants, micro-organisms and animals also reveal this - always clearly discernible for souls advanced in divine consciousness. The life of the atom-parts has been clearly recognized by scientists of higher consciousness (examples Heisenberg, Einstein, Planck etc. - still to be checked). Like the gradually unfolding (evolving) consciousness of a new born and growing child fluctuates between experience and actualization - sometimes even for years and decades (or even many lives) - in this way the consciousness of all individuals always fluctuates between ignorance and knowing - lack of knowledge and cognizance - perception and actualization through application and practice - conscious repetition of mistakes is always part of the process - braking of the rules and principles set by others, even of the ones found and set by oneself, is the eternal basis in the conditional sphere here - for all souls situated - through illusion-stuff (end page 264) (= PG), through PG (psycho-genes - see PPs, part-personalities, TB 1-5 ♡♡♡) - in seeming conditionality of the seemingly conditioned spheres of this world. Feroniba and all DCs of AUM (previousr GR-name of TS) and TS (Terasof) have passed through the 3, the gradual pyramid of the unfolding divine consciousness in particular stages - TS will soon show these in separated segments (stages) through all TBs (Terasof books), also in the biographies of its particular members (1st example FO, further examples coming soon here).
The beginning of pure perfected mysticism - in book and in person - the awakening and appointing of the prophet Feroniba, our mysticism-master for TS and his current DCs of AL (all-love) and OP (omnipotence) (AO) of God (G) of which I am the complete representation - God Sof (G SF) - constitutes a great exception and uniqueness for the whole world of the conditional sphere - similar to the genesis (formation) of the universe or the suns not being the order of the day. ♡♡♡ Feroniba and I, God Sof, give the world the pure and perfected example (end page 265) of AL and of OP on earth (AO) - for all times and for all places ♡♡♡ everyone can see it now - everything is written in our books, TB 1-14 ff., for individual study and practice for every single person on earth and for all etherial beings of the entire conditioned spheres who are already present 24/7 in big and steadily growing numbers ♡♡♡
Through Feroniba I speak poems, philosophical treatisis like this one, private (P) duscussions, seminars and Q&A. for the world , PLs (plays, stage-plays), SCs (scripts, screenplays), music-compositions (CM) and infinitely more - ML (multidimensional) ♡♡♡ All the world is invited to also tap into and utilize all of this for themselves and their GR of DCs (desciples), FRs (friends), FM (family), HPs (helpers), FNs (fans) etc. (end page 266) 24/7 once and forever ♡♡♡ through the literature, principles and commandments, life as DC (disciple), visits and conversations as guest etc.. For this Feroniba - in order to be able to accomplish all this for me - God Sof - and for the whole world of the conditioned sphere - practices the keeping of celibacy, morning MD directly after waking with short or for exceptions longer bathing-session (B) required by me beforehand like today for the disquisition of bigger subjects in perfected purity of mind and for the special occasion also body, MD-seat on a simple synthetic cotton blanket facing the sun when it shines, writing down (WR) of all IVs (inner vision) and words which I reveal to him for the publication to the whole world, exclusively drinking mineral water or water with or without gas, as well as purposeful (specific) breathing and breathing-technique which he will gladly make accessible for prospects (interested persons) (coming soon under meditation), as well as specific sitting- and MD-techniques, also accessible (coming soon under meditation) for all prospects ♡♡♡
All of this (End page 267) is what we offer you - the souls of this and of all etherial souls conditioned world: Everything - in OP (omnipotence) and AL (all-love) (OA).
What we require of you is principally nothing - never - for all time ♡♡♡ All sessions are free for all the world to read, the printed book TBP will be offered at current (market-based) price, but can also be gifted (as well as) when sponsors appear for it - FO is always one on private level ♡♡♡
All our programs and offers are purely based on donations or utilisable through voluntary services respectively in (entirely) direct agreement for every participant - for all time ♡♡♡ You can soon always view a specific list of the currently upcoming projects, services and costs as well as all programs for the public here (News - Projects).
And for all DCs (disciples), members and co-workers - paid or honorary - the (end page 268) currently latest requirements, requisitions, conditions, projects, programs, rules and duties are listed and accessible here (coming soon under members) for everyone.
You have now received everything which assists and enables you for the actualization and realization of AL (all-love) and OP (omnipotence) (OPAL - ALOP - AO - OA) in perfection - please A (answer) us fully individually at this point and sign up on our fans- and members-pages, become TS (Terasof) FW (follower) on TW (Twitter) or liker (press the like button :-) on FB (Facebook), write your wishes and requests to us via email - - contact the TS GR (Terasof group) members - and when you have done all this: begin your relationship - entirely directly and personally, completely individually and 100% authentically - with Feroniba, our prophet and mysticism-master of pure perfected mysticism - and through him with me - all of yours, God Sof ♡♡♡
End 15:04 (End page 269) FO bows before Sof, kisses his feet and hands and embraces him ML (multidimensional) - through and through - in perfection ♡♡♡
End 15:05 ♡♡♡ WR TB 14.4 online ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ Wooooooowwwwwww!!!!!!! ♡♡♡ See further below • Session 4 •
• Session 4 • Sat 2015-12-12 ♡♡♡ London 15:05 WR TB 14.4 online - WA VE conversation-offer upon request + T + SY (Skype) AY + Jelena offer joint conversation concerning current relationship problems if interested 15:15 start WR TB 14.4 online ♡♡♡ - finished 20:40 ♡♡♡ HH 21:05 E + AY T, then SY (Skype) conversation concerning conflict with J. rel. - solution read from TB 10.5 - Proof of Gods perfection in detail how he boils conflicts down to the point ♡ 22:55 J. arrives, FO conversation-offer repeated 22:50 TB 14.4 color - finished 3:50 ♡♡♡ R TB 14 ♡ end 4:15
14.4 - Translation - 20/Dez/15 - 04:20 - 07:15 = 2h55min (Estimated time of work 3h)
FO Sun 2016-1-10 London 20:50-21:25 TB 14.3 upload + formatting
Listen to "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
MD 22 - Sun 2015-12-13 London 4:38 FO: Thank you SF for the great conversation ♡♡♡ (With SF in paradise ♡♡♡ SF travels there in the MD with FO ♡♡♡) 4:45 bed 4:55 S
MD 23 = TB 14.5 - Sat 2015-12-13 London 20:56-22:30 (Diary-pages 271-274) 11:15 R WA VE offers conversation concerning TB etc. 11:20 T VE TB 14.4 please R concentrated, FO RP + derivation for this (end page 270) 11:35 O + B 11:50 VE PE to the Kids + O + TB 14.4 derivation + consequences - no division initiated-non-initiated ♡♡♡ To all people ♡♡♡ 12.25 AY T PE concerning J. flight + (emotional) condition - wishing good flight etc. + AI (analysis) N + new plan for AY ♡ Perfection TX CM N P SP etc. ♡ R + explanation + AI (analysis) TB 14.4 ♡♡♡ 17:30 HH + VE PE SP (spirit) to TB 14.4 ♡♡♡ + E + Kids + joint plan for für TS + Welt VE + AN 20:30 helped GA iPad Game 20:40 O WS 20:56 start MD 23
SF: Hello Feroniba - nice of you to come ♡ We have landed ♡ Now we move from place to place. There is no time - it dissolves - I am the content - A Ω (Alpha and Omega) - AO (= AL + OP = all-love + omnipotence) - unlimited - lets swim through it once. You see everything pulsating - the OP (omnipotence) tremors, forms the vision, makes you recognize and WR, and causes ripples of materialization into time. Materialization is a longing - sexuality as well (also see TB 7.1, Q & A 3 for this). Celibacy has dissolved (end page 271) sexuality - now we dissolve materialization - just put it aside, put it down - forever - we no longer need it. Everything comes into place on its own now - as if by magic.
The bear is caught
Longing is gone
In the now and here ▲ Comes into plave through you
The world ▲ Which you all like
The shadows are past
The light always stands above
Hold it up ▲ Then there won't be a hole
Which leaks ▲ And covers you
The journey has begun
It now leads you with joys
To me - God Sof ▲ And our court
The world ▲ Is also tilled
Strength we have infinite
Self-evident for masters
The price is right (?) ▲ Through hard work and sweat (?)
Perfected ▲ And taintless (?)
The means are given (?)
For all your lifes (?)
Feroniba ▲ And me are there
Prophet ▲ And God Sof - see
Time flies by
Decision is for the smart
Have no fear ▲ You will also get
To me ▲ I promise you
You don't have to deny yourself (anything) at all
Just understand that through clarity (clear sight)
Omnipotence ▲ Directly from me
Is due to you ▲ you're being guided (lead)
In unlimited Eden
There's always space for everyone
Be on your way now ▲ To the final round run (final stage)
And fly ▲ Directly to victory
In OP (omnipotence) and AL (all-love) - OA - your God Sof ♡♡♡ (End page 273)
End 22:30 FO embraces G SF and goes to continue WR TB 14.5 online ♡♡♡
• Session 5 • Sun 2015-12-13 ♡♡♡ London 22:30 WR TB 14.5 online + pic 14.4 pyramid ♡♡♡ 23:50 color + formatting ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ end 2:40 R + proofreading ♡♡♡ end 3:00
14.5 Translation - 20/Dez/15 - 23:00 - 23:40 = 40min (Estimated time of work 1h)
FO Mon 2016-1-11 London 22:00 TB 14.5 English upload + formatting 23:10 AY SY MP concept 1:10 continue TB 14.5 finished 2:00
Listen to Mix - "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
Listen to "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
MD 24 - Sat 2015-12-14 London 4:00 ♡♡♡ FO: Gives thanks for TB 14.5 ♡♡♡ SF, you are a rock - infinitely big - for everyone to hold on to ♡♡♡ Forever ♡♡♡ Good night to FO ♡ SF: Good night Feroniba ♡ Sleep well ♡♡♡ See you in a bit ♡♡♡ FO embraces SF as he goes to bed ♡♡♡ 4:05 bed 4:15 S
11:20 DR encounter with Lucie Jones
MD 25 = TB 14.6 - Sat 2015-12-14 London 17:52-19:42 (davon 18:37-19:08 Conversation with T Tillmann + KI + VE concerning LZ conflict) (Diary-pages 275-278) (TW FW 545 - FG 2012) MD-Platz + IC Frankincense ♡♡♡ 17:52 start MD 25
SF: Hello FO ♡ Today we open the DF or SLF (divine field or soul field) ♡♡♡ Perfection for all - 24/7 ♡♡♡ Our ESs are the basis for the beginning - members expand or change through IVs in accord with all that has been said thus far - New things from the DF or SLF will be added to our works - everyone is invited for the joint co-creation or rearrangement - the field of the souls and of God is opened ♡♡♡
The world-mysticism of times past
Is now freed from projection
The soul speaks the truth
Gods field brings clarity
No one has to walk on water
Or rise from the dead
No sea will be split now
We have to create anew
No master must through ascent into heaven
Prove that he catches sight of God
I reveal myself to all
Even if they are still falling
The omnipotence which permeates the world
All-love through which everything vibrates
Are my eternal parts
And now - mankinf - hold on
Be still for a moment
Be aware of how I send you everything
Which you now want and need
When you immerse in God
Gods field always stands at the ready
So that it frees every human
Whom open for the soul
Always does what I recommend
The world' shines in Gods field
Whether pious - sinner - or hero
Omnipotence and all-love are here
The only life-elixir
Now I counsel you - God Sof
Enter our court
We don't want service nor money
Immerse in Gods field
The truth is always mild
When in Gods realm
Souls reveal themselves
Which keep Gods love
♡♡♡ Aum ♡♡♡ Om ♡♡♡ Amen ♡♡♡
I thank our readers today that they found their way here - and greet our students that they enter the God field - once and forever - Hallelujah ♡♡♡ Now we are united again - like we all in truth have always been and will also remain eternally ♡♡♡
♡♡♡ Gloria ♡♡♡ Hallelujah ♡♡♡ Om ♡♡♡
In omnipotence and all-love - OA - A Ω - Amen - all of yours, God Sof ♡♡♡
End 19:42 FO embraces G SF (End page 277) and continues WR TB 14.6 online ♡♡♡ Beforehand KI T joint plan for us and for the world R + Q + R TB 14.4 + Explanation complete + TB 14.5 + TB 14.6 likewise ♡♡♡ 1:40 Joint plan for TS GR: likes all 8 points, wants to change or add nothing, no participation for now 3:40 KI RP DR + AI ♡ 4:05 HH 4:20 E + WR TB ♡♡♡
• Session 6 • Tue 2015-12-15 ♡♡♡ London 4:20 E + TB 7.4 - 7.7 ♡♡♡ English upload + formatting ♡ 5:05 corrections TB 13 + 14 through TO ♡ 5:20 TB 7 links ♡ 5:40 WR TB 14.6 online ♡♡♡ 6:35 formatting + English WS ♡♡♡ ends 6:45 WA TS ♡♡♡ + proofreading - finished 7:05 proofreading 7:20 end
14.6 - Translation - 20/Dez/15 - 00:00 - 00:45 = 45min (Estimated time of work 1h)
FO Tue 2016-1-12 London 2:00 TB 14.6 English upload + formatting - finished 2:00
Listen to "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡
MD 26 - Tue 2015-12-15 London 7:31 ♡♡♡ FO: Gives thanks for TB 14.5 ♡♡♡ SF, you are a rock - infinitely big - for everyone to hold on to ♡♡♡ Forever ♡♡♡ Good night to FO ♡ SF: Good night Feroniba ♡ Sleep well ♡♡♡ See you in a bit ♡♡♡ FO embraces SF as he goes to bed ♡♡♡ 7:40 bed 7:50 S 13:20 DR meeting with Torsten Hartung (Im Gespräch: Torsten Hartung - - Explanation to Jesus Christ invention of the Romans (Ceasar's Messiah) - he understands it + follows FOs invitation - float to TS together ♡
MD 27 = TB 14.7 - Tue 2015-12-15 London 13:40-16:29 (Diary-pages 275-284) (TW FW 549 - FG 2017) - 13:20 WR DR Torsten Hartung (see above) - 13:25 B + Kids MO (+ Aaron visiting - name of moses' brother in the old testament of the bible :-) MD-spot + IC Kamasutra ♡♡♡ 13:40 start MD 27
SF: Good morning Feroniba ♡♡♡ The essence will be perfected today ♡♡♡ we have concentrated everything:
AO - A Ω - ♡ TS ♡ (upsode-down) - ♡ ♡ (upside-down) - DF (divine field) (GF - godfield) SLF (soul field) - ML (multiple dimensions) PA (paradise) - ST (Seth, satan) GB (angel Gabriel(e)) - GL(Gloria) - AM (angel Amadeus) - G SF (God Sof) ♡♡♡
Now we write the 1st SC (script) through MY-M (mystic master) FO (Feroniba) ♡♡♡
♡♡♡ Gloria ♡♡♡ Hallelujah ♡♡♡ Aum ♡♡♡
That is also the title: ♡♡♡ Gloria ♡♡♡ (upside-down) and CMs (composition) to all images ♡♡♡
♡♡♡ Aum ♡♡♡ Om ♡♡♡ Amen ♡♡♡
And for our Rs (readers), DCs (disciples) and FNs (fans) 10 MTs (mystery tasks - riddles) ♡♡♡
MT 1 • I Ching (YJ, Yi Jing, I Ging), Confucius and Laozi are manifested books of riddles (mysteries) - What is the essence - What is the riddle (mystery) - What is the source (the origin)? (HW LK)
MT 2 • Deduce the essence, the riddle (mystery) and the source (the origin) of the Bible (BB) (HW, LK)
MT 3 • Deduce the essence, the riddle (mystery) and the source (the origin) of the Koran (QU) (HW, LK)
MT 4 • What is the meaning of "The bear is loose - who will capture him again"? (HW, LK)
MT 5 • What is the essence, the riddle (mystery) and the source of the Kabbalah (KH)?
continue to >>> MT 6-10
A youngling wanted to mount the throne
So he learned law and religion
Commands it like no other
But eventually he became a wayfarer (wanderer)
He found a girl which taught him
What his heart most deeply desired
Love which again eternally
Gave him freedom from every wrong track
Now he leads his queen
To the throne - world's highest meaning (sense)
She bore him the most beautiful son
And the daughter was also already following
In love - free and happy -
Everything is possible for them -
They govern (rule) the world
As it pleases God
Most highly loved by all humans
The best is always sifter out
The best become kings
Without having to euphemise (sugar-coat) it
When humans unite (connect to each other)
And together always find
To whom it is due through Godt
That he lead mankind
Only peace rules on earth
And love - only Gods vision
Become joyful
Enthroned - for aeons
back to >>> MT 1-5
MT 6 • Write a poem - a story - a song - a music - paint a picture etc. for God and for the whole world - then another - and another etc. - salvage all treasures which you find in yourself and gift them to God and the world ♡♡♡
MT 7 • Find and describe the meaning of MD (meditation), CB (celibacy) and AU (austerity, austereness) here for the world (HW - LK)
MT 9 • Build a temple for God and the whole world - Here (LK - Link will be inserted) - and now ♡♡♡ MT 10 • ♡♡♡ I Am ♡♡♡ explain the meaning (sense) here (your link will be inserted) ♡♡♡ continue to >>> MT 11-15 We have 14 volumes "We don't need a God The glas always stays filled Gloria and love Separation is abolished (16:11) We conclude our 14th volume and begin the 15th for you ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ Gloria ♡♡♡ A PL (play, stage-play) and SC (script, screen-play) ♡♡♡ Gloria ♡♡♡ Gloria ♡♡♡ Hallelujah ♡♡♡ In All-love (AL) und omnipotence (OP) - AO - A Ω ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ Aum ♡♡♡ Om ♡♡♡ Amen ♡♡♡ All of yours, G SF (Gott Sof) & FO (Feroniba) ♡♡♡ FO bows before God Sof, embraces and kisses his feet, his hands and his entire appearance - in everything - through and through - forever ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ Aum ♡♡♡ Om ♡♡♡ Amen ♡♡♡ In love and submission - all of yours, God Sof's prophet and mysticism-master ♡♡♡ See you in a bit with Gloria (end page 283) and volume 15 (TB 15) ♡♡♡ End 16:29 WR TB 14.7 online ♡♡♡ Wooooooowwwwwww!!!!!!! ♡♡♡ • Session 7 • Tue 2015-12-15 ♡♡♡ London 16:29 WR TB 14.7 online ♡♡♡ End 22:59 table of contents ♡♡♡ 23:25 HH 23:35 E + AY Weekly payoff ♡♡♡ 0:35 TB 8.1 + 8.2 English upload + formatting ♡♡♡ + TB 8 complete formatting - end 2:25 TB 8.3 English upload + formatting ♡♡♡ end 2:40 TB 15 WS + English ♡♡♡ 3:45 14.7 - Translation - 20/Dez/15 - 01:00 - 01:30 = 1h30min (Estimated time of work 2h) • Session 1 • Sun 2015-11-29 London 12:10-13:55 WR MD 57 = TB 13.1 - 11:38 HH 12:10 E + WR TB 13.1 ♡♡♡ fertig online 13:55 WA TS AY 14:05 color - fertig 16:15 proofreading 16:30
Gifted to the world by God
Now the book comes to an end
And no one thinks anymore:
Love and faith break"
For universe - mysticism - light
Show us his face
Lack is for all and sundry (from pillar to post)
Mysticism is revealed
God is among us again
God's angel-flock
Far from the realm of urges
Are now manifest
Everything love-entwined
Truth is set right
Heavenward - God is above
with MU CMs (music compositions)
by G SF (God Sof) and FO (Feroniba)
for the freedom of all people in the world
in AO (all-love and omnipotence) -
in the GF (god-field) ♡♡♡
FO Thu 2016-1-14 London 20:40-22:00 TB 14.7 English upload + formattingContinue to >>> Terasof Book 15 ♡♡♡