Terasof Book 19


Terasof Book 19

PPC (part-personality coordinator) or mastermind

by God Sof and Feroniba

German Original

English translations coming soon by Arysoth ♡


Chapter 1 -

Chapter 2 -

♡ Listen to "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡


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Chapter 1 -

We want to thank Arysoth very much indeed for this wonderful English translation - well done! ♡♡♡

Deutsches Original

Listen to Guqin - 古琴 Ancient Stringed Instrument --- From: Mix - "Guqin" The Musical Instrument of the Wise ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡

Happiness on Earth

Deutsche Übersetzung demnächst ♡

♡ Listen to Harold Budd and Brian Eno - The Pearl (1984) ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡

Session 1 • Start Wed 2016-3-23 London 17:00-18:30

Part 1 • Hello and welcome ♡ - Purpose and aim of "Happiness on Earth"

Hello ♡ I am Feroniba, the author of "Happiness on Earth", born 1962-9-8 in Hamburg, Germany at 9:50 am.
This book has only one purpose: to prove (to) every reader that happiness on earth is possible, now, for everyone, and for all humanity together - and the aim is to manifest happiness on earth - starting with us, Feroniba, his three kids (Gabriel, born 2009-12-20 in London, UK, and the twins Moses and Sofie, born 2013-10-23 in Berlin, Germany, and all members, friends and fans of the Terasof group at terasof.com. Welcome ♡

Here is the first list what we will focus on - all the basic objects which we need to manifest happiness on earth for everyone who wishes to have it:

The basic objects to manifest happiness on earth

1 • Our self - our soul, mind and body in perfect health (continued 21:40-22:45)
2 • Understanding and connecting with God, angels, masters, paradise, and the mortal sphere
3 • Understanding and living love - perfect handling of people who destroy love
4 • Discipline for all necessities
5 • Personal exchange with and caring for persons we choose as our closer friends, partners, family etc. - our personal group members

6 • All support for living and habitation, sleep, diet, hygiene, medical and health care, fitness, wellness, knowledge, education, communication, travel etc.
7 • Education in everything we love full-hearted
8 • Perfect environment, nature, technology etc.
9 • Group organization or state, rules and laws, finance system, security, research and development etc.

That is all we need to be happy on earth, and we can even reduce our list individually if we wish so. Item 1-5 can be done by our selves without external help, costs etc. For items 6-9 connections to and work with others are needed.

... To be continued soon ...

Sessions for "Happiness on Earth"

Session 1 • Start Wed 2016-3-23 London 17:00-18:30 - continued 21:40-22:45


Brain research + science about earth's future - ideal schools and education - media

Harald Lesch | Die Welt in 100 Jahren - Harald Lesch - Physiker WP
Hatte die Welt einen Anfang, den Urknall? | Harald Lesch
Schwarze Löcher - Stand 2015 | Josef Gaßner
Die Welt in 100 Jahren | Gerald Hüther - Gehirnforscher - Gerald Hüther WP
Was macht uns glücklich? - Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther - Hirnforschung - Public Health
Gerald Hüther über die Fehler in unserem Schulsystem 01.02.13
Gerald Hüther: Belohnung ist genauso falsch wie Bestrafung
Das selbstorganisierte Kind - Hirnforscher - Gerald Huether (Vera Videoblog)
Wie Kinderseelen vergiftet werden
Wie man Kinder & Jugendliche inspirieren kann - Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerald Hüther im Interview
Selbst-Bewusstsein und Co-Kreativität – Dr. Gerald Hüther
Gerald Hüther: Sind wir Kinder der Liebe - 34:15 Erziehung beginnt falsch durch Behandlung als Objekt, 1. Antwort: blöde Mama, usw. dann durch alle Kulturen :-( - 37:00 später dann 2. fatale Reaktion: Ich bin blöd ;-((.. - gut dabei: man geht reicher ins Leben, auch: es ist nie zu spät eine 2. Kindheit zu beginnen :-) 39:00 man muss ein paar Leute finden mit denen man aufhört die Objekt-Beziehung zu pflegen - Beziehung kann auch negativ sein, Begegnung ist positiv - lernen aus sich selbst heraus bedeutsam zu sein, nicht nötig haben anderen zu beweisen wie wichtig man ist - 40:40 wer sich selbst bedeutsam genug ist muss nicht noch mehr davon haben - 41:30 man kann jederzeit, auch mit 80 noch versuchen jemanden zu finden zum PE ♡ - jeder weiß immer innerlich wie es eigentlich sein müsste, weil wir dies aus der Kindheit erinnern - durch den Vergleich mit diesen alten erfahrenen Idealen sieht man erst den Fehler, nur behandelt anstatt gesehen zu werden - 43:00 Inneres Gold wurde durch Mist bedeckt, aus Selbstschutz selbst bewirkt, wenn es uns gelingt es wieder frei zu legen durch Begegnung ist es wie Tiefbohrung durch den Mist, wenn Goldklumpen wieder erreicht ist leuchtet er und wir wissen jetzt ist es wieder richtig ♡ Lust auf's Leben entsteht wieder :-) Dieser Wachstumsprozess vollzieht sich aus der Verbundenheit heraus - in 2er Beziehung möglich oder Gemeinschaft von 5-6 oder 20 oder mehr Leuten :-) Kohärenz entsteht - 45:00 Herstellung hierarchischer Beziehungen war im Krieg etc. wichtig, einer sagt wo es lang geht, denn subjektiv würde das nicht funktionieren - so kommt man sich als Objekt selbst nicht mehr bedeutsam vor - ein Druck entsteht, das Bedürfnis gesehen zu werden, man will sich extrem zeigen aus Mangel - höchste Bedeutung erlangt man als Gewinner, in einer Gemeinschaft von Ähnlichen als Oberhahn, Anführer - Einzelkämpfer entstehen die versuchen sich auf Kosten anderer durchzusetzen - Wettbewerb entsteht - dies seit paar tausend Jahren schon gemacht - so haben wir uns wie die anfgangs erwähnten Einzeller, Pantoffeltierchen, zu Genüge bewiesen - Wissenschaftler, Nobelpreisträger, Fernsehstar, Fußballer, im Guten wie im Schlechten - 48:30 Deckeneffekt: Wie wenn man beim Hochsprung 2.10 m erreicht hat dann besser seine Kraft mit anderen Dingen beschäftigen als dauernd zu versuchen das noch zu toppen - nicht mehr nötig wie Hitler zu beweisen was ein Einzelner allein schaffen kann - ok um technische Revolution zu erleben etc., aber irgendwann ist es auch genug - Menschen spüren dies immer mehr, daher solche Veranstaltungen wie diese möglich - Wirklich möglich dies zu lösen, auch wenn nur 2 PE machen wie Pantoffeltierchen, nur bisschen länger, dann doppeltes Hirn, bei 5 Leuten 5-fach etc., aber nur wenn nicht einer den anderen sagen will wo es lang geht, also müssen diese andere Kultur des PEs erst noch erfinden, das ist jetzt das Spannende - 50:30 wir haben ja solche Bezienhungen noch garnicht, die meisten Paar-Bez. klappen nicht, es wird noch überlegt ob Konkurrenz besser ist als Kooperation, obwohl Menschheit ahnt worauf es hinaus gehen kann, trotzdem ist Kooperations-GR noch nicht auf der Ebene sich als Subjekt zu begegnen, benutzen sich leider immer noch gegenseitig - 51:30 wir müssen es erst noch herausfinden wie es geht, so ist die Natur immer - Das Verständnis hierzu ist der Anfang es nun langsam durch Ausprobieren und Erleben herauszufinden - 52:20 Akademie für Potentialentfaltung und Gemeinschaften druch Hüther gegründet - auch Schule im Aufbruch -
Die Welt in 100 Jahren | Trailer
Kritik an Gerald Hüther u.a.: Die Stunde der Propheten
Interview - Udo Ulfkotte: MEDIENMANIPULATION-/VERBRECHEN in der aktuellen Weltlage | 9.1.16 | kla.tv
Raus aus Merkels Irrenhaus: Selbst-Befreiung durch freie Gemeinden - Wolfgang Eggert im NuoViso Talk
Der Tag an dem es zu viele Menschen gibt (Doku 2012)
Mythos Überbevölkerung? - Verblüffende Fakten zur Welt von morgen (Doku in HD)

Global warming

Climate Change Explained
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! President Obama says "Climate Change (Chaos) is Here" - Aug 31, 2015 - 1:00 Alaska rising 6-12º end of century - 1:30 swallowing island community already
Military Preparing For CLIMATE CHAOS (ends September 24 2015) - French foreign minister 500 days to prepare for climate change - 0:50 Obama Climate change is happening (May 20, 2015) - CO2 caused by humans, climate higher than last 800.000 years 1:35 Miami flood high tide - 1 foot sea leve rise will cost US 200 billion $ - will impact every country in the world - impact how military defends country - act now -
My Visit to Alaska: Touching Down in Anchorage - Obama
President Obama's Climate Change Speech
President Obama - Feb 6th, 2016 - video caption - Address Challenge of Climate Change
President Obama's Climate Change Goal
Obama: Donald Trump won't be president
SEPTEMBER 23-2015 CLIMATE CHAOS - French Foreign Minister Says We Have 500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos
The Consequences of Global Warming On Glaciers and Sea Levels
Global warming WP
Five-Year Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2013
TimeLapse: Watch 27 Years of 'Old' Arctic Ice Melt Away in Seconds
Ward Hunt Ice Shelf WP
Antarctica's Ice on the Move - Antarctica's Climate Secrets
Earth Under Water in 2040 HD Documentary 2015 - 22:00 120m sea level rise afer last ice age - rising 20m in 500 years = 4-5m in each 100 years

Eine unbequeme Wahrheit (Trailer Deutsch)
Eine unbequeme Wahrheit Teil 1 - Globale Erwärmung - WP
Al Gore: The Case for Optimism on Climate Change (TED 2016)
The case for optimism on climate change | Al Gore
Al Gore: 'climate change deniers won't win' | Guardian Interviews
The Future - Al Gore Interview
Al Gore and Neil Young - Reimagine. Everything. Dreamforce 2014
Symphony of Science: Al Gore on Climate Reality
What the Earth would look like if all the ice melted
Sea Level Rise Animation in Google Earth
RockWorks: EarthApps - Sea Level Rise Simulations (RockWorks16) - 61 m
Sea level rise in Northern Europe - 80 m
South Florida's Rising Seas - Sea Level Rise Documentary
What Europe would look like if all the Earth's ice melted - ocean +66 meters - hundreds of million people have to migrate
Scientists warn of sea level rise as Antarctic glacier melts
WORLD FLOOD 2016: West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting [MUST SEE]
The Great Meltdown - Antartica
Global Warming - Antarctica Ice
Future Sea Level Rise: Top 10 Countries In Danger - +80 meters - climatecentral.org
10 Countries That May Not Survive The Next 20 Years
10 Safest Countries If WW3 Breaks Out
History of Europe - 6013 years in 3 minutes
Antarctica Melting 60% Faster Than Expected
Arctic sea ICE is melting at a record HIGH
Oscars 2016 Leonardo DiCaprio Wins best Actor - Speech 2016 VOSTFR [HD] QUALITY
Video Shows Dramatic Change In Arctic's Melting Ice Over 25 Years
WORLD FLOOD 2016: West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting [MUST SEE]
First the Arctic, now Greenland's Ice is Melting...
Amazing Documentary HD ✪ Greenland is Melting Global Warming✪Science Documentary 2015
Greenland ice sheet WP - 1979-2002 16% melting - 2006 239 cubic kilometers per year - 2003-2008 195 cubic kilometers per year - if entire 2.850.000 melt, global sea level will rise 7.2 meter - this century will be 3º-9º - may cause disruption of Thermohaline circulation (Gulf stream etc.)
Arctic WP - Climate Change: Catlin Arctic Survey concluded summer ice loss around 2029, but it has been apparent though since 2007 that models grossly underestimate sea ice loss - 1980 33.5-17 thousand cubic kilometer, 2013 23-4 t. c-km, decreasing in an accelerated way - complete ice-free in 30 years
Effects of global warming WP - more than 1/6 of worlds population rely on glaciers for water supply
Sea level rise WP - Antarctica would contribute more than 61.1 m sea-level rise, Greenland 7.2 m, both together 68,3 m - more than 2/3 of big cities of the world (634 million people - Venice, London, New York, New Orleans, Amsterdam, Miami, Florida etc.) live in this zone
Thermohaline circulation WP (Gulf stream etc.)
Melting Ice Caps: One Scientist's Point of View
(HD) What if the Earth STOPS Spinning- (Full Documentary)

Contra global warming - moon landing

What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change - Patrick Moore, Co-Founder of Greenpeace for Prager University
President Obama destroys Republicans over Climate Change!! - Republicans on Climate Change
Die Klimalüge Teil 1
LÜCKENLOS entlarvt - Klimawandel - Klimaschwindel - Lehrfilm über die Treibhauseffekt- und CO2-Lüge
Dr Fred Goldberg Squashes Climate Alarmism ♡♡♡ ♡ ♡♡♡ - 1:30 Glacier warming peaks: 420.000 years before, 330.000, 240.000, 130.000, 1977 to persent - last periods were all warmer, media is lying that this one is the hottest - 3:30 climate hot peaks last 4000 years: 3.300 years ago Brons age, 2.100 yrs ago Romans, 950 years ago Medieval, 2016 today - 4:30 last 150 years 1940 first peak above 0º C, 1952, 1960, 1977 complete growing over 0º C - 4:50 founder of IPCC Bert Bolin says (5:00) it is a natural (?) warming caused by human submitting (?) CO2 - Fred Goldberg asks him about water vapor (Dampf) causing greenhouse effect (Treibhaus-Effekt), he says 90%, so he admitted finally CO2 is not the cause because only 5% - 7:50 what really happend: Soviet Union collapsed 1989, measurements failed because of leaking control, 30% landstations, no ocean-stations - 9:14 Urban effect - 11:00 airports measurements collect heat from planes taking off or landing - 12:20 manipulation of temperature data, Australia-New Zealand shows last decades increasing, corrections show flat line - 12:30 there is no global temperature, only northern hemisphere averege and southern (constant for last 100 years because of cold water circulating around Antarctica) - northern hemisphere changes due to solar effects and ocean currency (?) - 13.15 diagram of warming via 70 measurements including sattelites and balloons - 13:40 IPCC said 2007: 90% shure that humans effect warming, 2014: 95% shure 14:20 why climate models are not good: missing cloud formations and it's effect on climate and water vapor causing greenhouse effect - climate is a chaotic system, can't be modelled - 16:20 only measurement can be made by sattelites, shows no global warming since 18 years, since then we emitted 500 billion tons of CO2 - still media say poles melting accellerating - 19:30 greenhouse gas definition = gas absorbing infrared and leaving Earth's surface - water vapor 95% diagram - 23:00 eco system diagram CO2 etc. - 24:30 28% of CO2 absorbed yearly naturally, human addition is only 4% of it - 25:20 total human emissions per year 22 billion tons CO2, absorbed by atmosphere and biomass in 15 days - real human CO2 share of greenhouse effect 0,06% - 26:10 atmosphere not warming up by emitting CO2, diagrams - 27:40 saturation effect - 30:30 warming during the last 100 years from 290 ppm to 400 ppm caused by warming of oceans due to natural climate improvement after little Ice Age - 31:40 diagram shows at 5º 3g absorbtion of CO2, at 25º absorbs only 1,5 g, therefore at producing minelral water temperature shound be 5º to pump in CO2 and be absorbed - oceans pumping in and out - 40:00 Factors which control climate change: solar activity influences magnetosphere - ocean currents PDO - volcanic eruptions - 41:50 climate in future: little ice age for 20-30 years - 46:50 Q & A:
Fred Goldberg - ICCC9 July 8, 2014 - 9:00 60% decrease of ice per year is normal - 13:40 increase decrease 1850-2015 - 14:15 caused by sun, diagram - 15:10 prepare for cold future, isolate houses - polar bears are saved :-)
Die Mond Lüge
The Truth Behind The Moon Landings
Total Video Proof of Moon Landing hoax Released 2015 ! || Why NASA is silent ?
Alpha Centauri 105 5x20 War die Mondlandung echt gestellt Prof Harald Lesch Doku

Illuminati etc.

Illuminati WP - New World Order (conspiracy theory) WP
Illuminati Wife Tells All - Part 1 of 4 - 1:45 Grandfather knew all
Illuminati Wife Tells All - Part 2 of 4
- Katherine Pollard "Kay" Griggs, wife of Colonel George Griggs
Illuminati Wife Tells All - Part 3 of 4 - 47:45 Bermuda Kabbalah Israel New Yirk Bankers Pentagon no morality, focus only on sex, homosexual history 1:22:00 Vietnam - Nazi Germany techniques, Hitler, SS in US 1:45:00 computers as tools 1:57:00 world control, white house whithout presidents needing to know about that
Kay Griggs - Sleeping With The Enemy - 8:30 Sarah McClendon - ca. 18:00 General Stiner Home Grown TV shot
The clique of Colonel George Griggs - According to wife, Kay Griggs - Based on Kay Grigg's 8 hour interview (1998) - List plus biographies put together by Joël van der Reijden, ISGP
The Kay Griggs account in question
God Called me out of my Illuminati Family - Amazing Testimony! by Mark Cleminson - Book: The New Age Movement and the Illuminati - Ancient Prophecies About The Dragon the Beast and the False Prophet by William Josiah Sutton --- 9:00 William Booth, 33rd degree Freemason, founded and led The Salvation Army, Logo and sponsor Nathaniel Rothschild 10:45 largest branch in India dealing Opium - grandfather taught by Jesuits in Himalayas - father and uncle born there and went to same mystery schools 11:30 grandfather became leader of white lodge of Freemasonry, passed to son and grandson = speaker Mark Cleminson 12:30 corruptions 13:15 monks levitating 100m high, teachings Luciferianism, symbol of yin yang, becoming mahatmas through incarnations - 16:00 Freemason wants to come out through Mark - Illuminati meaning, conspiracy, cell of Freemasonry and Jacobinism itself 19:30 masons in Vatican 1798 - 20:00 John Wilkes Booth killer of Lincoln 3.4.1865 - Illuminaty and Rothschild 22:00 Freemasonry headquarters Washington D.C., 13 blocks from White House, Washington grid patterns masonic, shall become new Atlantis - 24:00 33rd degree must obey and accept Lucifer 31:30 apron of lamb skin 32:20 Mark was levitating TM + telekenesis, astral projection etc., all from Satan - 37:00 coming out of Masonry, meeting Anubis, God of underworld - says he owns his soul, but Mark says no, joined God - Anubis disappears - father calls, says don't leave or you end up with a bullet in your head - but didn't happen 40:30 soon totally black and white: religious and nonreligious people - Hermes, son of Herm, who is son of Noah, became drunk and slept with father - Nimrod first Mason -
Society of Jesus - Jesuits
Kay Griggs
Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings" - Johnny Gosch WP - 39:30 people behind 9/11 etc. in US Government - Oclahoma bombing 1995 - 51:50 9/11 - 1:002:55 4 million satanists in USA today, 50-60.000 human dscrifices per year - Ted Gunderson, speaker
The Bleeping Truth Rare Interview with Ted Gunderson - 23:00 people come to T.G. to come out of satanic groups - 23:44 human sacrifices, 4 million satanists, 1.5% of US papulation, 700.000 kids kidnapped per year, 50.000 $ per child bid, use for sex slaves, body parts, sacrifices - 23:20 White House children import -
Who are The Illuminati and What Do They Want? Full Explanation - 2:40 illuminati blood lines
ILLUMINATI PLANS 2016 - To Kill Billion People ( NEW WORLD ORDER )
Lady Gaga EXPOSES the Illuminati and the Facebook Transhuman Agenda
Illuminati Exposed - Donald Trump Admitting Everything is a lie
Donald Trump exposes The Illuminati MUST SEE!!!!!! - 7:00 personal no drugs, nice person
5 Most Powerful Families That Secretly Control The World
The Rothschild Conspiracy Explained in 4 Minutes
Rothschild family full HD Documentary 2016
Why the world’s richest families are not included in Forbes’ Rich List
The Dynasties - Forbes
Chinese Mafia destroy Illuminati - Interview with D. Rockefeller - Benjamin Fulford - 17:15 Asians want peace, not European made war
Ex-Illuminati Satanist Speaks Out (Child Sacrifice)
Satanic High Priest's Daughter (Warning: Not for Children)
Some 100% pure uncut highgrade quality Satan Worship for your Mind One Time
Secret Sex Rituals of the Illuminati Exposed Part I - Part II
Illuminati Satanist LL Cool J shows the mental shortcomings of Freemasonry
Drake Illuminati Blood Sacrifice exposed 2015
Dead Babies In Your Food, Drinks & Makeup Illuminati Exposed! 2015

Gregor Gysi - Es gibt kluge Reiche, und es gibt doofe Reiche - Gregor Gysi über Rebellion & Revolution (+ eure Fragen) - Jung & Naiv: Folge 256
Zika virus WP - The Devastating Zika Virus Explained - The Truth Behind the Zika Virus


History of Freemasonry WP
Sir Tony Robinson sheds light on some common myths about Freemasonry
Enter the secret world of the Freemasons
Minister Farrakhan Exposes The Secrets of Freemasonry (1 of 2) (Feb 27, 2011) - ( 2 of 2) - Louis Farrakhan WP - Nation of Islam (NOI) WP
Masonic_bodies WP
Shriners WP
A former 32nd degree Freemason 1/4
Inside The Freemason's Brotherhood - Ep. ONE (Part 1 of 3)


Nach 09/11: Sicherheit und Bürgerrechte - W. Kaleck
Mit Recht gegen die Macht – Wie ein Anwalt weltweit gegen Folter und Ausbeutung kämpft 22.11.2015

Floating houses and cities, cave houses

Unbelievable Future Floating City #Mind Blow (full Documentary) 2015
"Future Earth 2050" #Mind Blow [Full Documentary] - New Orleans, Amsterdam etc. - 8:00 turn plants into fuel etc., cure Malaria - 12:00 technical photosinthesis - 12:55 split H2O in H2 O2 and produce simultaneously fuel
Japan to build cities in the ocean
Unbelievable Floating Architectural Structures
An Island made from plastic bottles by Richart Sowa
Home with 360-degree ocean views for $3,600
Live in a cave home

Living in space

Future Earth Like Planet - where People will Live (Full Documentary) - Space

Stock market - business

The World's Most Valuable Brands - List, Forbes - The World's Billionaires
The Three Things That Took Me Off My Couch - tailopez.com - Tai Lopez Show: Secret Art Of Networking, David Bowie, Messi, & Golden Globes w/ Kenna & Charlotte


Meditation: Eckhart Tolle - 20:30 sence perceptions, acknowledging, appreciating, feeling the energy-field in the body, feelings, thoughts, spaces inbetween, conciousness, deeper dimensions, 25:30 awaremess to be aware 30:30 false identity of self, ego 33:00 emtiness
Eckhart Tolle,Dalai Lama,Desmond Tutu & authors. - " Educating the Heart and Mind-Creativity"
Transcendental Meditation Technique - A Complete Introduction
Eckhart Tolle gets personal- dont miss!!!
Mantra and Transcendental Meditation explained by Maharishi
Unsterblich?! – „Endloses Bewusstsein“ außerhalb des Körpers
georgrieder.com - Georg Rieder - Der Mann mit dem Röntgenblick - bei Sat1 Phantastische Phänomene
Das Licht der Ewigkeit - Russen lassen Organe und Zähne nachwachsen 1/5
Wie sieht es im Jenseits aus Doku


[HD] Cheryl Cole - Access All Areas - Official FULL Tour Documenatry - Cheryl A Million Lights Tour DVD Full
Stevie Wonder's full interview about Prince
Stevie Wonder reflects on Prince's love for human kind, equality
Prince 'Purple Rain' Oscar Speech


Floating Houses

eco houseboats building companies london UK - GO
Buyer’s guide: Houseboats

Floating Cities

seasteading.org - Seasteading WP
The Environmental Island -GREEN FLOAT- - Shimizu Corporation WP
atdesignoffice.com London - Hong Kong etc.


• Session 1 • ...


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